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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Yes. I'm getting the lighting bug again. In time warp, in Map View, the lights appear on any body in the vector of the light source. Distance is not counted. I got it to happen to Iota while in Iota orbit, and Eta while in Iota orbit.... Now, out of timewarp but still in Map View and still facing Eta, I get a spotlight flashing across Iota at a regular pace. Eta in the static lighting issue. I can't catch the Iota one. I'm going to need to grab a stopwatch and pace the thing.
  2. Scatterer seems to not like me. I'm getting the default sunflare. I haven't been back to Augustus yet to see if I get the lighting bug. Oh you just noticed the Ultra Jeb. I was gonna quote it into here. You're stalking me. D: ... Hello again, Gael.... Toodles again, Gael. c:
  3. Finally getting to play KSP so I decide to test the next pre-release of the Galilean Planet Pack. The Enterprise launches again with all orange suits aboard to resume the unofficial grand tour. Mach 4 at 60deg is the way to go. Why wait 87 days to meet an asteroid? Let the horses out with the Trans-AM feature and meet up with it in the square root of the time! Ultra Jeeeeeeb!
  4. I'll try to keep that in mind for when I get to develop my own planet.
  5. Finally an opportunity to play, and test out GPP 0.6 with medium res SVE. I took a STOVL around the volcano and relaunched the Enterprise with all the BadS's aboard. Is it normal that when you apply the surface texture to a planet it's horizontally flipped? The runway launch direction, and KSC's location make sense now that I have to do this inversion.
  6. The crew of the NANC Brown awaken to a sensor pinging, registering something shadowy, but sufficiently solid in that path, as they had hoped for. Valentina, then the seasoned scientist Sigmund Kerman take turns stepping outside to confirm this shadowy figure with their eyes. After being deceived by the onboard KER and overshooting the node, NANC is forced to hike her skirt up and dig her heels in, unleashing nearly triple her nominal pushing power to potentially avoid having to correct a distorted orbit later, and wisely shedding some weight in the process. Like Eddie's women and the Odyssey NANC Brown and crew also, simultaneously elated and perplexed, confirm the existence of the planet Dres! Two probes are launched at Periapsis and made to circularize individually in their discrete orbits. The inexperience of copilot Nancy Kerman, however, not anticipating that the probes would control from their docking port by default, causes her to launch them both in the wrong direction and risk them both colliding with the ship while burning in the proper direction. The GeoProbe, a highly unconventional SCAN probe, has to do both the exclusive 750km high orbit for terrain mapping, and the low 250km orbit typically taken by ResourceProbes, but does not itself carry resource scanners. Once again, and even more surprising than with Moho, a patch of bad data emerges in the terrain map. It's as if Dres has a Mohole of its own in the equatorial region. The crew now draw straws to see who will have the displeasure of staying alone on the ship while the other three descend and investigate... But while they waited on the SCAN results, they've also detected four mysterious entities in the immediate area. The novice scientist Munney Kerman seems to have been as productive as he has been entertained with the discovery equipment. Oy, @max_creative I think you'd especially enjoy this.
  7. Made a version of the Runabout craft replacing the Malemute Rover parts. And I removed 1 mod (Procedural Parts Extended) from all my Starfleet ships. So this Runabout is -2 mods (hence 5 mods) versus the first one. Added into the existing thread and posted on KerbalX. No loss in features except for one seat and you can't exit through the hatch on the back.
  8. Ahhh. It helps to know the role of the craft that you're selecting the fuel for. I'm experienced now in making small~medium manned vessels with Argon fuel, motherships with Lithium (The Lithium chain actually seems to be way overweight for very small craft), and probes with Argon and Xenon. (I don't use Xenon much, personally. So I can't say it'll work as well on small~medium manned vessels) Don't be scared about reactor life. Just develop the habit of having the reactors on only when you need to use the engines. Once you have that, reactor life is not as scary. "5 years" you say? You're not going to be burning a maneuver node for the total time of 5 years. ....You can tweak a reactor's power level to decrease its Ec output and vastly increase life span. But if you're keeping more than just the lights on at an Eeloo base then it may be a problem. Re-purpose the Grenadier into a nuclear fuel freight and you're quite good to go. The real horror is in installing enough radiators without making your ship look like a pine cone or badly shaved fluffy animal. I can PM you more tips if you want.
  9. There's only one engine I have that even closely fits the bill. It's an aerospike and checks out everywhere but it's a Mk2 Linear Aerospike. Its ISP is 450, right above the OPT Aerospikes at 420. From QuizTech Aerospace. But here's my lander with ARI engines, and KER set to Kerbin atmo.
  10. Okay. Pardon me but what does LUA mean? "Least User Access" ?
  11. You may want to install the Ambient Light Adjustment mod. It's a tiny thing and a little old but should be a great help. Lol, Kintel. Will there be any kompetitors/other-platform vendors @RangeMachine ? I'm personally looking out for Kualcomm now......Kualcomm SnapKraken CPUs for phones and rovers.
