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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @KspNoobUsernameTaken I would never recommend using a Hydrogen engine for sea level. I would recommend Methane as it has some respectable density for use for heavy lifters and unless I'm mistaken, I've baked in the cryo fuel switching from Rational Resources Nuclear Family. The thermal nozzles and SULEU engines should be able to run on things other than Hydrogen. The broader solar thermal panel suite isn't out yet but you can try out the gameplay loop via the variants of the Sterling super heavy shield and two of the World Power boxed parts.
  2. @KspNoobUsernameTaken The molten salt reactors aren't for use with engines. The pebble bed reactors are. Throttle limit the thermal nozzles too. Surely most deep space ships won't need more than, idk, 30% their peak thrust. Unlikw with Near Future's fission reactors and ion engines, it's not so simple a mini-game of matching a reactor to an engine.
  3. Release 2.0.7 Updated RationalResources: Added missing hotspots for pure Water on Kerbin, Duna, Laythe, Moho. @adriangm44 Updated biome templates (CRP only). Updated RationalResourcesBlacksmith: Created/Fixed SystemHeat integration. @GrimerX Updated RationalResourcesELUtilities: Added protection against possible duplicate SystemHeat module. Updated SystemHeat efficiency curves. Updated RationalResourcesKerbalism: Fixed atmo scoops seeking gas form resources when liquid forms are placed. @Apollo 13
  4. @J534 Perhaps you're thinking of the resource maps from MKS, KSPIE or Kerbalism. Regloith comes from KSPIE and (afaik) only serves as an ore of He-3. @Apollo 13 Ah. I've left some RR Kerbalism harvesters expecting gas type and not liquid type. I'll fix that.
  5. This is actually quite savage if you think on it for a bit, lol. I foresee a hard dependency on this little monster of a mod
  6. Howdy. I must assume one of the following: You have many mods installed that you don't know what they do and one of them is doing something to your air scoops. You're not using Rational Resources' own scoops or compatible ones in other mods such as Stockalike Mining Extension (+ Rational Resources Companion for the integration of them). If you are using Rational Resources' MISPLACED series scoops then you're not moving fast enough. They require the vessel to be moving fast.
  7. Oh. Nice. And oops. Thanks for pointing that out.
  8. I strongly believe not. I've been to System Heat's repo a few times, and NFE's repo just now, and have seen nothing that suggests "yes." Possible shader mod (TU, TUFX, Shabby/Shady, KS3P?, Reshade?, Restock) conflict or bad settings.
  9. @Starwaster Granted what you said, while I tried rotating the docking and control transforms I kept thinking Y+ was forward for the docking transform. That helped me to finally fix it. (It's playtested and confirmed.) Links: Direct/Commit Pre-release (zips)
  10. It's the model. I ripped all the affected models, remade their colliders and animations and re-exported, therefore, it's absolutely something I'm not aware of in what I've done. I've tried what I can as far as the config is concerned but no success. And I'm not sure what the orientations are for the docking transforms. Since the part is being stubborn I've somewhat given up on trying to learn the correct orientations. It seems like there is a collider poking out of the docking port, blocking it, but there absolutely shouldn't be one. I'd have noticed when inspecting the animation. The parts I've redone are these four: Avatar tail, Humpback tail, J large docking, J deployment bay.
  11. The absurd heat issue is one that was pointed out rather recently and somehow I failed to realize that myself. That heat generation rate will be cut down to 1/10 as much in the pending update. You can get the config here. At line 40, the systemPower value is what matters but there are other little changes. The other System Heat engine configs have changes to them too, mainly fixes to their temperature curves so you may want those too. The point of a System Heat compatible heatsink is to add lots of volume to a loop and slow the rate of change across the loop. They are capacitors but for heat. Unfortunately, I have no grasp of what the undefined default coolant type is and it seems quite insufficient given the scale of things that my parts and FFT's parts are made for, so the heat sinks I've provided so far may have a very small impact when they should have a large impact. I've considered doing something about that and either providing advanced heatsink models that provide some higher order of magnitude of capacity or providing a volume multiplier switch (with upgrade system involvement) to the existing ones. Neither option will happen anytime soon, though. The intended method is simply: Use Sterling's reactors to generate adequate amounts of ThermalPower --> Use (and throttle limit) the thermal nozzles which are fed by ThermalPower --> What waste heat they generate demands System Heat compatible radiators. The thermal nozzles themselves are an option for main engines for shuttles and fight for the spots of both the RAPIER and NERV on your lander and spaceplane or the spot of your NERV cluster on your not-so-low-tech nuclear grand tour ship. It's not terribly important (to me) that the reactors lack configs. They only use Core Heat for a slow startup and don't use System Heat because all heat energy that comes out of them is useful and none is waste. Waste heat only happens when it reaches the generators, engines or other things that process and use heat. Making them use System Heat means they'll either become dead weight if they contribute 0 to a loop, or they'll still produce waste heat and demand radiators (which is the point of the generators). I would have to make them demand a very small radiator capacity in order to function without becoming a wasteful burden on existing craft. Making the generators extract loop heat and produce ThermalPower seems very good in concept. If the loop temperature is high enough then it should work, and have the throughput scale with the loop temperature. But my testing has had bad results. I'd rather not have to use the negative heat values cheat but doing so apparently leads to negative efficiency which climbs to 0 as the converter warms up, then the converter overheats and fails when it reaches the optimum loop temperature. As for running a spacecraft on Ore, consider using the mass driver engines in Stockalike Mining Extension and Sterling's metal fuel cells for good, powerful, non-nuclear electric generation. As for "interesting propulsion methods" I have a few engine types planned but I can't promise when I'll make them.
