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Everything posted by shuggaloaf

  1. No problem! Nice to be "part of the process" and to have such a receptive developer!
  2. No problem buddy! Yeah, I think that ought to do it! More powerful than my rig and I run the game fine. Yeah there may be some tweaks here and there with PC but a lot of those tweaks are what makes the games better! Besides with the setup you're getting I think you will have minimal issues. Ok that is definitely not normal. Even if detaching your miner from your lander would cause a crash it shouldn't cause a sound tear and game reset. That definitely sounds like a bug. And if you can use a quicksave from, say, around the moon's orbit but then you crash and it puts you back to, say, Kerbin's orbit and you can't load back to the mun that sounds like a bug too. Or a corrupted quicksave file. It'll be better on PC for sure. I would contact Squad and ask them if it's possible to trade your XB version for a PC version. I believe the cost would be similar and after hearing that you bought a whole PC setup just to play their game? How could they not be impressed by that? Yeah you can definitely make all kinds of cool as well as goofy (see my space bong) things in KSP. Your imagination is the limit (well that and too many parts). Here's just a couple things I did in an older version of KSP. http://imgur.com/a/juIEO This is just the tip of the iceburg. I have probably a couple thousands hours in to KSP so I've made a ton of stuff but these are a few things I actually have screenshots of. I may go through and add some more images at some point. Once you get it up and running. Some mods I would recommend would be: @sarbian's MechJeb. Especially for new users. Helps to automate a lot of things and gives great info. As you get more experience you'll prob find that you won't automate things anymore but the info is great to have! @JPLRepo's Endurance Continued. Adds parts from Endurance ship from the movie Interstellar. These are just some really cool and useful parts to have. I've made all kinds of stuff from them that are not the actual Endurance ship. In my pics link above the x-16 is made with 2 landers on the sides and vipers on the bottom. @KospY & @winn75's KIS & KAS mods. Does so much stuff. Allows attaching of parts on EVA, fuel pipes, winches, etc. etc. and gives storage so you can bring parts in storage containers. Honestly just look at their page for everything. Other mods use it as well and while not strictly necessary, you're going to want it and it's definitely a necessity for me! @Nertea's Near Future Technology. Actually a collection of 5 different parts packs. Tons of useful parts and very nice looking as well. OPT Space Plane Parts has some great parts as well. It's working for me with the current PC version but it looks like the updating may be spotty from here out. Still worth a shot as it still works with KSP 1.1.3 @Nils277's Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KPBS). Lots of really nice base parts that work with other mods that offer things like life support, more complex resource mining, etc. @Angel-125's Pathfinder Mod. "Space Camping and GeoScience" Lots of nice parts, new resources, distribution of resources without direct connections with nearby bases (trust me you will want this once u start building ur bases) and just well, a ton of other stuff. Check out the link. When you want to change the look of KSP, check out EVE, Scatterer and Texture Replacer. There's a bunch more that I have (approx 40 mods total) and waaay more out there. I'm not in front of my GameData folder so I'm prob forgetting some good ones. Just check stuff out, if you don't like it, it's free and just delete it.
  3. Sorry, let me clarify what I meant. When I attached the jetwing to a craft (like surface attach for example so I can eva, board and then detach from craft), the whole craft's RCS doesn't function. In fact I don't even want the JetWings RCS to function at that point as it is just attached to the ship as a means to transport it and use it later. So if I have it attached to a ship, go to the launch pad and hit "r", I get that message. So I'm not actually boarded into the JetWing and "control from here" has been verified to be the ship's cockpit and I have even disabled everything on the JetWing (RCS, torque, etc. all disabled). But yet the whole ship's RCS is disabled as long as the JetWing is attached. Once I detach it then the ships RCS works fine. So from what I see there is no way to operate the main crafts RCS with the JetWing attached. Am I doing something wrong? Also, I know you're a busy guy making all these fun toys for us, but I also responded to the wheel issues too. See above.
  4. Another question for you if you don't mind. When I attach the JetWing to the side/back/top of the buffalo (haven't tried with other craft), as well as additional RCS attached, I get an error message "RCS deactivated, no engine thrust available". I see that is from the JetWing but should it be working like that? I don't see how you would fly some craft with them attached if that's the case (but I'm guessing it's not). How am I gonna make an awesome JetWing Mini Carrier to launch dozens of little Kerbals into battle now!? Btw, not sure if you intended it, but when you flip the jetwing upside-down and attach it to the top of the buffalo cab it looks smooth as hell.
