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Everything posted by Spricigo

  1. @Streetwind I don't follow the rule but I'm not against teaching the rule to newcomers. One need to learn the rule before learning how to get away with breaking the rule. Still, it wasn't of much use for me even when I started. Maybe because I have that unusual preference for fire-and-forget rockets?
  2. *cough* https://kerbalx.com/Spricigo/hellix08s-Moon-Satellite This one was "almost by mistake". Being way overpowered, it illustrate what Streewind said: Which is why I don't follow the "moderate launchpad TWR" rule of thumbs people so often repeat in the forums. One can get away with much more than "about 1.5" if most of it comes from cheap SRBs that will be discarded before smashing into the atmosphere (e.g. 3.6 n the first linked craft).
  3. Sorry to be blunt but if that is your experience It only means you are doing something wrong, Every single rocket I put in orbit in KSP is by automatic gravity turn: tilt the rocket in the editor, launch with SAS on hold attitude, switch to hold prograde to start the turn. The only reason to not use hold prograde is because it's unavailable, and then the rocket follows prograde anyway.
  4. That is the procedure. A more powerful rocket will just turn more aggressively (and/or throttle down), while a less powerful rocket will be even more gentle. Because to get in orbit you just need lateral velocity (a lot) but you cannot go sideways immediately because the ground and atmosphere are in the way. You also don't want to go all the way up and make a 90 degree turn because 1)that is the long way, 2)can't do it fast enough. So, we what lets us go sideways as soon as possible, without terrain or atmosphere getting in the way. Do you mean I shouldn't be doing thing like https://kerbalx.com/Spricigo/Yuri250-70 ?
  5. Maybe we should agree to disagree. I'm not conceding that LY-01/LY05 being bugged like any other wheel in the game is a issue with early aviation.
  6. Not at all. You need later parts to build bigger, faster planes. For a good basic plane, aviation is enough.
  7. If you didn't found this classic yet: Just ignore the part about drag.
  8. A Picture of the lander would help us figure out this. Usually, vessels jumping when loading is elated with landing legs/gears. Try to change the spring settings and see if that solve your problem.
  9. Tenta o seguinte: aperta ALT+F12, vai abrir a tela de debug, nesta tela abre a aba "Imput locks" e clica no botão "Clear Imput Locks" Caso isso não funcionar tenta explicar melhor o que está acontecendo, se é só na VAB ou se está tendo o mesmo problema no Hangar e Complexo dos astronautas; se você está usando algum mod; qual versão do KSP você está usando e assim por dante. Quanto mais informação você der mais facil fica de te ajudar. Ah, e se você conseguir resolver o problema avisa também como foi e marca um das respostas como a 'correta' que ajuda se alguém estiver buscando no forum com um problema parecido. Translation by Spricigo's Laziness*: Try to clear input locks, if that don't work give us more info, if it does mark the question as answered. * Question for the moderators: Is that kind of translation OK?
  10. I supposed "reading the wiki" and "watching youtube tutorials" are not the answers you are looking for. What can I say? Devs decided to make a game where you learn by messing with the things...*shrugs*
  11. Why not? The Oberth Effect is nothing more than a result of how much kinetic energy the craft have at the moment it executes a maneuver.
  12. Well, you also risk to trigger Streisand_effect. Personally, I think that idea and the one in the OP are odd ways to deorbit a spent stages, even if it works. Why even bring to orbit something and , as soon as you get it there, deorbit it without recovering? Just drop it before circularizing and let the Kraken take care of it.
  13. Math is very important in KSP but we don't do it ourselves so often for 2 reason: 1.Someone already did and shared. 2.There is a mod/tool.
