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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. XXL windmill and solar panel. These parts will be boxed and carryable (to some degree), and clusterable in a hexagon pattern via side nodes to ensure regular and sufficient spacing. The panel won't be upgradeable but will be mid-tier. It will have automatic tracking in one axis and manual control in the other so place it well and choose your optimal heading.
  2. I did a thing. Folks here may find it very useful.
  3. Release 1.61 Fix EL System Heat problems. @avectorproductfox Replace Carbon Extractor process with Ore Splitter which outputs Oxygen and Carbon. Split ion engine reliability buffs from RationalResourcesKerbalism into new modlet, KerbalismSidePatches. Split nuke engine reliability buffs from RationalResourcesNuclearFamily into new modlet, KerbalismSidePatches.
  4. A QoL collection for Kerbalism players. Currently contains: Much-needed reliability buff for ion engines and nuke engines. LICENSE :: MIT DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock
  5. Floor 4368: The doors only open at the hours of 8.
  6. If the engine is properly sized and powerful then its weight is not a problem. That's natural. The problem is you're trying to launch it from Kerbin's surface. There are some things that just must be built/spawned/cheated in orbit.
  7. I think you have the wrong mod. There are no inflatable shields. The Sterling Super Heavy Shield is in the Thermal category. Curently, I only have configs files on the GitHub. Make sure to have at least Sterling Core and B9 Part Switch. Those are mandatory.
  8. Sounds like something to try indeed. Hopefully if I remember, and next time I launch a JNSQ install, I'll do this.
  9. There's a separate toggle for kerbal gee limits. This mod doesn't say to turn that on too. Perhaps parts don't care about time as it may be pretty costly to run what is effectively a structural fatigue function on how many parts or their joints on a given vessel, or it may be too good at not making SSTOs super easy.
  10. Howdy. I believe the formatting would be more like: @PART:HAS[#CrewCapcity[>0],#tags[*aero*]] Just one HAS, with comma-separated list. You use multiple HAS if you're doing a recursive search such as: @PART:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch]:HAS[#moduleID[fuelSwitch]]] // Any part that has a B9 module that has a moduleID "fuelSwitch" I think this works. I'm not sure anymore. The [*] isn't necessary as all parts have a name = value pair, but will cause your patch to fail if you target root nodes that don't have a name key, like Experiment definitions or tech tree nodes.
  11. @kspbutitscursed Hi there. Like I said before, don't bother putting TANK{} nodes inside of the ModuleFuelTanks node. The part will automatically choose the fuel mix once you attach the engine... Actually, the ModuleFuelTanks node is already supposed to be present in the part. Tundra Exploration will insert this for itself if you have Modular Fuel Tanks or RealFuels installed (and I'm sure these are required by RO). Maybe you only need to change the tank type for all parts to Fuselage, like so: @PART:HAS[#manufacturer[Tundra?Exploration],@MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks]]:NEEDS[ModularFuelTanks|RealFuels] { @MODULE[ModuleFuelTanks] { @type = Fuselage @volume *= 4.1 // This is your rescale factor, cubed: 1.6^3 } } And if you're going to change the amount of ElectricCharge. Don't delete and re-add it. Change/Update it like so: @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @amount = 15000 @maxAmount = 15000 } If the resource wasn't there to begin with, you don't need to write !RESOURCE[ElectricCharge],*{} If the part didn't have a reaction wheel module to begin with (and it seems not to), you don't need to write !MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel],*{} I think you may want to use LqdNitrogen resource for the RCS and assume there's proper builtin cryo-tankage for it, and increase the amount by a few times more. The gas version is super un-dense and will run out in an instant. 2000 Nitrogen is nothing for something as big and heavy as a real-scale Falcon booster.
  12. @UltraJohn I studied your TU work for TAC LS and managed to get a thing going for myself. I'm almost ready to start ditching the stock shiny shader. I'm just stuck for a bit on, or not yet even checked out: Stock transparent shader used by the nuke decal gets busted. Recolor mask not being recognized so I can't recolor the thing. I don't yet know how a mostly painted part will look (as this one is mostly bare metal) and if it will have that crappy plastic-ish vibe like folks are complaining about KSP2 parts.
  13. @Vesuvius Most likely case is you have another mod for photon drives installed and its parts have the exact names as this one. If that's the case, there is a conflict and the affected parts become invalid. I've informed this mod owner on an action to take which will prevent this occuring later on but will break existing craft files. If you have another mod for photon drives installed do let us know.
  14. Always has been. That past tense scares me. I haven't drifted from this, have I? Thanks!
  15. @Syczek Sorry. I've been informed that engineering-wise, it's not viable to tap anything other than a heat engine for WasteHeat. And by definition, WasteHeat is low grade heat that can't do much. I don't play KSPIE so I lack experience with the resource. On the other hand, I have plans for a series of solar thermal panels (which produce ThermalPower, not ElectricCharge) so when those come and if your ship is close enough to a star to get meaningful exposure with them, you can have your "super powerful ship."
  16. Its name would be the value of thrustTransform = item in whatever the engine module config node is called. (I assume it's ModuleEnginesFX)
  17. Sadly, I can't fix it. Not by myself anyway. I need someone who has this problem to dissect their install and isolate the offending mods. Once I know that, I can inspect and determine the factors of the conflict.
