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  1. Several issues here. For one, you don’t really want to change your RPMs very much if at all. I highly recommend picking a set speed and just toggle on and off. Two, you need to bind your prop pitch to your throttle controls. Zero throttle equals zero angle of attack on your propellers. Max throttle equals 50 degrees of prop pitch (for airplanes). As far as the sweet spot for max prop pitch for a helicopter, you might want to do some research. I’d recommend building a prop plane before a helicopter. Less complicated and you’re not trying to find that perfect sweet spot for hovering. It took me a while to grasp this concept, just remember that your prop pitch controls your speed, NOT your RPMs or torque. RPMs rev up and down waaay too slow to ever be able to reliably control. Also, make sure to go ahead and deploy your props in the VAB/hanger and unbind prop braking so that’s one less thing to deal with on the runway. When your throttle controls are all the way down and your props are spinning at full speed you should be at a complete stand still. As you slowly throttle up your propellers will start to grip the air and you’ll get a much faster top speed and faster acceleration. Hope this helps. My gamer tag is Homedawgian if you’d like help on Xbox.
  2. Can we please just get a rollback to the previous version? You guys just introduced way more issues than you fixed. Stop releasing updates without doing QA, please. I’m honestly beginning to feel embarrassed for you guys and I mean that with no disrespect.
  3. I love you guys, I really do, but man. Did your QA sit down and test this on a normal Xbox? The bugs seem to be worse so far. Unable to set certain functions on custom actions and after launching a ship and reverting and then editing causes the ship to revert to it’s original state (before the edit) after launching again. This took less than 30 minutes for me to give up after trying the update for the first time. I think I’m going to just have to take a hiatus. Love ya Squad, I just wish this game could be playable.
  4. I know the exact bug you are referring to with the shuttering. Close your game completely and reopen it and it will be fixed for a while.
  5. You know, I never thought of it that way. As terrifying as that prospect is, I think that’s good logic, sadly. I hope it’s not the case but it might be
  6. I’m right there with ya, bud. KSP is way too good of a game to be teased on us like this. Let’s just hope it doesn’t take yet another year. I’m pretty close to becoming dead inside
  7. Pure speculation here, but the controller presets weren’t necessarily tested in the same environment that we are using them in. They could be using a controller on a developer console/computer and that could have caused some issues to be missed entirely because of subtle differences in coding/software. They worked on this port for around a year and there were some pretty huge bugs that were found in a week or less of players actually playing the game. I’m giving Squad/Blit the benifit of the doubt that they simply didn’t test the game on a basic console/controller setup and probably tested it through some other developer medium. I mean honestly, these bugs aren’t that elusive at all and there has to be some simple reason as to why they were missed.
  8. Allow me to reword that a bit. “They didn’t use the console itself for their QA”. Clearly they have done some QA but it is blatantly obvious that they didn’t touch career mode with an actual controller on an actual console. It would be insulting them to say that they did because even a complete novice player would have immediately asked questions about recovering a vessel from the Mun, or why they can’t purchase new tech. I know Squad is better than that to miss something so simple. That’s why it’s clear that their QA was done by other means.
  9. So I’m not necessarily asking for a release date, but considering the past console port, lack of support and transparency, I have to ask: Will it be days, weeks, months or years before we finally get a fully working product? I love you guys and I think I can speak for most of us console players when I say that you guys sincerely broke our hearts and threw it in a blender when you gave us that first tease of a port and then left it for dead. I absolutely adore KSP and it’s torture not knowing when I can play the game without worrying if it’s all going to be for nothing. With all that being said, when can the hype train for the big patch leave the station?
  10. You know, this might have been a smart move on Squad/Blit’s part. By not doing any actual QA by playing the game on console, they made it to where they could release the port earlier. Essentially, we are the (unpaid) QA testers. With the amount of people playing and giving feedback I’d bet that they are finding bugs faster than they could have dreamed of had they conventionally done the QA themselves. They saved money and we got our (semi-complete) Enhanced Edition earlier.
  11. Trim resets your idle controls to whatever input you give it either intentionally or accidentally. If you hit the trim button while giving the left stuck input it will continue to give that input until it’s been reset. It’s normally used to counter act against a vehicle trying to pitch/yaw/roll against your will. Thanks, bud. I’ll check that when I get off work. You’re probably right
  12. So I’ve put a solid 10 hours into the new and improved KSP. After a little while of getting used to the slight but much needed change in controls (cursor mode FTW) I have to say, I’m quite impressed. The new lighting is beautiful and actually useful, the new SAS works so well now I could cry, landing legs can finally handle some weight and they even snuck in a few new parts on me. The Experiment Storage Unit is invaluable in early career as I can fill them with my science from Mun landings and leave them in orbit for later when I have a station with a Mobile Processing Lab on board. Commnet makes the game feel so much more real (especially if you turn off DSN ground stations and make it so you have no control without a signal) and Kerbnet is spectacular for future mission planning. I could go on forever on how awesome the new difficulty customizations are but you’d really just need to see for yourself. They’ve added new snap points for fairings which appears to solve the Apollo lander design problem which I’m thrilled about. There are so many more little things that I could list off but it would take forever. My only issues so far are minute but enough to annoy you. The trim is obviously a problem. I see it’s usefulness but it is way too easy to activate on accident and I would like a way to turn it off until I need it. Also, you can no longer zoom in or out in map view if you have the cursor out or if you are creating a nav node. The latter is particularly annoying because moving the map around can be crucial for getting those encounters just right. Over all, so far, I give KSPEE a solid 9.5/10. Hopefully these game breaking bugs I keep hearing about get squashed before I ever see them or my heart will break in two. TL;DR: Awesome, awesome game, tiny bugs get stepped on.
  13. Sorry buddy, it will not be fixed nor can it be fixed. Flying Tiger did the port and since they are no longer in the picture there will not be any updates for the original port. The whole reason they made this new port is because the last one was so poorly done and it was beyond repair.
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