  14. Keep in mind that there is a good reason for the unrealistic rotation/momentum in KSP.
  15. Yep! It seems the OP done so many of those that the game think "that is the kind he likes, let's offer more of it." Declining a bunch will show what you really think about those stinky survey contracts. Meanwhile, if you don't mind borrowing someone else craft to practice: KarlJatho (not the fastest plane but since I only use for gathering science near ksc in early career, that is not a problem to me, easy to fly and easy to land) , P-99.(This one can cruise supersonic..if you manage to take off with the wheel issues currently affecting it)
  16. Different people have different ideas about how to use SSTOs, so the tips will vary accordingly. Also, I guess you mean SSTO Spaceplanes. I can point you to the good advice I received when asked a similar question. Some points I come to after considering all that and experimenting(some personal preference there, take with a grain of salt): DON'T PANIC! Learn how to design/fly regular planes before trying spaceplanes. Don't overlook panthers+chemical rockets spaceplanes. they are quite capable and useful in a career game. Design your Spaceplane to delivery whatever you'll use in space to orbit and go back to KSC. Jet engines and Wings are useless in space. Design with a health Thrust. "Efficiency" means nothing if you don't have the Thrust to use it. Don't expect to fix with piloting what is a design problem. You don't choose an optimal flight profile, you find the one designed in your craft. Above a certain height your plane will be just like another rocket, that is how you should fly it. Below that heigh your top priority is to avoid drag, there is draggy craft there is draggy piloting. Wings can be a bit draggy but you need some. Changing attitute tend to be draggy. Do only as needed and be gentle. Anyways, as I said back in 2016: is very craft-dependent. For the problem you have with your actual spaceplane we can offer better advice if we can take a look at the craft.
  17. Whatever you brought to the station this time, fill it up and send to Moho. But that was not what you wanted, you wanted a tanker that could carry all fuel needed to Moho in one go. Seems to be a lot of fuel, so you need a huge tanker. Which is kind of the idea when designing a tanker. Yes, in this case bigger is better*, go BIG or go home. I suppose your refueling station get the fuel from somewhere other than Kerbin (Minmus?). If that is the case(and probably even if is not) don't downsize your tanker just because you can't launch and reach the station fully fueled, that is not what this craft is supposed to do**. Just put that huge tanker in orbit, even if you need to use the last drop of fuel, including any fuel in the tanker itself, to get your periapsis above the atmosphere. Keep in mind that your TWR increases as you burn fuel and the atmosphere above 20 km is almost vacuum, which means is possible you can use the tankers engine for a good chunk of the ascent, saving some engines in the lower stage (or allowing to launch an even bigger tanker) In the next iterations of the launch vehicle: 1.Make so your lower stages drain from the top central stack, the tanker itself. (enable crossfeed) 2.Remove the now unnecessary fuel tanks from the lower stages 3.Increase the fuel tanks in the top central stack (leave it empty if that fuel is not necessary to the launch) 4. Repeat 2 and 3 as needed, adjusting the engines of the launch vehicle accordingly. The launcher vehicle will look somewhat like this: *The tanks, everything else should be kept small to allow MOAR FUEL!!! delivered. **A craft for each task, if needed design and build a big fuel lifter.
  18. Ideally the tanker you are launching from Kerbin reach the refuelling station with empty tanks, since it goes there to refill before the trip to Moho. Which mean that during launch you may use those tanks to carry the fuel for lower stages, eliminating the need of fuel tanks in the lower stage itself. To achieve this just enable crossfeed in the decoupler (need Advanced Tweakables enabled in difficult settings) or put some External Fuel Ducts. Don't try to do everything in a single ship because that will bring inefficiencies. Design a optimized ship for each task.
  19. a Mod. Highly probable to be overkill for what the OP needs.
  20. A good refuelling tank is a combination of all the tanks you may need with the most efficient engine you can support the lack of thrust. Other then that is a matter of reducing the need for refuelling (optimizing the crafts that need it and the logistics of refuelling). If for some reason you don't want to set up a mining base on Moho, consider Minmus instead (or Gilly from where the transfer to Moho will be cheaper) that way you at least cut the problematic launching from Kerbin.
  21. Actually, any reply to user KhanRa become irrelevant to him in 2014 when he stopped to visit this forums. More so if is a "correction" of something he was not wrong.
  22. Mind you, there is no wind in ksp, so airspeed is surface speed. But you can find some useful information in the aeroGUI, to turn it on go to the debug menu in Physics/Aero. And you may also find some useful information in mods like KER and MechJeb.
  23. The thing to consider: if you let the satellite there, the eventual Adjust Orbit contract will pay for the deep space probe, which will be more efficient since it goes directly to where is intended to go. For a equatorial Orbit the loss of efficiency may be small enough to be offset by the convenience of launching all in one go. Personally I don't mind an extra launch (it's mostly automated anyway)
  24. So, consider satellites. The typical satellite contract offer three times what is needed to build the satellite and launch vehicle in advance and triple of that as rewards, if you have the right parts (namely the ant engine, small tanks and fairing) you can build a standard satellite that can be launched from a hammer SRB and go anywhere in Kerbin SoI with spare fuel for 2 ou 3 "adjust orbit" contracts. Tourists can give more per trip, once you have a reliable "tour Bus" but satellites are very profitable too.
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