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Everything posted by Spricigo

  1. EU sou o Juiz. E te sentencio ao banimento por sua blasfema, sua heresia e, principalmente, por ser um badernista. Pois assim disse o profeta do escolhido, @luizopiloto
  2. @klgraham1013 I didn't ask for a rant about what you don't like in the game, I asked how do you think the decisions about the game design are made. In any case the devs decided somehow, if that was by racional analyses, divine inspirations or a raffle don't really matter. The point is that having The Stock System offer some advantages that the devs may want to keep and any proposal to change it need to take that in consideration.
  3. The only thing we can say @Temstar is denying, is his own participation in this forum. The fact that his last visit was two years ago makes pretty hard to get a response from him. Given that I also prefer the stock game without the kind of automation provided by MechJeb, maybe my arguments may be enough for you. I don't want to deny MechJeb to others. If you want MechJeb you can find it here. I also don't want to prevent the devs to work in whatever features they decide to include in the stock game. That said, an autopilot will have no effect for me, while some other features will be appreciated.
  4. Yeah. Because everything in the game was well thought out and is there for a reason. #jokes If you have a different explanation for how the devs decided how to setup the solar system, please tell us.
  5. pelo que entendi este é o mod que você procura. O MechJeb ou kOS são piloto automáticos bem mais completos (e complexos) enquanto Kerbal space Transport System ou Routine Mission Manager permite você gravar lançamentos e repetir eles por trás da cenas.
  6. I agree that is not the same. My perception is that there is real support, not just tolerance. And I'm still curious.
  7. taÍ..vou criar uma thread pra todos apresentarem suas credenciais de nerd. Que tal? E banido por não dividir o bolo. E por para os demais, que queria bolo e ficaram sem, vai ai a receita
  8. And I'm curious about two things: how you failed to notice that the person quoted is not a Squad's employer or representative. how that skewed interpretation of my view about mod support relates with the discussion at hand.
  9. The specifications of the stock system are there for a reason. It's part of the game balance set by the game designers. The devs are ok if you use a mod to change those specifics but that is far from willing to provide the tools themselves.* *which in part they did, with the support for mods
  10. Banido por lentidão. ____________ me baniria por ser eu mas o post vai mesclar
  11. Banido por se passar por autoridade da CAPCEPEFPEPEJ, seu falsário!
  12. I really don't get it. Why saying "there is no mod that I particularly want in stock" is so controverse?
  13. almost there: #autoLOC_AirlockPlusBP002 = Não é possível embarcar numa nave cheia. #autoLOC_AirlockPlusBP002c = Não é possível embarcar numa sala habitável cheia.
  14. Not really, taildraggers are equally effective. Is just a matter of getting a few detail right: using gear that can support the weight of the craft without flexing put the main gear next to the CoM positioning the rear wheel so it don't need to do more effort than the main gear (it's called 'main' for a reason) Like many other things in KSP, once you get the hang of it, you wonder why you had so much trouble before.
  15. I suspect you can complete the mission with something like that: https://kerbalx.com/Spricigo/SL60DC
  16. reality is overrated anyway But worth mentioning that the idea is not as crazy as sticking a plane to a giant fuel tank and some busters and fire it to orbit. Just to mention one real spacecraft.
  17. yes..because it have a lot of drag in front of CoM. Drag is proportional to cross-sectional area. Try to visualize where the Center of Volume of your craft is, if that is above the CoM your craft is likely to be prone to flip. Now, KSP drag model really hates flat surfaces and sticky bits. So things like the exposed RCS thruster, the iluminators the abrupt transition from 2,5m to 1,25m (decoupler<->cupola) and open nodes bellow engines causes a disproportionally big amount of drag that may skew the Center of Pressure away from the CoV, but is a good approximation for many cases. By any chance you had any trim set? [MOD]+X removes trim if that is the case. Another possibility is that you had some asymmetry shifting the CoM away from the centreline, so you had off-center thurst.
  18. Banido por pensar pequeno.... dominação mundial é o passatempo da pausa do café.
  19. seria interessante que você esclarecesse qual é o seu objetivo. Assim da maneira vaga que está, pode se interpretar o seu pedido de diversas formas: Um foguete com visual idêntico ao Saturn V Um foguete com o mesmo Impulso e deltaV do Saturn V Um foguete que possa replicar uma viajem a Mun conforme a missão Apollo Um mod com partes que permita montar um foguete que atinja uma ou mais dos objetivos anteriores .... quanto mais bem definida a sua pergunta, melhor poderemos te indicar uma resposta mais precisa.
  20. ok it's your game to customize..but you first increase the difficult with a rescale mod to now introduce a ludicrous overpowered jet?
  21. yep, something like that. Looking your results I'd try a asparagus setup with: central skipper+rockomax X200-16 2x(mainsail+2xrockomax jumbo-64) 2x(twinboar+rockomax jumbo 64)
  22. heavy stuff in the front, drag stuff in the back. Next time you have a payload like this consider to build the launch vehicle around it instead of bellow.
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