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    22nd century kerbal engineer
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    Graphic design; Aliens and sci-fi/far future things; Near future things too; Hypersonic craft; Anime; Learning to make mods;

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  1. I actually forgot all about that but I won't rule it out. I'm going to need some nerdy nerds to guide me with this one! @slyfox023 Thanks for naming the Coyote mod, and the request as a whole. You've given me a very good thing to consider with my tank design.
  2. @DareMightyThingsJPL I would have RR do it. As much as possible, Sterling Systems will not carry patches that affect other parts mods. In an ideal scenario I would release my revised and complete antimatter ecosystem all at once and then there would be no case for patching the PK-50. The major part of that ecosystem is the Accelerator Kit™ which is a bit of a puzzle in itself and has greater demands and more options for late-game, even end-game resource conversion. @slyfox023 That mod's license doesn't readily allow me to adopt it and I'm not inclined to ask anyway. If/When the time comes I'll make the parts for my own freighter solution. Related: The center of the upcoming release is actually a suite of inventory tanks which use, not B9PS, but the stock variants selector and the WBI OmniStorage module, and I have a few reasons for this decision.
  3. Sadly, no. I had hoped for owners or players of said mods to approach me with configs or reference data so I could make configs. It's not in my scope to install every planet pack, and Parallax, and send a test craft into the depths of every possible world and see what it looks like down there.
  4. Indeed. And realism aside, who wants to deal with their screen shaking for the entire length of any and every road trip with their warp drive? I don't think @Eclipse 32 realizes that enduring that would only be distracting and sensory overload for something that's engaging and would be happening for several minutes IRL unlike a cutscene or using a jump drive or wormhole where it would be ok to have this.
  5. @yosauce After uninstalling FAR make sure that these two things do not remain: Empty FerramAerospaceResreach folder GameData/CustomFARAeroData.cfg (I think that's the exact name) It's very possible that you've attached one or two cargo bay pieces by their inside node and not their outside node. That will break aero shielding and cause epic drag. It'll be a bit of a chore (because the in and out nodes have exact coordinates) but try attaching things to the inner nodes of a given bay piece before attaching the next bay piece.
  6. LinuxGuruGamer had a mod for finite jetpack fuel and switching said fuel. I was onboard with using Nitrogen (with reference to Kerbalism) but the mod broke when it became possible to unequip the jetpack. Aside from jetpack fuel where or how do you think this could settle itself in as a worthwhile gameplay element? It would be very kerbal (under Kerbalism) to have such parts and casually vent atmosphere (Nitrogen) to reorient a station or oncoming crewed transfer vehicle. (But Carbon Dioxide if orbiting such a planet -- Eve or Duna, would be quite a thing too.) Rational Resources does contain distinct gas tanks for use by Kerbalism, and some cold gas thrusters (cloned stock) within its demo parts so @DareMightyThingsJPL if inclined enough, could tool around and apply your mod to them. RR RCS Family also exists and has an Isp data table that can be used for reference. It still uses common liquid resources and not their gas forms because outside of Kerbalism it's a bit of a nuisance to make wide use of gas and liquid forms of several resources.
  7. @Torbesss555 Thanks for noticing. The fix is an easy one. Open GameData/SterlingSystems/Tankage/zPatches/B9PS_DrumTankOptions.cfg then scroll down to line 245 and make the change shown here.
  8. Same here, but AntiHydrogen is that + a positron, meanwhile, most of the mass of the atom is the (anti)proton so I had to guess at the time of my post above that the Antimatter resource must be positrons alone, and KSPIE's Positron resource confirms it. Its density is identical to CRP Antimatter. I think we can now say Nertea's antimatter is some kinda super-dense anti-muon for Muon Catalyzed Fusion. I think that's all the convincing I need to swap the resource out.
  9. Those two pods are quite visibly wider than their rated bulkhead sizes. They absolutely need heatshields upsized to fit them.
  10. The proposal should go here. The most that Rational Resources will be involved with antimatter is that the exo scoops there can grab it, but Sterling Systems is where the great majority of ISRU parts will be. To the issues: Not intentional. Aaaaaand I fixed it. I'd rather not make use of two very different resources that are yet supposed to represent the same thing (one being vague and nearly massless). A quick look on Atomic Rockets confirms that fission sail tech (and I'd like to provide that) would use the same AntiHydrogen that BCAM would use. Furthermore, Nertea has chosen to ignore AntiHydrogen and patch Antimatter from within FFT to weigh more (but still less than that). // Resource density, in increasing order 0.000000001 // Antimatter (default) 0.00001 // Antimatter (FFT patched) 0.00007085000 // LqdHydrogen 0.000086 // AntiHydrogen I have plans to release... a lot of stuff, actually, which involve antimatter. A whole ecosystem by itself. It'll be a huge deal whether I switch over to AntiHydrogen or keep following FFT with Patched Antimatter. Sterling Systems is still in beta stage so I'm not worried about switching over and breaking a few craft before the big release that adds (and deprecates) the fusion and antimatter engines. I would personally go with AntiHydrogen because it's an explicit resource and its density is right next to that of normal LqdHydrogen.
  11. An up-swept, shoe-like nose with less and jaggy tile coverage? Interesting. I might make that happen. The small, un-tiled portions of the noses can get to be recolored (by B9PS or whatever recolor mod) but that's it. I'm not making tile color selections. The wings will get some surface options but recoloring is currently left to Simple Repaint (which uses B9PS to provide a tint selector) which I will likely phase out and do as Nertea intends to do with Resurfaced or with "RestockPBR" when that releases.
  12. That's something a kerbal engineer would say, huh? Can't fool me with this one. Do you use System Heat Boiloff? I only barely tried it once.
  13. @DareMightyThingsJPL The tank types are kept at GameData/RationalResources/TemplateDefault/CRPDefault/zTankTypes.cfg The RR Parts tank configs at GameData/RationalResourcesParts/Patches/ applies them. Do tell me (again?) why you need Fluorine storage.
  14. If I knew this was coming I would've left my mod broken lol.
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