  12. @GrimerX There is lack for configs for System Heat and expecially Kerbalism System Heat. I'll include this in an update and let you know.
  13. @moyashii The current beta ( includes the actual fixes for those, however, the J large inline docking port (an offending non-legacy part) no longer docks for some reason. WorldStabilizer stopped being helpful (and even became worse) in KSP 1.11
  14. I haven't played with all of them so I can't say.
  15. @KerikBalm KPBS is the go-to stockalike base parts mod that can do everything, is compatible with several other mods, includes a rover pack, its parts are lightweight and not too big so can be shipped as-is, without needing to build via EL etc. Planetside is an SSPXr-alike base parts pack. It's rather lacking in parts and features and classifies imo as an "outpost" mod, not a colony mod, but its SSPXr-alike looks are great and includes windmills so you have free energy if you land in atmosphere and are in the outer system where solar panels aren't viable. It includes a rover pack too. EL, Global Construction or USI Konstruction are off-world construction mods and not colony mods in themselves. They're pretty mandatory when you want to build big once you've landed somewhere. Shipping parts in from Kerbin gets old really fast if you're ambitious or you play on any system scale other than stock. Kerbal Konstructs was fixed sometime after KSP 1.8 such that off-world KK spawn points don't offset several km into the air... So someone could arrange that if they wanted to. I don't think anyone does this, though. Kinda defeats the point of having planets to travel to if you can just spawn ships and crew there directly from the VAB. Bonus If you're interested in off-world construction procreation then consider Moar Kerbals. Civilian Population and MKS allow this too but they bring a lot of parts or gameplay mechanics with them. I bet you don't want that.
  16. @KspNoobUsernameTaken Try Physics Hold if you haven't already.
  17. JNSQ contains the configs and requires OSSNTR which is the asset pack... You must also ensure that you have GameData/CustomPreLaunchChecks/ which is bundled with and required by KK or else KK doesn't function. Anyone who is will and able to produce/update scatterer and EVE configs is certainly welcome to do so. Configs are usually not restrictive licensed (except when finely crafted PQSMod/terrain topology settings are concerned). Visual mod configs are not my territory but may be @OhioBob's. Do alert us if someone makes it so and we could arrange a release just for that (probably).
  18. @adriangm44 Sorry about that. I'm not sure what to say about it but I've been working on it and I can release fixes soon. Have you tried drilling and splitting Hydrates? It's the thing to do when direct Water is lacking or unavailable.
  19. You definitely could. But I don't think that's how that works. I wish you well in minimizing how much you have to write to get the job done.
  20. @KspNoobUsernameTaken I see that. Unfortunately, I'm not sure it's within MM's power to get the array position of an item based on an expected value. The closest thing I can suggest is to sort the parts based on their own naming filter like below, get the first number and then scale that number with respect to what that resource is. I personally don't see the need to fetch a specific resource (at least not in my test case here). // USI Core's tanks // Use ? as the placeholder for a single character at this location. // Using * at the end can be a bad idea as some parts may have suffixes // but have different roles that you don't want to catch such as // wanting the C3_Kontainer* which holds MetallicOre // but not C3_Kontainer_INV* which is inventory space. @PART[C3_FlatRnd_??|C3_RTank_??|C3_LqdTrussTank] // holds Karborundum @PART[C3_FlatTank_??|RadialSupPack|MountableSupPack|C3_Kontainer_??] // holds MetallicOre @PART[RadialLqdTank|MountableLqdTank] // holds LF+OX @PART[C3_NukeFuelTank|C3_NukeFuelTank_Lg] // holds EnrichedUranium @PART[C3_Kontainer_INV_??] // KIS space From what I understand, resource values are scaled like this in USI's tanks. Exceptions (such as Hydrogen and Argon) occur but can be ignored as they're never the first resource. LFO needs care as it's two numbers. Stock = 1x All CRP resources = 5x Hydrogen = 50x Argon = 1600x Ultimately, I just need to get the first number (and maybe don't multiply it by 5? I leave that for you to feel it out) and I'm all set.
