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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Reinstall B9Part Switch. Re-download it even, if it's not too much trouble. Otherwise, I'll need to see your GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache and your KSP/Logs/ModuleManager/<files> I want to think System Heat Harvesters is causing the problem but I know with all certainty that it should not and is not doing so for me.
  2. Release 2.0: Mature parts pack Things may malfunction and part balancing is still to-do in some places. Kerbalism support may be short. Do let me know what I missed. Parts are now standalone on CKAN but will be featureless without Rational Resources itself (excluding Companion). DOWNLOAD :: GitHub :: SpaceDock Added LqdHe3 to atmo scoops options. Added patch that adds options to the stock drills: Alumina, CarbonDioxide, Hydrates, Mopedantte. Added parts: "MISPLACED" series ram air harvesters for LACE type engines. "Chill-O-Tron" 2.5m freezer which replaces the boxed freezer. "Therm-O-Tron" 1.25m heater which replaces the boxed heater. 5m exosphere scoop with 100m funnel span. "Giga-Tron" 3.75m refinery which produces (only) FusionPellets. Gas Cache tanks (inline, 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m, 5m) for use with harvesters or refinery edge cases. Discount CryoTanks (inline, 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m, 5m) for use with RationalResourcesNuclearFamily and the Giga-Tron. Wrapper tanks, intake and Convert-O-Tron (1.25m ~ 2.5m size). Changed some remaining atmosphere and exosphere resources from gas to liquid form for consistency. Changed harvesters' options to follow suit. Deprecated RR Parts: Hydroscoop beta, Boxed heater, Boxed freezer. Removed integration of Squad radial intake. Reduced atmospheric LqdHe3 presences as most Helium presence is the regular inert kind. Updated parts integration to require WBI Pathfinder, not Classic Stock, for insertion of WBI OmniStorage, OmniConverter or "Omni-" harvester modules into parts. WBI integration on the whole is on the fence for now. Updated Kerbalism integrations: Reduced drills' output and ElectricCharge demand to 1/5 previous values. this should be the proper scaling for them. Do not remove WBI custom harvester module from WBI Pathfinder's Lasso series parts.
  3. @Rakete Sometimes the craft design is just broken indeed, and should be abandoned or changed drastically. Ive been there. I generally take a big issue with blunt body aero and parts that aren't lift surface generating strong lift at some odd angle. I fixed the engine imprecision you pointed out. I'll release it soon-ish.
  4. Howdy. You'll have to manually install this mod. (It would be easier to as it's just one mod, not a suite.) I imagine there's a conflict between the mutual dependency on CRP, and the fact that the WBI mods ship with 4 play modes including CRP.
  5. Rational Resources Parts Looking to finish off some parts here and deliver version 2.0: 1.25m heater device (companion and contrast to the 2.5m freezer). These parts replace the original Boxed freezer/heater parts. Tank suite in 1.25m, 2.5m, 5m. Their purpose is to hold the following: Several gas resources at once. As "Ore tanks but for gas;" As buffer storage for RR-compatible atmo or exo scoops (including the ram harvesters and giant exo scoop). Life support resources FusionPellets (companion to the dedicated FusionPellets factory which exists).
  6. @Iso-Polaris I am not sure. Atmo harvesters are supposed to be configured to dodge that problem.
  7. @Cheesecake Perhaps Skyhawk has configs elsewhere that affect the SSPXr parts and are breaking harder. (Let's say that there are 2 sets of configs that work together and both need to be deleted or changed, but in only dealing with 1, the remainder breaks in a new way.)
  8. Rational Resources has no involvement with SpaceDust so there's no room for the use of FFT parts. If you used RR's own 1.25m exoscoop and it failed to produce the resource, I'm not sure what to guess for why it failed.
  9. The problem is a hole in the web of configs between @zer0Kerbal's mods. "KGEx" is a brand of his. You'll have to provide the following information to him, then uninstall his mods that provide fuel tanks or compatibility to fuel tanks so you can keep on playing while you wait for a fix: The mod list (via KSP.log and <KSP folder>/Logs/ModuleManager/<all files>). If you have a CKAN file, that may be useful as the log files don't list mods that come in subfolders of the mod main folder (some mod suites are made like that). What you aim to accomplish as you play, what makes zer0kerbal's mods relevant to your goal, for context.