  5. That's pretty awesome that KSP motivated you to get a good PC setup. I switched from console gaming to PC after xb360 and ps3. I sold those and all my games and haven't looked back. Almost every game for console is on pc and you can use an xbox or ps controller so it makes the switch easier. Also, and here's the thing, the games are cheaper! Not at first maybe, but once they get a little older the consoles hold out on price while pc drops. Like when PS gets the "greatest hits" but they're still like $20. Same game will be like half or less on PC. Also for a lot of games (like KSP) you can get free mods that make the game so much more. New parts/items, quests, textures, etc. I can't answer some of your questions about the game as I don't have it on console. You could probably google it or search the forum here. I am pretty sure that the PC KSP that is now 64bit uses multiple cores. Actually, yep, I just checked. Haha. I'm playing while I type this (well, it's running in the VAB anyway) and I'm showing usage on all 6 of my cores from KSP_x64.exe. I'm saying it definitely IS worth buying on the PC. Is it going to be perfect? No. We all still encounter bugs from time to time, but not as bad as the consoles at all. And to be fair some bugs/crashes come from mod conflicts and can't really be attributed to just the game. If you ran a stock KSP on the PC you'd have a much better experience than the Xbox. But dont! LOL Get some mods. The game is much better with them. Now are you saying the game crashes when you land or are you crashing? Just trying to understand so I can help. On the PC version (and I'm assuming/hoping console as well) you can quick-save. Especially when you're first learning you're going to crash. I couldn't land for excrements when I first started now I can land a rocket in grandma Kerman's butt-crack. So see if you have quicksave. When you get to orbit, say around the Mun, quicksave before trying to land. If you see you're going to crash quickly do a quick-load and you'll be back to your save point.
  6. Yeah I had read that but I didn't catch that you weren't working on them anymore. It looks like the boat/over-correction issue is happening on stock wheels when added to pathfinder/buffalo parts as well, have not had a chance to test on a stock part rover as I haven't built one since like .90. So I'm saying the boat effect is KSP itself. I did not get any drift with the stock wheels however. It keep straight the whole time. I had already tried disabling the steering (as I mostly do anyway) and even the motors but it doesn't help. I'm getting that on all the pathfinder wheels though not just the grizzly. I tried the next size down (can't think of name) and they actually were worse. It's like my rover needs an alignment bad! But maybe that has something to do with the wheel fix you implemented. So yep, it sounds like we need a big wheel fix on KSP 1.2
  7. Hi Angel, I know someone else had mentioned the wheels making the craft kind of boat-like in the way that it steers, and I think you said it was that or wheels don't work. This may be related to that fix. I'm seeing what I guess you could call a drift in the steering. Seems like no matter how I build the craft, it will eventually start to steer to one side when driving straight. I've tested with as simple a craft as possible, using only pathfinder parts and made sure that the CoM was dead center. No matter what the craft starts to drift. Correcting it varies in effectiveness. Sometimes a little arrow tap sets it back on course, sometimes that same little tap sends him over-steering in the other direction. Sorry if I missed it and you're already aware of this. Also wondering if there was any news on being able to put parts over the grizzly wheels? Without adding additional height I mean. Thanks for all you do!
  8. Hey Carol, welcome. Not sure if you're a real person though as some of your post seem very off topic and you have posted this exact same message on several unrelated forums.
  9. I'd love to go to space myself. (as probably most people here would). I do hope we'll see commercial space flight in our lifetimes. That's pretty funny to think of someone actually going to space and playing KSP... "Cube, look out this window at the Earth, the view is amazing!" "No time! I'm calculating a Hohmann Transfer to Jool with this protractor and keychain ring. Now leave me be man!"
  10. Well I did say almost. For those without the knowledge and formulas to properly handle orbital mechanics, I'm going to stand by my statement! Haha No but seriously I can play the game fine without it but I just like the info I can have displayed in a custom window. I feel like it would be available to pilots in real life so why not? Hell I honestly can't even remember the last time I had MJ handle a node for me. Adjusting those little suckers to hit the exact spot manually is way more fun that letting MJ do it for you. Thanks for the welcome! Pretty cool rubik's cube by the way! Just one of the reason's I love KSP. To hell with what the game was intended for!!
  11. I heard that RemoteTech may be getting incorporated. Yeah not sure what else either. I don't know why they haven't integrated mechjeb yet. I understand there's cheaty-type options with it but you don't have to use autopilot, etc. The info it provides though is almost a necessity.
  12. It has definitely changed but also stayed the same in the ways that matter. It just keeps getting better!! Oh yes that was definitely a smart move on Squad's part. Not only are you going to get more people interested by having mods you get people to stick around because there's always something new around the corner. Also, when resources were (are?) limited (as I'm sure they must have been at first with Squad), they've basically got people developing things to make the game better for free and when something is good enough to incorporate into the game as they have done, I'm sure buying a mod is way cheaper than paying staff to develop it.
