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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @flywlyx It's updated!!! : D *overloads* Now I have my ultimate Science Save goal back, and can resume making warp-ships to share. @Seeker89 GN anything is supposed to be prohibitively expensive because it's a transcendent tech.
  2. @kraden Nah, I'm not so awesome. But I wonder how many people are/were expecting that biome too. There is a proper, Kerbin-comparable biome map now and science defs so everyone can properly science the volcano and potentially find the other/different biomes where they're expected. Hopefully it's already in the 0.9 release. If not, you'll see it in 1.0.
  3. This sounds somewhat like the thing where someone else had KSPRC installed along with SVE.
  4. Just now I reinstalled some mods and took another spaceplane design for a spin: another attempt at the Jonny Quest Dragonfly...but without the silly slope in the main wings. Things went pretty smoothly but the good part is when I came down for landing in a forgiving seaside grassland biome. High horizontal speed and ballet skipping over bumps were a breeze. But then a rear wheel brushed a small stone and the plane rolled over and suffered a @CatastrophicFailure of structural integrity. : D That one stone....out of nowhere! *I tag you because it was such fun to see/read your rant about rock scatter being tangible now.*
  5. Welcome @Maveriick. If you think just playing KSP is epic, wait till you make a couple of friends on here too. Before you do, I hope you're familiar with: I'm not Scott Manley, but, Fly safe~™
  6. I'm really glad you just said that @COL.R.Neville. Some of my ships feel naked and a tad barren without this mod. I love this mod that it lets you fill in at 99% every other place where you want your flag to show big and bright but can't stick a stock FAT tail wing on it. Stock wing:
  7. @MrMeeb Your feedback would be Gold...'s weight in Ore from Minmus. @Galileo Seriously, how'd I mess up that part?
  8. Best question ever asked: Can it even lift? This plane answers it best: It lifts too much!!! Can we get a screenshot with all the center markers on please?
  9. Oh noes. xD ...Thanks for the launchpad screenshot btw. @Galileo This one is essentially complete. The ones for Iota and Ceti are nearly ready. They're in need of screenshots and some Math which in turn needs KER or me to learn to use MechJeb. I may rename Land/Launch dV to just Liftoff dV. There won't be any more of this until HyperEdit catches up too.
  10. Inside the game, Gauss and his moons are trolls. Outside the game...
  11. My first few crafts arose in KSP 1.2 + Galileo's Planet Pack: A prototype M2X science VTOL inspired by someone's Prometheus-like craft on KerbalX but with which I only needed the Crew Report experiment, and 3 scanner probes. My mission was to finalize on the biome map for Kerbin Gael. I have no idea how fuel efficient this is, or isn't, nor what my vertical speed is when trying to land, because I have the displeasure of operating without KER and dropping/slamming the surface at 12m/s. KER's not 1.2-ready yet. On the other hand, I'm taken away by the model changes to some M2X parts and the mission flag's new position in SPH (and on the Mk1 cockpit).
  12. One of my instruments for finishing up the finalized Gael biome map. You will see a wonderful assortment of 13 colors (well, 12 excluding black) in stock overlays and science definitions for all of them next time a download is pushed. Here's hoping my science for Gael's moons makes it before v1.0. This is an M2X Science VTOL, my first real KSP 1.2 craft, currently only good for Crew Report but that experiment is all I needed. Is it easy to change the sunflare in GPP? In case it's not (without renaming Ciro back to Sun), hacking the way had some ease to it.
  13. Finally trying out KSP 1.2. My Gael biome map works correctly, it seems. And certain other things I've added are showing up nicely. Now I need to get back KER. It's kinda horrible to do things without it. I'm gonna get back to the science for Gael's moons, then finish cleaning up the map and hope it doesn't disagree with things again.
  14. @Flashblade Actually I don't think I ever saw it. Well that just changed. Well back in the day the ARI used IntakeAir and Squad's ion engines were uber so it's quite fine that the reference engine setup won't work now. Stardancer sounds like a flagship. As for me I have a use for every one of the service and RCS parts coming with OPT v1.9. Eh? I hope you mean they blend perfectly, visually. There are very good reasons why OPT elevons are separate parts beside the newer wings. mhmm. I see what you did there.
  15. Niven is officially 20n more awesome. The South Pole is a sporting arena! Pod Racers/MotorCross HYYYYPE! Landing and hunting down those lakes exploring aside. I made a dV tester craft so I could measure the amount needed for landing/launching and add that to a per-planet chart... I forgot to test for sync. orbit SMA. Peeps would love that too. I've decided to not feature surface-mineable resources anymore as they're still bound to change within the planets, there are just so many and there are even more now with CRP's evolution for KSP 1.2.
  16. Did some test flights at the Venutian world Niven in @Galileo's Planet Pack. I went looking for those lakes on what seems like an obvious and complete desert world. Then I made a dV tester craft so I could extract the land/launch requirement and add it to/create a solo (per planet) chart with the most pertinent information for the many, many landers to come, starting with Niven; inspired by the Planet Wiki for stock and for OPM. The south pole is a natural Pod Racer and MotorCross Arena... HYYYYPE!
  17. Howdy. The simplest part of gravity assists is that: If you pass a planet, relative to it (with its spin vector) you'll accept its energy and accelerate. If you pass to it (against its spin vector) you'll fight its energy and decelerate. Also, the closer you approach during the encounter, the more you use the Oberth effect and your gravity assist is more powerful. A very small or burn somewhere far before the encounter should help with that steep angle of approach.
  18. I really like the idea behind this mod and one of the scopes of what and why I build concerns colonization. I'd love to staff my biggest (or smallest) ships with kerbals of this kind, especially that soon I'm no longer going to play only Sandbox. Now let me poke your mind. @maculator What color (if it was in your power to, or in your TextureReplacer config) would you have as default for colonists? Green, like the emphasis in the OP? * Got here from a thread about a medics trait in which you were tagged.
  19. Hello there and welcome to the forums. To my knowledge Advanced Fly-By-Wire is the only such mod and it's been in limbo. Here is its thread if you're up to keeping a close eye on its progress. Some users are making tries to have it work in KSP 1.2 since its OP has been away for too long.
  20. Kopernicus updated! The heat is back on sooner than I thought.
  21. Thanks very much for the critique, yo. I'll put small cones on the precoolers. I named it Bluestreak because the air engines all produce blue emissive and that gave me the idea to set the illuminators and gear lights to blue to match. And part of the awesome of the craft is supposed to be that it gets to space without any Rapiers, even though I know very well that Rapiers are way better than Whips for the job. The "backwards aerospikes" are actually shock cone intakes.
  22. Managed to make a vanilla plane that gets to Mun. I call it the NOX Bluestreak Z. No Rapiers or Oxidizer here. Its fuel margin is a little tight and may be beyond my piloting skill considering the limited range (of runtime and strength) on the Whips. Added RCS tanks but not nozzles, and replaced the heatshield with a shielded docking port. It's technically still WIP but it's up for download by any ace pilot. Derived from my mod SSTO that can reach Minmus, land and return.
  23. I hadn't thought of that as I'm staying in KSP 1.1.3 for a while. It'd be pretty sad to think that certain ships I design and share will no longer work.
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