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Everything posted by Spricigo

  1. question: do you want to keep the base "expanded" after the contract? You may just attach the additional module to whatever docking port is available and undock it after you get the contract rewards. (bonus points: you can let the module floating around for the next time a similar contract pops) .
  2. welcome. Already asked for a moderator to move your thread to Gamepay Question where it belongs. From what you told us so far, we can only guess what your issue may be, so more info is required to offer better help. What do you mean by "the nosecone ends up in the engine"? your rocket flips, dismantle or what? What happens before it? If you can provide with a few pictures of a rocket that is suffering with the issue and a description of the flight profile we may stand a better chance to figure out what is happening and help to figure out an effective solution.
  3. Two reason to not have this conversation, then. How about we stop it before the thread (about something else) is derailed? If you decide that you want to know my opinion about some subject just send me a PM or just ping me in a thread about it.
  4. Apparently, games can evolve faster than players sometimes.
  5. As mentioned in the mod thread: Makes sure there's a pilot on board, if you don't have any SAS-capable probe cores. Tries to pick the highest-level crewmembers available. (Except for pilots; if you have an SAS-capable probe core and your pilots are all lower-level than the core, it picks the *lowest* pilot available.) If Valentina have a higher level, she will be the one boarding the vessel. (With no SAS-capable probe) And if that is not enough the thread mentions the possibility of changing a couplr of config for customization.
  6. BTW. No motive for the "question" after the OP figured his mistake. How about moving the discussion about debugging and those days at work to the Lounge? Some moderator around ?
  7. @Victor12 there is only two kind of people in this forum: People that know stuff and can teach People that don't know stuff and can learn. Don't feel inferior for being in either situation, see it as an opportunity. Learning and teaching are great things to do. Don't feel superior too, anyone in your place could do the same. About your question: Take for example https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ What part confuses you?
  8. I work as Inspector. Today was "one of those days". Which in my case involves a judicial decision* saying that the work of two weeks need to be done until yesterday and my chief asssumption that I can handle it after being informed today. Just arrived home, after 16h dealing with this. How was your day at work? * it need to be done. No excuses . Not even the fact that is impossible.
  9. Maybe the issue is your design approach. Have you considered to put the science jr on top of the craft instead? Or doing a powered landing with just a couple of parachutes to slowdown?
  10. More likely something like 1.8446744*1019 . So, no one get even close to it "by accident"
  11. What is the average "serving time" of a moderator?
  12. No, I'm far away from you. Well, @Not Sure who will post next.
  13. If it works for you, nothing wrong. Just that different people, have different expectations and different experiences.
  14. Since it have a permissive license, might eventualy be revived. But I'd use a different mod:
  15. Well, i have a few similar stories, but mine end with: then OP tell he is using a mod that change gameplay then OP tell he is still in version 1.0.5 then you notice an outdated guide\tutorial was mentioned Except that is not the end. Just when another step towards the solution. In any case, the problem is not the particular difference. Rather is the flawed communication. And that can only be solved with people being more careful and patient, and asking instead of making assumptions. What can I say? That is the stock game, for console and for PC. And while, personally , I have a few mods that make my life easier I can still comprehend and relate with the situation of stock players. And I also have eniugh experience with hands-on/manual control to offer my help. I can only guess but my supposition is that SQUAD would like to have modding and craft sharing ( with the upcoming DLC, mission sharing too) available for consoles, but that don't happens for technical and contractual reasons. So unfortunately console players miss that imoportant aspect of KSP. Anyway, at least at the moment, I think a console Q&A subforum brings more onus than bonus. OTOH a "usefull info for console" thread in the tutorial subforum may be a good way to start to make help more acessible for console player.
  16. vacuum is not a big deal. But I suspect the electronic components won't last long, exposed to the radiation of space.
  17. For most practical purposes rovers are..well, impractical. But maybe the player want to use it anyway, or he is using mod (e.g. Bon Voyage) to make it more viable. Anyway, is an option.
  18. Is perfectly viable to start with a basic network 'full of gaps' if you can get signal often enough and long enough to do the necessary manoeuvrers/transmissions for your mission. As you needs for a better coverage increase, new satellites can be placed either to extend the network, replace the older satellites or just for redundancy.
  19. one solution for lack of traction for rover on low gravity bodies is using artificial gravity , a.k,a. some engines pointing down up* *Thanks for the correction @Brikoleur
  20. @CatastrophicFailure is becoming previsible, IMHO
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