  10. Howdy. CRP used to include baseline resource placement configs, but at some point, RoverDude decided to have these configs ship with MKS, as a result of a rough period for me and him where players wanted to use RR and MKS together but some of the difficulties brought on by RR will gum up the works with MKS. Now, players have to choose between RR, MKS or planet packs (home system switchers) that have custom configs for resource placement. You may install just Rational Resources for the resource placement and easily skip Rational Resources Companion which delivers the ISRU changes. I intended from the beginning for Companion to be totally avoidable if you want just the resource placement. But for the things that depend on that (including Rational Resources Kerbalism)... it can't be helped. Sorry about that. I believe I found your rant and answered it. Feel free to point out more issues if they persist. I'll take them on. The percentages exceeding 100% are in case of the off chance that players use the resource abundance nerf in the difficulty settings menu. The value, post-nerf, would still be > 100% so certain resources that are meant to always be available continue to be always available.
  11. Howdy. I hope this is the post you mentioned. Let me help clear some air here. I stopped patching the stock Surface Scanner and provided additional parts, namely the "RR Gound Scanner" which will detect Nitrogen. But it can only be found on ice planets. (It is only regarded as a thing that occurs in ice form and is not regarded as a hint at the presence of life on a given planet.) The case is similar with water. It is largely available or regarded (in a bulk, pure form) in the crusts of ice type worlds but is absolutely available in any ocean that would reasonably be assumed to be mainly water. Instead, this mod pushes you to mine Hydrates which is a primary water-bearing abstract resource and is useful for the various valuables you can get from it via the Hydrates Splitter process in RR Companion. Hydrates is quite abundant across planets covered by RR. You cannot miss it. Bop, Pol and Vall are "Ice/Water" type so they should unavoidably have 13 ~ 23% water in them. I can't imagine why this is not the case for you, if it still is, even now. I'm not sure what to say about Mun but I'm not going to rush to kill the Uraninite presence. Mun should have water concentration in its polar craters biome...but my attention to biome resources (at large) is very low because it takes an order of magnitude more effort to ensure that each biome does or doesn't have X, Y and Z.
  12. I've seen this one before. Skyhawk Science System conflicts with RR Nuclear Family by causing RNNF's patches to try to run twice for the engines in certain mods. See this post for how to deal with it: I'll do an update sometime that hopefully stops this.
  13. Howdy. I've ensured that as much as possible in my mod has localization support, so anyone who wants to contribute languages can do so with minimal headache. But anyone who commits will have to keep up as releases and parts appear. I most likely won't do any myself and there's still quite a lot I want to eventually release.
  14. Lol! I didn't think to make it a real passageway, actually. It's closed off with a black wall. Now I wish I made it so.
  15. Hi @Fihnakis . Well, here's my contribution. It may not be an answer you're hoping for as much of what I say revolves around making new mods that less reference some existing ones and more are tailor-made to suit this scenario. Achieving minimalism (or keeping things restrained with this as an ideal and not as much a hard target) can be quite a tall order, no matter how you look at things. The required (non-part) mods likely need to be written from scratch in order to work cleanly and do all that they need to and none of what they don't. These mods in particular need to: Manage kerbals (see: Ship Manifest, TRP-Hire and other very hand mods); Manage ship construction costs (some kind of fusion of Extraplanetary Launchpads and Kerbal Construction Time); Replace the contracts system entirely and be built with more basic logic and the distinctions for exoplanets and invalid planets (see: Missing out Duna contracts because you accidentally visited Eve somehow, and getting Ore from Jool and Sun); Reduce the profiteering focus on Funds and Rep and increase focus on Science, resources and manpower at the KSC and any external launch site); Extend the tech tree and populate it in certain ways, or not in certain ways. The experiment system needs to be completely replaced too. Experiments need to require time, resources, other parts, and certain conditions while at certain situations, and even only work at certain worlds. There should be less need to bring every experiment possible, and more value and reward to each experiment, and scatters should have science value to them by default. Wild Blue Industries is my favorite and which allows for all of this with experiments (except for providing and interacting with scatters), however, no one has thought to make a mod that alters progression based on WBI features. For bonus points, let's also replace the default means for attitude control (stock SAS) and steering of planes (binary state of key presses on keyboard). Something more intuitive than Atmosphere Autopilot, if possible, for the