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Everything posted by Spricigo

  1. i appreciate that for you MP can be mainly cooperative. That is fine. But different people will have different expectations, and the devs can't just implement something that will cater to a small portion of the playerbase. ..or not doing his/her job at all.
  2. Banido porque meu gato Illuminatus esta controlando minha mente e me obrigando a banir. Ok. Vamos falar serio um pouco pra evitar mal entendido. Não acho que nada do que eu postei aqui até agora possa ser considerado desrepeitoso ou ofensivo; e com certeza não foi minha intenção desrespeitar ou ofender ninguém. Mas não seria o primeiro mal entendido na historia da internet. Nem ao menos é raro que mal entendidos começem em brincadeira. Então, se for o caso, se de alguma maneira você se sentiu desrespeitado, pode me mandar um mensagem privada pra gente conversar. Conversando a gente se entende, e você vai ver que não sou nenhum aloprado. Quanto a minha apresentação, me convém manter a privacidade. Outros pode não ter problema em falar nome completo, idade, endereço e CPF mas, por razões particulares, prefiro deixar somente o username e um ou outro detalhe que fica evidente nas postagens. (pelo menos por enquanto) Agradeço a compreenção.
  3. Banido por revelar segredos. É possível...Visto que a thread em que estamos é uma brincadeira. E que a zueira never ends. Mas acho que a piada principal no momento sou eu mesmo. Bem, eu acho que sei com quem estou lidando: Quanto a com quem você esta lidando: Spricigo é meu sobrenome. Como já disse, estou no forum desde 2016 (sempre acompanhei o forum em português, mas passo muito no forum em inglês, a imensa maioria de meus post estão lá, principalmente no GameplayQuestions). Obrigado e igualmente.
  4. Ou é absorvido pelo corpo ou é refletido ao hipocampo. Banido por contradição. Beleza. Então pega sua máquina do tempo e me cobra isso em 2016 quando entrei no forum, ok?
  5. Banido por pedir apresentação de "literalmente ninguém" que está "aqui não". Se as pessoas reparassem no profile dos outros, isso não acontecia.
  6. sinceramente, não sei qual seria a diferenças dos painéis padrão do jogo. vai ai a thread de referencia dos mods atualizados para versão 1.2 e 1.3 se você quiser tentar garimpar alguma coisa
  7. A idea no one mentioned is to not have a station, instead have fuel tankers(and other utility vessels) that can meet each ship in need in the most convenient orbit.
  8. the stock physics range is too small, but there are mods to increase that. But I wouldn't be surprised to have the station attachedby all kind of phantom forces since how KSP handles multipart crafts.
  9. Minmus, my favourite celestial body.
  10. Mind you, if you remember to do it yourself you don't need a mod. ALT+F5 creates a named quicksave (same if you open the menu and select save) ALF+F9 to select a save to load. (or load from the menu) BTW you can change your setting to dead kerbals respawn...it will not help with the ones that are already KIA but if the next mishap will make then only MIA and s/he will show up again after a while.
  11. Not gonna work you will run out of EVA fuel before reaching a closed trajectory. you could try to go to EVA and 'push' the command pod and before you run out of EVA fuel re-board and EVA again (with a replenished tank) and repeat. But that would be tedious and difficult. well, if you zoom out in map mode you can see Jeb's orbit around the Sun. It's unlikely he will hit anything (space is mostly empty) and since there is no Life Support in the stock game he can stay indefinitely in orbit. And rescuing him later will be probably easier with things like solar panels and more advanced probe cores, also with more player experience too. Meanwhile a good idea is to try to figure out what you did wrong to end up in this and other bad situations, to avoid doing it again in the future. How about talking about the rocket you launched, your goal and how you were handling it?
  12. The easiest solution in stock is redundancy. with enough relays you almost ensure you will get a link to some relay. in KER settings you can choose between Career (default) and Partless. Career means that you need either a engineer or a KER part (sorry forget the name) to acess the readout in flight; Partless means that is always available.You may need to setup the displayed info too to get what you need. Same deviation in inclination (a few degrees) is not a big deal. Orbital period is the critical parameter to mitigate the relays drifting out of phase. BTW: in stock you can find out the inclination by accessing KerbNet and observing the coordinates.
  13. mmm..how? We can't know what your issue is if you don't give us information about it. "burned up at Eve" is too vague, we need details (the craft, orientation, velocity, altitude, ....) Try to describe your problem, and what you did to try to solve it yourself with as much details you can (pictures are always good).
  14. nah..its just a way to pay the bills.If the contract don't have a good cost/reward skip (or even decline) it. Of coarse ,how much you like or dislike doing some kind of contract should be considered for the cost/reward. There is a system in place that make more likely to new contract offers being of the type you accepted/completed than the type you declined/failed, so if you just ignore those types of contract, so it may not even get offered in the future. now, if you decide to give those contract another try. You need to make sure you fulfill all the conditions, make sure to read the fine print. For example: It's not unheard of people going all the way to the correct location and not being able to get to the correct altitude. For the area itself you will get messages like "you arrived at [mission area]" and "you are leaving [mission area". Finally if mods are an option for you consider:
  15. Put draggy things inside the service bay (that include RCS thrusters) Where is the CoM (both fuelled and dry)?
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