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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. That's pretty awesome. The tables remove the hassle of jumping to the target planet in Map View and checking its stats before going. I did a landing on Augustus to test out a new craft (but now it has twice the atmosphere it used to. I want to check that out). I also want to confirm the KER fix as it did get thrown for loops. I did encounter some known lighting bugs during my little quest. Backface lighting (from what spotlights I know not which) occurred with Iota in Map View (before I went there with HyperEdit. I was in Gael orbit). It made me think Iota had an atmosphere. While in orbit of Augustus after landing, returning, docking orbit: warping caused my lights to illuminate its surface.
  2. Enable aerodynamic overlays and watch for ice blue lines. I assume you may be getting rogue body lift which is apparently quite a thing with Mk3 parts. Or maybe there's not enough control surface ahead of the CoL. Or despite the CoM's location, your plane is relatively very heavy in the back and is still vulnerable to the same problem of the CoL being ahead of CoM. Same exact thing happened with this that I posted over a week ago. It has much less wing span but it flies great at all times except while at high altitude on reentry. It had to as long as possible or else.
  3. Lol @ spoiler. But really, the L-size parts are going? Well there goes my flagship with them. Or I'd have to keep them separately curated to remain usable. And that I have some experience doing. So...tell me more about this orbital defense. When you have time, of course.
  4. Finished developing the Runabout. It's up for download. Confirmed fit inside USS Prometheus but it's not a good fit.
  5. Finally, an amazing tiny ship to carry in the amazing large ship, both from Starfleet. This Federation Runabout seats 3, fits perfectly and is even an SSTO. Its body is from the USI Malemute Rover. It doesn't have passive antigravity due to its low tier engine (in the GN Drive mod) but simulates it by mashing RCS which is very necessary to control vertical speed while sub-orbital. The only thing to really worry about is surface gravity as its TWR is just fine on Kerbin but main thrust alone is not enough to get into Kerbin orbit. The USS Enterprise D craft has been updated with a perfectly placed docking port to receive this craft, but that port is not in any action groups. My brief testing hasn't made it necessary but it's easy enough to reach and right-click on when it presents the undock option. Action Groups 1) Toggle GN Drive and Ion Engines. Better to not use the Spacebar to start. GN Drives may not show up in staging. 5) Refuel Runabout. It doesn't have passive regeneration and will eventually go dry. The craft will need downtimes as all Ec will be consumed for the process. 0) Undock Node. (Test this before going live.) The Clamp-O-Tron, on the underside, is inset to reduce the concern for it dragging across a surface during translation while landed. This makes it very hard to reach while docked to another ship, moreso the wall or floor of a cargo bay. If this doesn't work for you, add Decouple Node to the action group. Download USI version. Non-USI version.
  6. In an alternate timeline, even, alternate and newly charted solar system, Jebediah and Valentina take off in the Enterprise-D and begin an informal grand tour. First stop: the closest planet to the local star. Later, the first lady decides to take the ship to the edge of the atmosphere of the local Super-Kerbin and even take a step outside. Jebediah takes the Federation Runabout and lands on a moon of the largest gas giant. I never imagined a gas planet could look scary on the horizon. It's like it doesn't want people landing in his space. The Runabout perfectly fits inside Enterprise.
  7. @Mycroft That's an awesome specialty you have: making super-heavy freights. The specialty I'm developing is hypersonic travel and ballistic launches to the target body. No Kerbin orbital insertion phase. Fort NOX is the brand behind most of it, but can't have their stamp on everything. Fort NOX is all about doing everything that needs to be done but without Oxidizer. And practically everyone's favorite engine is an LFO engine. And every conventional or otherwise effective heavy lifter vehicle runs on LFO. I have another company coming that isn't restricted by fuel type, but it's not intended to start out/have its HQ on Kerbin. I know the trouble of the PC itself becoming an obstacle to gaming. My main PC now easily trips over itself and instant-offs at some uncertain threshold when I have the game open, even just lounging in the SPH with a ship near my personal part count limit (200). Your Macbook has served you very well, all things considered. I'm pretty happy about the smileys update but I wonder now if there's a limit to how many smilies can be installed at once.
  8. I had the inclination to test the ship's ability to return from whence it came. What better to test an Eve landing with than what can do an Eve liftoff (because I have no crafts designed for Eve). Ohhhhh, a very bugged release? That's why Mycroft panicked and said the L/Humpback parts were gone?
  9. I was kidding when I chose the name "Bald Eagle" but if you really think it fits, use it. I don't mind. ...Are the L-size parts really going? Are you sure you don't have them confused? Apparently for me they were renamed to the Humpback series. It's way past my bedtime... I'll answer the rest, later.