  12. My probes, Xenon Koasters, and Lithia series ships have Near Future Propulsion. Their fuel type is tied to their emission color. StarProbe is fed by Argon Gas, and you'll see more of that when my Duna missions and "The Argon Age" begin. Lithia runs on Lithium and such engines produce deep red colored emissions. The OmniProbes and NANC Brown's supplementary crafts (built upon the Xenon Koaster) have bright blue emissions, paying respect to stock Xenon Gas. If you're also curios to NANC Brown's engines, they're the AT-80 Hades nuclear engine from the same mod as Odyssey's cupola.
  13. StarProbe makes its Moho insertion at long last, having miraculously dodged the fabled curses of the Moho encounter and the surface impact of its transfer stage is confirmed by Mission Control (as -1 flight when I reopen KSP and recover the probe itself from the FailEdit). Its first sweep is performed with the altimetry scanner to perfectly map the terrain for potential surface ops. StarProbe returns 98.9% of this information. The remain 1.1% is void, mysteriously defying SCANsat's powers. Just in time to lower its orbit and begin its resource scanner sweep (basically every other scanner), another maneuver needs to be performed but not by itself. Lithia L fires her engines and secures a Jool encounter. Unfortunately, since no form of booster stage was included, it now has a little under 2km/s dV remaining and needs to use 1km/s to secure a very high orbit. Lithia's crew has decided to attempt to land on Pol first and refuel. However, between circularizing and getting the Pol encounter could possibly be a very long wait...but anything is better than running dry and then either escaping Jool or finding Tylo in their path. Encounter secured, copilot Jeddo Kerman leaves his quarters to play with his EVA pack, admire the ship from outside for once, and stare into the Sun. When he finishes he heads for the lab to entertain the scientists.
  14. I got lazy with reducing a probe's altitude as the time came to use its maneuver node, seeing as every scanner has its altitude limits. I was going to quickload anyway and do it normally afterward. In comes HyperEdit, but I forgot the last three zeros. Kaboom! : D ...Then I try to quickload during the presence of the Flight Log window and KSP crashed. A serious post will come in a bit.
  15. @Benji13 That's the cupola from Mk3 Stockalike Expansion. It's fabulous, isn't it?
  16. Waiting for another giant mod download to finish, then I can start this one.
  17. Yes, the Humpback. @stali79 Escpecially the scramjets!! @Mycroft
  18. @OhioBob Ah, I may have over-exaggerated my answers/assumptions. Yes, there will always be the incident of flying into a situation unaware. And wow, those numbers in SSRSS. W00t! @Galileo ....Augustus lakes? I now wonder just how many of the screenshots I saved for reference have become obsolete.
  19. Loki would be even more of a troll moon--in fact the perfect one if it/he was indeed a 3rd level moon. Loki: "Hiiiii" ;D But he's still a defiant bugger right where he is, as the only body in the Gauss system with no atmo. He'll tempt everyone to land on him first, and get away with it too.
  20. I used to dislike the ARI engine but I believe the reason it spools is because it's made to have increased efficiency in atmosphere like a jet engine. Its Isp is 900+ ASL but 340 Vac. I also write it off to OPT's design principles as a company, the same principles that lead to the Dark Drive... That aside, I know your pain very well. My Big Boy lander has ARI engines for feet but I can't fathom doing a vertical landing, in vacuum, with "space jet" engines. @stali79 I was informed that the Humpback series is/has been removed? Is this true?
  21. @OhioBob I assume there is, to a great extent, a direct correlation between the overall difficulty of each of Squad's planets and the height and bite of its atmosphere. This may have been their intention as originally, KSP is not supposed to be super-realistic and potentially confuse and irritate folks with the real detail where less surface gravity means taller atmosphere. (For example, contrasting a typical Duna landing to a landing at Tarsiss, a world with Duna's size but half its gravity and as much sky as Kerbin...I haven't been to Tarsiss so I may be talking out my butt.) I'm betting no one's going to expect that they'll fall in when they teleport to any normally safe altitude around Gauss with HyperEdit. Having known nearly nothing about atmosphere until I met you, I'd still be quite unassuming like most other folks. It may be easy to see this coming -> Novice: "Omg I'm falling!!! Why is there so much [redacted] atmosphere?!?!" ... But also easy to see an infamous challenge coming along like the Jool 5, or a semi-unavoidable and highly exploitable (and as dangerous) event like the Tylo encounter: An "Atm-Olympics" or "Atmo-Ception" thing maybe. Seeing as Gauss itself, it's moon, and its moon's moon have amazingly tall atmosphere.
  22. Maybe it's a deficiency that needed this medicine?
  23. I didn't take screenshots of glitches then but next time I go, if anything weird happens I will cap it/them. Maybe they won't happen again in this first update but I'll be watching out. Should I play again in the base release to recreate them? Or replay my mission in this first update?
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