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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. I'd like very much to see the answer to this. I primarily build with this mod and made a version of my flagship for this challenge... Yes it contains Dark Drives.
  2. Hello there. You're not going to want a Mk3 RCS tank on your taxi. Given this design, that part is way too heavy. Add at most two FL-R25 inline RCS tanks, or half-empty the Mk3 part. Once you've practiced enough with docking and placing RCS blocks well, you'll be amazed at how small an RCS tank you can get away with.
  3. Ohhhhh, *redacted*. I landed the Arbie there once, with Bob and a random pilot. I was hunting anomalies then. Also, +1 Orca fan. Sweeeet. I landed a stock rover, in perhaps an impractical little quest, to find <1deg slope with high Ore abundance on Mun, and inside one of the major craters to boot. I want to rebuild my Minmus base (or maybe a smaller, much more modular one), without the testing troubles and multiple supply landers....maybe even no landers and just the meager construction supply alone on the Missionary vessel. Also, great progress on your Mun base. I wish I got to finish mine months ago. Lost it due to mods breaking (namely Infernal Robotics) and not yet having the habit of backing up my save.
  4. My PC is pretty competent but I also have a ton of mods and I'm at the point where frame rate is good around the base alone but once I spawn or approach with any mid-sized ship, the framerate falls, and the game takes really long to open. Most of the base, including the vertical launchpad comes in one piece out of a whole 3.75m kontainer of MaterialKits, which explains the perfect alignments. Note that the kontainer in the picture is 5m size, and its dry mass is 25 tons. Base expansion is mostly provided by arrays of clamp seniors and there's a crane with klaw sitting on a platform (visually, the ISRU is right beside it) leading to the runway that holds the spaceplane. I use MKS-Lite and the EL-Lite patch because all I personally want in MKS is the beautiful habitation parts (and life support that doesn't kill my kerbals..but that's a different copy of the game). The patch allows me to use MaterialKits instead of RocketParts 99.8% of the time...which is weird and inconvenient so the design accounts for it. ...Yay Mun station! I currently have none. @Talos A polar base, eh? That's awesome. I'm guessing polar flybys happen often? Or just unique plans?
  5. Great minds think alike @NathanMcGuire30 I built mine in the ambition to launch large main ships and skip the atmosphere ascent part of things. But now I have to account for Minmus' inclination. @Spartwo epiccccccc
  6. Literally spent all day designing and testing this. A surface base, essentially a space center. Sent a compact "missionary ship" with the four kerbals, and two resource landers all at once, and a third one later. Bill did most of the field work and Jebediah's ...moderately entertained. I'm betting he wished some other pilot was up there. So much construction, no actual launching.
  7. Banned for using badS trait (on yourself).
  8. Banned for recklessly mining the hottest planet in a star system.
  9. Aha. I see no surface bases? How about this? Needs Mk2 Expansion and Stockalike Mining Extension by @SuicidalInsanity, and [1.0.5] Mk2 Solar Batteries. The base will drift, sadly, if on a slope and in high phys warp. Girders for legs aren't such a good idea. The airplane is a STOVL: mostly Mk2 Expansion, but OPT for the main wings.
  10. Testing a new surface base design, and getting in some fun with a STOVL.
  11. Howdy. I'm also now starting on the world-making scene and also doing my own hand-made planet texture(s). The normal map needs to be grayscale, with white for highest elevation and black for lowest. Then in Kopernicus you can amplify the scale of deformity to make the peaks and crater incredibly tall & deep.
  12. Howdy all. I've known the splendor of Kerbal Space Program since December 2015. I've unfortunately spent much more time designing and testing my ships than taking them on and completing missions. I fashionably over-engineer with OPT Spaceplane Parts, Mk2 Expansion and Near Future Tech. IRL I'm a graphic artist and I do some computer maintenance. I've made some awesome flags, icons/logos, main ships and probes. Here's my sample album: http://imgur.com/a/7aAem
  13. Howdy, all. Long-time lurker, sandbox player, big fan of USI, OPM, OPT, and Near Future. I finally sign up and then bugged out that I misspelled my name. Is it possible that can be fixed? It's JadeOfMaar, not Jad...
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