  21. @kicek_kic Howdy. I have an issue with the column name "Utility/No Parts mods." I would expect that the mods here are all QoL (quality of life) mods which specifically don't add parts. There a lot of players who love utilities and hate parts and would have the same problem I'm pointing out. Please split this column into utilities (parts) and QoL (no-parts). The parts mods so far: Heat Control (Radiator pack) Kerbalism (Gameplay overhaul) KSP Interstellar Extended (Gameplay overhaul and mega parts pack) MechJeb (The MJ core is a part) Procedural Parts (of course) Realism Overhaul (Gameplay overhaul and mega parts pack) SCANsat (scanner parts pack) System Heat (Adds a few parts but they can be ignored entirely) Universal Storage (Cargo parts pack)
  22. Ohhh. I really was curious to what was supplying your star system. @Sushut is aware of the need for Rational Resources compatibility. It could happen, I'm sure, but a very large procedural galaxy with configs for every planet will easily cause your MM cache to approach 100 MB size so the galaxy gen will need a very big warning label beside the toggle for resource configs.
  23. Howdy. Rational Resources supports Classic Stock. It helps (but shouldn't be mandatory) that you do not have Community Resource Pack (and, therefore, no mods that have a hard dependency on it). It is not a resource library (that it would compete with CRP or Classic), it only controls the placements of resources. The issue of "too realistic" and needing to write configs to support planets is the point of "rational." The completely random, default placement of resources is treated as irrational and is deactivated, leaving no resource loadout (except Ore) for unsupported planets. Resources are then arranged on planets based on what the planet would be presumed to be primarily composed of. Example: It is rational that you can't get radioactives and heavy metals at ice planets. But it is also rational that ice planets will be full of Nitrogen or water, with a good chance of Ammonia, which is welcome by Kerbalism players. It is rational that a volcanic planet would have a lot of Gypsum (a Sulfur compound used in-game) and Carbon Dioxide and would lack in cryo substances. I don't go out of my way to find every planet mod out there and write configs for them. I handle popular and recent ones (mostly on request) then it's up to the owner of whatever other planet mod to do the same. And I've made it easy to do so via a template system which makes MM do a lot of work. About the shortcomings listed with Classic Stock the first problem is that Classic Stock in itself is only a resource library and resource placement mod. The second is that I've cut back from making or updating mods to be compatible with it. It's too rare that I see a post of someone showing their Classic Stock shenanigans and I've changed to just making parts so I'm very short on feedback and motivation to add or maintain compatibility. For use of Classic Stock's resources I do provide some solutions already: Rational Resources Companion provides integration of ISRU parts for CRP and for Classic Stock. But... most Classic Stock integrations require the Pathfinder mod to be installed (in which case, all compatible refineries become omniconverters and all harvester types except exospheric change to use WBI's module for omni drills -- one module to dig up all resources, once you've unlocked the current biome with a Geology lab). If the Pathfinder requirement is a bad decision then I don't know due to lack of feedback. Rational Resources Squad + Rational Resources Companion cause all Squad tanks and CryoTanks to (use B9 Part Switch and) hold Classic Stock's resources. I have patches for a few of Nertea's mods here on my Sandbox repo. Feel free to try them out and give feedback. The config for CryoTanks and RaptiumEngine may easily conflict with some Rational Resources mods. I chose not to publish them since I didn't get the impression that they would be popular and I didn't want to end up doing a lot more for the Near Future mods. (Not something I provide, but) as @Krakatoa pointed out, all of the Wild Blue Industries mods are made to work with Classic Stock. Pathfinder is the base-building and heavy industry mod. The lion's share of ISRU chain goodness is in there, hence the prior mentioned requirement on it. DSEV, the station parts mod is the best place for tanks, but I think it lacks a fair bit in options. Buffalo 2, the rover mod, is a fine option for small (1.875m-ish) tanks. I'm of two minds for a preferred resource system. I like Classic Stock because it doesn't have the sheer width of a vast array of resources for every niche use case like CRP and real life. KSP gameplay is simple by nature... But I like CRP because real resources bring real data that I can do math and come up with interesting and specific results on.
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