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  1. I'll bring the party poppers and bottle rockets~
  2. It kind of depends on the craft for me ... when I'm making huge, STS-style shuttles using the vector engines, I have to use SAS the whole way up. Though, the structure does lend itself pretty well to adding a lot of struts, so it holds together plenty well. Just depends on your construction I suppose...
  3. I occasionally do this for career... it certainly helps save costs! But ... practicality and efficiency isn't so good. It also tends to cause a few issues if you're using FAR, 'cause, those SRBs can sure rip you right out of the atmosphere but the atmosphere is plenty content to rip you right back. I don't have so many lifter designs using solely SRBs as a first stage, but ... I might be able to go find a few that I had?
  4. This is kind of what I was thinking... the MP would be a separate gamemode, and then you don't have to worry about people messing up your ships and stations~ (people who want MP can have their own fun, and the SP sandbox crew can keep playing like nothing changed c;)
  5. This sort of science I've heard likened to keys... a key that can open the gates of Heaven, but also the mouth of Hell. I think nuclear power is a great alternative to the current fossil fuel methods we have (especially the promising-looking LFTR technology) but the creation and proliferation of nuclear weapons is an ... unfortunate side effect. You could go on for hours and hours about whether or not the bombings were justified, but ... well, it happened in 1945, and the past is behind us. Maybe the destructiveness of the two bombings set the stage for the Cold War and prevented their further use, or maybe they created even more tension on a global stage. We won't know and we may never know what further effects nuclear weapons have... I just pray I won't see them used for anything but an Orion pusher~
  6. I'd love to see someone recreate the Jamaican bobsled team in KSP~
  7. No, no, you can do it... it just may not be the most efficient way of doing it. Refueling on the surface can save you lots of money and size on lifter hardware and fuel... but you don't have to do it if you don't have access to the technology.
  8. I'd recommend using radial parachutes in your situation. You can have the guidance module on top of the capsule, radial parachutes around the outside (thus allowing you to not have to worry about the weight of the heat shield and probe core, just add more parachutes) and an additional parachute on top of the probe core.
  9. It was quite some time ago - A pretty overbuilt lander for Minmus. I think I was a little spooked about landing too hard at the time... ;p
  10. My larger vessels, spaceships, get the names of prescription medicines. Oseltamivir, Xanax, Ambien, etc. My smaller vessels and SSTOs get the names of mythological figures or people I know IRL with particularly interesting names. ... I'm not particularly imaginative ;p
  11. Well, it'd require a good bit of time and patience (and a lot of practice~). More or less, similar to encountering an asteroid - launch into orbit, match inclination and then burn to get a close approach. The actual mission is more... complicated than that, but that's the basic outline.
  12. Obsession, practice, and selling a small part of your soul to the aerodynamics demons...
  13. I managed to do it a while ago... It takes a few tries. My initial strategy was just to land the top section nearby first, and then hover over and dock on top. I've never been able to do it directly, without landing nearby first...
  14. Hey, I'm Polytechnique. I've actually been playing KSP for two years, but I've only frequented the forums for things like mods and occasional advice. But I'm looking to get into a new community, and I know the KSP community to be a wonderful and passionate group of people. So hey. Nice to meet you all~
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