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Everything posted by AlphaKerman

  1. Exactly what i thought! Even though ITS design revealed in late 2016, that movie was built way before that. Either Elon give them a clue of the design or its a coincidence. spoiler alert: Yep, Elon Musk is in the show And here a cut from the movie about SpaceX first landing Just look his excitement
  2. Is it ok to use Real Fuel and SMURFF together? Or i just have to use one? As far as i know, SMURFF only change the tank dry mass. Thanks
  3. What do you mean by compatible? It's two different mods. And yes, i do played both and they just worked perfectly . And second, i don't know about that, but i think @Kartoffelkuchen would focus on SpaceX and ULA launcher only. But i would suggest you to just built your own Atlas II with FASA's or Bluedog's 1 1/2 stage Atlas topped with Centaur stages. The fairing is the same (short) 4m ones. Done that long time ago.
  4. Sorry, I'm a bit confused. Which one that i should download (with the best compatibility) for 1.2?u
  5. Nope Now i just had an idea what if Raptor used in the first stage. Wait...., i should do an experiment for a moment . I'll be back later...
  6. Probably scaled-down Raptor engine (as Elon says it's scalable). The ITS Raptor is just overpowered
  7. Wow, might need a bigger VAB *note: really, i wonder how big will ITS assembly building will be
  8. Be patient, it's weekend. They might still having vacation outside. Btw about your problem, I'm not an expert. But have you tried to reinstall the mod as there might be some parts missing / corrupted, try to re-download it. What version of KSP are you currently using? Use the proper version of the mod as there incompatibility with the game. Sorry, that's all I can help
  9. Please also add TAC LS in the hab module . Or is there any way manually adding it? Sorry, I forgot that i had ask the question before. My fault
  10. Aw yeah, that's it! Just what I needed. Thanks all you guys!
  11. Well, I believe i saw mod parts of a half-hollow cylinder that two of them can make a round Briz M-like parts long-long time ago. It might be outdated though. So I'm asking does anyone know that, or other mods that can replicate it. Thanks
  12. Is there any mods that can repliate Russian Briz-M / Breeze-M drop tanks? Like this: Thanks
  13. Yep, I did. The problem is that the cloud height starts at random height (all above 50km), so I have to tweak the altitude every time .
  14. Hi, me again.. I've managed to adjust thecloud height with the gui (ALT+0) and it works. But the problem is every time i load the game, it resetting back to the previous (too high) altitude. Is it normal? (I've to readjust the cloud height every time load the game). Thanks
  15. Just to let you guys know, GOES R will use one of the most reliable spacecraft bus, the Lockheed A2100. And it's also the same bus that will be used for the next generation GPS (GPS III) satellites Wishes all the best
  16. Yay, that's it! I just searching it on my YouTube favorite list. Thanks!
  17. As you open for suggestions , i present you here XRS - 2200 linear aerospike engine. This picture shown it firing for 90 seconds on August 6, 2001. It's one of a kind that had been built and fully tested engine. Originally built for Lockheed Martin X-33. Not much people know it's exist, though ksp player will mostly know it (yay, aerospike!) I've seen it's video somewhere, i will search it and posted it here later.
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