most common things people do while handling planes and also quite useful for bring rockets down, and up again. And as for steering input, something like Mouse Aim Flight + a keyboard input influence which eases the input signal and has a readily adjustable quickness (of in/out or attack/release separately). Visual mods are already settled. EVE and scatterer, once the whole Patreon premium thing is over and done with. But also, a mod that improves the skybox and a TUFX profile that changes the lighting to suit (and doesn't make it annoyingly hazy or overexposed in the ship editors). Camera effects need to be tame in there. A new default scatterer sunflare needs to happen too. Audio effect mods can boil down to some combination of Rocket Sound Enhancement, Soundtrack Editor (which allows unique music per planet) and Jet Sounds Updated). The existing Community Resource Pack, resource placement and resource conversion recipes as a whole need an inspection. There's just too much going on when mods that add realism through ISRU enter the scene. This aside, an all-new mod is surely required which provides the functions of marking locations and spawning vessels for resource harvesting and conversion, managing resources across a planet or moon, and spawning and upgrading colonies and interstellar vessels (both being in such size classes as "Huge" and "Damn huge") and handwaving away some necessary but lagfest-inducing practices. MKS and WOLF (of Umbra space Industries) are indeed a pair of mods that are all about planetary logistics, deploying colonies (though this involves deleting craft and crew) and off-world construction with some familiarity to the likes of Factorio. Colony class or interstellar class parts, when they're spawned, should have much less physics by default and should be very configurable in-game without (as far as possible) having to add and remove physical parts. WBI SandCastle allows for printing parts and having the process require diverse combinations of resources and even other parts (for more Factorio goodness) and an unfinished mod, "RackMount" happened, which allows for a host part to inherit the modules and tankage of parts stored in its inventory. A huge gameplay dynamic could arise out of just printing, shuffling, upgrading and scrapping inventory parts which are akin to virtual hardware in a virtual machine. Civilian Population is a poorly aged, but very nice mod that's all about starting and sustaining a large population within huge parts and getting to profit from it, get lots of trainable civilians that can become crew, and there is a measure for how long each kerbal has lived. (I don't think death by old age is a thing in this mod but I may be wrong.) That mod is compatible with USI LS, TAC and Kerbalism, maybe Snacks too. What's missing now is to more creatively use the population itself to influence ISRU and off-world construction with less total player effort required. Parts for interstellar travel? I'll eventually get (back) to that myself.
  16. Impulse Party I'm working on two sets of nacelle pieces for Blueshift users to enjoy. This set has a slightly larger cross-section than Mk3 and is Excelsior alike (because someone has built a really big ship and has asked for these to complete it). Colors are placeholder of course.
  17. To some degree, I realized that you were being quite realistic. I just needed to know this part. gg
  18. I know all too well...so I've stopped writing Tweakscale configs. 3rd pic is most interesting. It's the best view I've seen of a Daedalus-alike engine I've seen concerning KSP and outside of the related KSP2 trailers. but I'm curious to what is apparently the conical shadow shield towards the front of the ship. Why is it glowing?
  19. Heck yes. I know, but I wonder why you say so and how you expect them to stand out or fill a gap. I'm currently considering doing things in this order: Finish and release some hexagon pillar format parts (Refineries, tanks, inventories. They come in 2.5m, 3.75m, 5m, and include circular adapters and side stack nodes.) Make one of these: Solar thermal panels (from very small to very, very large). Aircraft engines. (Rather easy to do. Don't need nearly as much effort put into them as fusion reactors/engines) Make a CryoTanks-alike suite (and not only for cryo-substances). The inventory texture for the pillars:
  20. @davide96 At real scale it's pretty much mandatory to have some kind of autopilot and have that do your ascent or descent for you. kOS is the mod for command-line computing, enabling your vessel to do any combination of things at a command input or when a target condition is detected. But you need to get the scripts, or as much as possible, write them yourself and share them wherever players share kOS scripts. For ascents, players turn to MechJeb's Ascent Guidance or possibly, Gravity Turn Continued. For descents, there are several options (mods) for applying trim and holding your descent angle.
  21. Howdy @EimajOzear. Sorry. Kerbalism wasn't coded with provisions/expectations for bimodal NTRs so there's nothing I can do about that. I released an update to RR Nuclear Family simultaneously with Kerbalism Side Ptches. To prevent the exact duplicate reliability selector problem, the RRNF update is that it has stopped providing the same.
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