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  1. any idea on how long it may take to get it BDA 3.0 compatable, this is so far the only mod ive found with amazing nuclear bombs
  2. All the craft that come with the github link dont work anymore ecept the KN-225 the Saturn 5 wont take off and the otter doesnt fly at all.
  3. so its 1.3 compatable but not compatable with BD Amory 3.0.. so... you cant use it in 1.3? not very 1.3 compatble then is it.
  4. any idea on how long this may take to update to 1.2?
  5. is there any way i can get a 1.1.3 version of this mod as i find so much more enjoyment out of mods and most of them are not compatable currently with 1.2
  6. i cant get this ship to work at all i can make the ship but trying to move it into the water i just CANT get it to keep the bridge attached as soon as the game loads up it just disconnects no matter what i do, ive attached HUNDREDS upon HUNDREADS of takeoff supports to attempt to keep it attached all togeather, but nothing is working, is there any way i can fix this!
  7. im having an issue with this mod, the parts show up entirely white and the game crashes upon putting a bolier down.
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