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Everything posted by Spricigo

  1. @AeroGav have you considered/experimented using tilted probecores for holding x° above progade?
  2. I wonder if at this point the concept of year will have any importance. Actually, kerbals would just elaborate the calendar based on the movement of Mun and Minmus
  3. Please, elaborate what the matter with KAC may be. I'm under the impression that everything will be fine as long 1KAC year = 1KSP year.
  4. Since @Vanamonde think there is no problem with resurrecting the thread (or to warn me about backseat moderating. ). This is one example I like:
  5. Cosmetic influence: it affect how they react to different situations. E. G. reentring, 4g acceleration, heat building up. Probably Bob will be screaming in terror, Bill just looking around unconcerned and Jeb giving a big smile of delight.
  6. Welcome to the forum. Please notice that is a pretty old thread. Which bring two concerns: 1) Some of the info might not be up to date with the current version of KSP. 2) People in this thread may not be active anymore. Or at least not care about this discussion anymore. Because that, usually is better to leave old threads alone and open a new one if you want to further discuss the same topic. That said, airlaunch it's a interesting concept. But, while is possible in KSP, not much practical. If that is what you decide to try it anyway, there is no better reason to try something than 'it's fun'.
  7. Was about to include in my post "hopefully someone with better understanding will show up soon to say if my idea is correct" . I didn't, just posted instead. And wanderingkid posted 1s later.
  8. Probably because the craft(s) in question is designed to fly well with SAS off. I'm not a spaceplane guy, but I'm under the impression that, in most cases, a well designed spaceplane will fly better with SAS off while in atmosphere.
  9. Incidentally at 40km it can probably stay deployed anyway. If nothing else to avoid landing with raised landing gear
  10. Never noticed it. Also can't check rigth now. Apart from something with your mouse or even with your finger, no idea what can be the cause. Sorry if that is the weirdest answer in the history of the forums.
  11. Why? The game h offering a opportunity to do (and get rewarded by doing) something you didn't yet, but is within your capabilities.
  12. Ok, serious now. O guess the requisite for rescue missions it's to be capable of EVA in space. The game think you are capable of achieve orbit and perform rendezvous even if you only did suborbital flights so far
  13. I just know it's something strange. Strange things happens all the time in KSP. And I learned to avoid questioning. Some time ago Ionics asked me to rescue Donwin Kerman. We don't just let someone stranded in space, so said ok first then asked about the details. Seemed strange that no one noticed Donwin's craft orbiting at 75km equatorial and just 15km away from one of our ships. Also seemed strange Donwin showing as an available pilot for the next mission. But the strangest thing in the whole history it's that according to our records Donwin was one of the candidates for astronaut in the more recent selection, it was finally processed with Donwin being approved less than 10 minutes before Ionics contact.
  14. I'm more inclined to accept what Cpt Kerbalkrunch said about space-time continuum. Sometimes when I receive a world first reward there is a strange felling... It's like it already happened before. Worse yet it's the nightmares where Jeb die because a parachute open for no reason during a launch.
  15. Ahem... An institution completely devoted to the tracking and curating all first instances of any event, the Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society is a non-profit organization, for the purpose of rewarding the doing of anything that's never been done before, especially concerning feats of space exploration. Their work is more challenging than it would seem however, as the prestige associated with the first-ever accomplishment of any deed is also a valuable target for commercial companies, who wouldn't waste the opportunity to be the official sponsor of such an event. Taking on the Society's contracts will definitely send the message that you're not in it for the money, which is always a good message to send. It's also just about the only reward, since the cash prizes are mostly symbolic.
  16. Well... We had some Record-Keeping problems here at Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society.
  17. Actually you need vertical movement to go outside the region where drag* can reduce your velocity, to orbit you only need 'horizontal' movement. *we can just consider collision with the terrain a particular kind of drag for this discussion. I have a LV that basically does just that. There is a 2nd stage for the last 400m/s but most of the work its done by a kickback. The problem is, the orbit is 400km x 100km. This is not a big deal since it launch small satellites to much higher orbit. If instead my target was something like 80km x 80km the deltaV used to raise the apoapsis from 80km to 400km apoapsis would be a waste, simple put a lot of unnecessary vertical movement.
  18. To pick it, you need to adjust the camera point of view to be inside the tank. A bit awkward but very doable. As other stated its not something you need to do in normal use.
  19. Well, different people will have different ideas of what is fun or a chore. It don't change the fact that to add some feature its necessary someone to work in the development. But more option is usually a good thing.
  20. I think would be nice to have the option to enable/upgrade the ground stations individually. However something like this may be more suited for a mod.
  21. Fast response is fast! Personally I'll attempt just for the bragging rights. However others can be further encouraged if you define a scoring system. Mission time and mission cost seems to be good metrics.
  22. oow! I failed at reading! Ok, I don't know if the volume is based on level (didn’t used KAS/KIS in a while). Make a test, take a engineer at higher level (you can do it starting a new sandbox game) if the inventory size is different then is probably level based. Something I remember that can be useful is that the wrench is considerable smaller than the screwdriver.
  23. Kerbal inventory is big enough if your intention to attach few small bits (parachute, solar panels, scientific instruments, RCS thruster). In that sense KIS/KAS is intended more to small adjustments than full fledged orbital construction (among other things placing parts one by one, without help of symmetry and angle snap can turn in a chore pretty soon). So my first suggestion is, if you plan to do bigger modification and do it often, to use another mod instead. However if you still find the inventory volume small, you can change it in the file setting.cfg in the KIS folder. Just notice you may also want to change the mass the kerbal can pickup. The lines you are looking for are: maxVolume = 300 grabMaxMass = 1
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