  10. Here's the album (and it will grow for a while). Before I end up using up all your likes. http://imgur.com/a/nlgst It begins with a sunrise at Icarus. Just warped to daylight on Augustus. Tellumo's waving back from behind Otho. : D
  11. ! Made a Federation Runabout lookalike to fit inside the Enterprise and Prometheus. It's not quite done. When fully tested it will be published on KerbalX.
  12. Jebediah's going to tour the Cathedral with Augustus. But big man Otho doesn't like visitors after hours. D:
  13. Finally, setting up an album. Oh look. Gratian has ice. So are there oasis'es'es down there? Umm........ Apparently not. D:
  14. I was about to quit the game and re-check my mods (some textures for my chosen ship are in a supplemental mod) then get ah'kraken with ye old HyperEdit when my PC gave out.
  15. Alrighty then. I'll chill at Gael's description. Before my main PC gave out (stupid idea to use this one) under the sheer weight of the pack's awesomeness, I got a glance at Iota in the Tracking Station... It fairly resembles Minona now. o.o I was looking forward to its rather eccentric style, from the early screenshots up-close. Speaking of camera... I think I'll install the camera part for RasterPropMonitor onto my ship.
  16. Gauss gets more awesome by the day. That's alotta atmosphere for the least of the gas giants...with the baddest of all the moons. Concerning biomes, nah. Gael alone needs to be plentiful in biomes for when people start doing Science and Career with this planet pack. I can flesh out my description for Gael at least for you to insert. I....happen to have OCD over the homeworld.
  17. Gael better be defined as a humble, motherly lady and sometimes the life of the party, @Duski I put a gag or two in the science where she takes things personally or she may get too lively and destroy things. Thalia should be a demon planet. Y-class specifically if you know Star Trek. And Gauss is a darn troll with electromagnetic powers. He makes that face and one of his moons is Loki, of all people.
  18. @ProtoJeb21 Whatever's not in this album. http://imgur.com/a/5bnbO Poodmund did all those.
  19. @ProtoJeb21 I made a biome map and config for Gael already. http://imgur.com/a/uO28m & https://github.com/JadeOfMaar/galileanplanets/blob/master/Biomes/biomes_gael.cfg The config just needs a map path and maybe fine-tuning?
  20. @Mycroft That image where the whole head and neck of your Avatar shuttle are about to pop like a zit due to overheating is why all my main spaceplanes have a heatshield on their noses. Otherwise, that's how it's done: making a fabulous OPT thing and coasting at Mach 6 while under 32km. *2 thumbs up* Your third-to-last plane reminds me of a Kerbin-Mun VTOL carrier I made once. I think it got the job done but had poor SAS and it might have been the last craft I designed for serious use that involved one or two Dark Drives. I abstain from the Dark Drive for story reasons because of its sheer awesome. And have made no ship worthy to carry it since. I envy love your use of Mk3 to Mk2 adapaters. Also I dub your ship with the epic wings, "The Bald Eagle." @Gryphorim I salute at the sight of that fleet. Your pic is "a little old" you say but I say it's timeless. I can't say I like any particular design more than the other. All are so awesome. The K-size plane on far left. Is that a freight? I assume it's made with hollow fuselages and the cargo tail is the only way to (un)load something. @Andrew2070 Your ship must be Legion. For it is many. I've been plotting a multi-ship somewhat like this for a while. But the idea didn't involve OPT parts as the minor ships need to be less than J-size. That idea might change now. Their carrier might become J-size. And I'll keep that last part in mind: J good for atmo, K good for deep space. I have no likes to give right now so I must show my appreciation through extra writing.
  21. The node exposing the interesting name of your other ship, showin in KAC. Also, you can't embed an imgur album. That functionality broke some time ago. Kerbals' ability to lose consciousness is a new stock feature or a new mod?
  22. Holy --*launch fails* O.O Yes! Yes there shall be screenshots. And I have just the ship to use for this. The updated planet chart is quite welcome too.
  23. @MagicFireCaster I approve of that maneuver node.
  24. Had to do this launch on secondary computer. My main computer literally can't handle this and its part count of 400+. Sleep is for tourists. The transfer window flies open in the dead of night. And like a Catwoman, the HMS NANC Brown (With Valentina and Nancy Kerman piloting) leaps through it, well-equipped and unafraid. Don't let the aerospikes deceive you. Those are not her main engines.... And the main engines are Not A Nerv Cluster™ She's also Not A Nice Chick. She's going where nice/normal chicks don't want to go. And look at those probes. She's going to have fun where no one else goes to have fun. Gallery with more pics and informative/semi-serious commentary: http://imgur.com/a/09mp5
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