  13. Buy them the PC version? Sorry, couldn't resist. I agree with Bewing, until the console versions of the game are kept updated to the current version there are going to be a ton of issues reported that have already been addressed.
  14. I just can't imagine this game on a console. I'm not some PC-only guy either. I grew up on consoles from atari, intellivision, NES, etc. and on up to PS3 and XBox360 were my last 2 consoles. So I definitely have that background, hell I even use a 360 controller for most PC games (not KSP of course). This game in a console format though? I just don't see it. Not trying to be negative but I don't see how you can get the full controls on a controller on top of that what about mods and all the tweaks that make the game great? Maybe that will change but honestly most console users probably have a PC also and I would highly encourage people to by the PC version. Hahaha aww man thanks I needed that. I don't care how much optimizing you do this game will never work on iOS. The power of an XB1/PS4 vs an iOS device is much greater and it's struggling on consoles so imagine iOS. How would you even work the controls? If it's hard to imagine on a controller with 2 sticks and 16 buttons I just don't see it on an iOS device with ZERO buttons. Sure, you could have soft-joysticks for some things like movement/camera but the amount of keys/commands KSP uses would fill the whole iOS screen! For reference, here are all the keys KSP uses... Even if they got past that, can you imagine the watered down piece of trash that would be? In-app purchases to get good engines, parts, etc. "Unlock Minmus for only 5000 Kerbal Koins!!" Kerbal Koins may be purchased in packs of 1000 for $2 each No thanks.
  15. Good, I like my bars very low. Ah ok gotcha. Makes sense. Thanks for your replies!
  16. Your profile pic made me chuckle. It's like star... hawk..... yep, that'll do it. Haha Oh damn that was you? My bad... Nah just kidding that's pretty F'ed up actually. That's why I'm not a big fan of a lot of online games because there's always people like that.
  17. Got me beat! Been playing since .23 and just signed up here today. Like you I've got over a thousand (probably waay more) hours in as well. I've checked out this site for a long time. There are really good and helpful people here. Welcome aboard!
  18. Welcome! New here myself but have been a lurker for awhile.
  19. Hey Dave, thanks. Always has seemed like a great place. I've got a lot of help here just by reading threads. Always was like "I should sign up" but finally just getting around to it. You're definitely right about the addiction dedication part! Yeah wasn't that the 1st "career" mode that is now the science mode? I honestly haven't played with career too much since I first got the game. Too many bugs back then killed it for me. Sucks to do a ton of contracts and then that progress disappears for some reason... multiple times! It's fine though I create my own "missions" in sandbox. Thanks for the welcome! By the way does anyone know how the titles/ranks work? Somehow in 2 hours I've gone from Newbie to Bottle Rocketeer. Woo hoo! Not sure what I did to get "promoted" though. Edit: and also the merging of replies. I wanted to post 2 separate comments but it merged them once I submitted the 2nd one. Any way to stop that?
  20. That's funny I tried RoverDude's MKS first and didn't really like the look of the parts. Too cartoon-y. Someone mentioned this mod in another thread and the parts looked awesome so I got it. I even like the western theme but yet Angel makes it fit with the look of KSP.
  21. Hey everyone, finally got around to signing up to the forums. Been around since 0.23 and have waaaaay too many (not enough) hours invested in KSP. Like seriously... thousands. My wife calls it "my 2nd job". Wouldn't that be awesome! Haha. Anyway just wanted to say hello and thank all the people at Squad for your hard work in giving us all such an awesome game and for continually improving it as well. Of course I really want to thank all of the modders. Without mods I honestly do not know if I'd still be playing KSP. Hell, without mechjeb I probably wouldn't have ever made it to the point where I don't actually need mechjeb anymore! (even though I still use it for all the great info). There are so many awesome parts and game mechanics mods that make KSP the great game that it is. I know I'm forgetting a bunch of people but to those who make the mods I most use @Nertea , @Nils277, @KospY, @Angel-125,@winn75, @IgorZ, @RoverDude (even though you work for Squad I guess you've earned the right to be thanked again here too ), @sarbian and everyone else I didn't mention... You all work very hard for free to give us a ton of cool excrements to play with and I sincerely thank you for what you do.
  22. Loving this mod so far and I wanted to say thanks for your work on this and all of your mods. Inspired me to finally sign up here just to say that. After literally thousands of hours of KSP I guess it was about time anyway!
  23. Really had to fight the urge to throw the old "one does not simply..." meme up here after that post.
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