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  1. I ran this alongside Kcalbeloh and had no issues. I do have one minor complaint though, All of the stars from Kerbal Infinite appear just as large in the sky as Kerbol, in spite of the fact that they are so far away. Is there any plan to adjust this in a later update?
  2. Instant essential mod for me, love it and keep up the great work.
  3. I've tried many FTL drive mods over the years, but this one! This one is by far my favorite. Only gripe is that Supercruise is automatically on after a jump. Other than that, it's perfect in every way I can think of.
  4. Thank you for this mod, it's exactly what I was looking for. Back in 1.2 I used To Boldly Go, which stopped updating back in 1.9 and I sorely missed it. A couple extremely low priority requests. #1: Integration with Kopernicus expansion continued-er's Wormhole's. #2: City Lights on planets with Life. I wholly expect none of these to come to pass, but I figured I'd at least throw them out there. Again, thank you for what I would nominate for Mod of the Year.
  5. Sooooo, With the KK scatters fixed, (I think), Is there a possibility of collidable trees?
  6. I am having an issue here, KSP Community fixes is saying that the mod's dll isn't loading. Log: https://controlc.com/c9277345 Screenshot:
  7. The Exkursion mission, a probe with the goal of gathering scientific data from Jool as well as it's moon's of Tylo and Laythe, failed yesterday as the engine on the final stage failed to ignite, leaving the probe in an eccentric orbit of Jool. Kerbal Space Center's Gene Kerman had this to say. "We all knew thing's like this happen from time to time, this just turned out to be that time." "With calculations over it's next five orbits showing a potential collision with Vall, there is little hope that the mission can be recovered." KSC Co-founder Werner Von Kerman told the press. "Our only hope is for the probe to miss Vall and receive a gravity assist out of system where it can continue sending us data on what it encounters." In other news, KSC Co-Founder, veteran and daredevil Ace pilot Jebediah Kerman...…..
  8. Been waiting for something like this, always thought DangIt! was a little too complicated. Installing... now.
  9. Can someone contact the Luna Multiplayer dev's and bring them up to speed on this? With it installed (Through CKAN) it just ground to a halt on "Loading Part Upgrades".
  10. Houston, i've had a problem. According to Spacedock this is compatible through 1.9, i run 1.8.1 and only the big 5m engine mount appears. Are there any dependencies I am overlooking? Thanks in advance. Kindly disregarded this issue, i didn't install it properly.
  11. Oh! Sorry. Didn't think about that. And i (like the dunce I am) bought it on GOG a while back and don't have the money to buy it on steam yet.
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