  18. @FukkIvDan @Awesomesauce1337 The terrain isn't even the right color so there must be a mod that allows for moving the KSC and that mod is misbehaving. This is either an effect of KSC Switcher, or of a patch concerning another planet mod. JNSQ is NOT compatible with KSC Switcher... as far as I know. It has its own alternate space centers, requiring Kerbal Konstructs and Omega's Stockalike Structures.
  19. Hi there @bungling. There are a few cases where you'll see their value. They include: When your system scale goes up, there's less "getting away" with the extra dV you happen to have and less ignoring how heavy everything is. The tyranny of the rocket equation starts to dig its claws in more, because most of your weight will be the dry mass of your tanks, and you'll really notice when your tanks actually weigh less (CryoTanks) and the engines (CryoEngines) offer you their Isp. LFO isn't exactly a thing anymore if you play with RealFuels or Realism Overhaul. If you step into the RO camp, what replaces LFO are fuel mixes that are easily storable (aren't cryo, no boiloff worries) but have worse Isp. (I'm not sure about how much this applies in KSP but) Cryofuels are easier to produce off-world if you look at off-world ISRU. Part of the whole interest in these is rooted in the fact that you just have to split water directly to make Hydrolox, and Mars habitation programs have the hype train of bringing Hydrogen or water to Mars and processing that with the ambient Carbon Dioxide there to produce Methalox for the return trip. Players who additionally want to have the exact ISRU recipes available to play with aren't going to give any thought to "bringing Ore drills as usual." (Or maybe they will. It depends.) In addition, there are many players who sorely disagree with the stock convention of "LiquidFuel is whatever your chosen engine needs it to be: It's Kerosene for your Atlas/Delta; It's Hydrogen for your NERV; It's Methane for your Starship..." Having the right engine, with the right specs and the explicit demand for these resources, and having the rocket weigh properly because it's holding actual Hydrogen, is quite satisfying to many. All of these pluses aside, there's the very real negative of Hydrogen's un-dense nature making it a horrible thing to deal with, but everyone knows that, and we deal with it.
  20. Release 1.60.1 Added mods to the opt-in of RationalResourcesJetFamily, RationalResourcesNuclearFamily, RationalResourcesRCSFamily where appropriate: Mk2 Expansion, Mk3 Expansion, SXT, WaterDrinker. Excluding RCS parts that are also engines or have multiple RCS module. Excluding pure electric jet engines. Updated RationalResourcesKerbalism: Added SolidFuel ion detection. This covers the Supplementary Electrical Engines mod. Hi again, @HebaruSan. CKAN addition time. Rational Resources Jet Family Location: Extras/ Abstract: Enables fuel switching in air-breathing engines. A very welcome companion to cryo rocket systems. Tags: config, convenience Suggests: CryoEngines, NearFutureAeronautics, Mk2Expansion, Mk3Expansion, SXTContinued, WaterDrinker. (Netkan names given) Dependencies: ModuleManager
  21. Oops. I was supposed to link to its config file on github. It's Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit, made by benjee10. Here's the config and the second elevon module.
  22. Release 1.60 Added extra: RationalResourcesJetFamily. Please update RationalResourcesSquad if you use it, to delete its SquadJets configs (or just delete these manually). Increases ElectricCharge demand on electric engines. Added rebalance patches for Kerbalism reliability: RationalResourcesKerbalism now provides this to ion engines, stock and mod. (Detection logic is currently basic: If the engine eats Xenon, Argon or Lithium, it is assumed to be an ion engine. Mis-catches may occur) Ion engines now have 3 years MTBF and a few years of burn time. RationalResourcesKerbalism now provides this to Squad NERV and Restock+ Cherenkov. Atomic engines now have 1 year MTBF and 2+ days burn time. RationalResourcesNuclearFamily now provides this to all tagged engines. These engines now have 1 year MTBF and 2+ days burn time.
  23. @linuxgurugamer The part in question indeed contains more than one control surface module. It may be that this mod needs to be mindful of the number of that module and not just that the module exists.
  24. @kaputzz I imagine you may still have a hard time getting CO2 in orbit. But congrats wherever you do. The chances are non-zero if nothing else. EL likely does not create the resources for the ship while creating the ship. That's out of scope for it imo (though, the capability is there) so I find myself building my construction base with ample tankage to be drawn from when the ship spawns. And possibly, everyone does the same. You would have missed it with getting Carbon from Ore. Carbon itself won't be found in the wild and Kerbalism wouldn't care about getting CO2 from some other resource. Hard to believe that you're avoiding more fuels while having 150+ mods installed and considering installing NFP and FFT. I can't recommend (or not) a certain fuel for a certain mod. The fuel is usually dictated by that mod. But I can agree with your consideration of NFP for its ion engines. I'm rather fond of ArgonGas because it grants higher Isp and is more common so it's supposed to be quicker to produce than Xenon (so I made it so). And I'm fond of Lithium because it's a metal so it offers high TWR (among ion fuels) comfortable for manned vessels. Once you can work out an ion drive ecosystem like this, I believe you will have less need for your interplanetary ships to run on LiquidFuel. If you consider Hydrogen fueled engines then you have the bother of dealing with boiloff but you can find Hydrogen or water in more places, near airless ice worlds and near gas giants, and never have to land for any step of the refuel operation. If you go the way of FFT then you should be able to get by with just harvesting Deuterium and Helium-3 (or even Antimatter) in the orbits of gas giants.
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