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Posts posted by Icecovery

  1. v2.3 - Back Cull Shaders

    Added backface culling version for some of the shaders.

    New Shaders

    • Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent
    • Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent (Bumped)
    • Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent (Mapped)
    • Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent (Mapped) (Bumped)
    • Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent Specular
    • Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent Specular (Bumped)
    • Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent Specular (Mapped)
    • Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent Specular (Mapped) (Bumped)
    • Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent Specular (All Mapped) (Bumped)
    • Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent Specular (Spec Mapped) (Bumped)
    • Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent (Monocolor)
  2. RestockSolar.png

    Shaddy is a collection of shaders made for Kerbal Space Program, not to be confused with Shabby, a shader asset bundle loader that you most likely also need to use to load Shaddy shaders :)

    Visit GitHub Repository to see the newest and complete description, demo, and changelogs.


    If you are a player...

    Shaddy does not do anything by itself, it is designed to be used by other mods. If you run into any problem with the shader please feel free to report it as an issue here or on Github.

    Despite that, Shaddy does come with a set of Textures Unlimited config for Stock, ReStock, and Near Future Solar parts. They will only activate if you installed both Textures Unlimited and Module Manager at the same time.

    Goto Demo section to see the effect preview.

    If you are a modder...

    You may want to use Shabby to load Shaddy shaders to your parts. Alternatively, you can also use your own shader loader orTextures Unlimited.

    Use Shabby:

    To start making mods using Shaddy and Shabby:

    • First download the SDK in GitHub Release.
    • Then, import the downloaded unitypackage to your unity project.
    • You should now see a folder named `Shaders` appear under your Assets folder.
    • Create a material that uses these new shaders and apply it to your part.
    • Export the part as if it is using stock KSP shaders, and ignore the Part Tool warning on using a stock shader.
    • Install Shaddy from CKAN or SpaceDock to GameData.
    • If you are using Shabby to load Shaddy shaders, make sure it is installed, too.
    • Open the game and make sure the shader is loaded correctly on the part.
    • ???
    • Profit.

    In this case, Shaddy, Shabby, and Module Manager will need to be added to your mod's dependency.

    Use Textures Unlimited:

    If you want the translucent shader to be optional or if you want to add translucent effect to a existing mod, you can use Textures Unlimited's shader replacement feature.

    Starting from version 2.0, Shaddy comes with Textures Unlimited shader bundle and shader data definition, it is located at GameData/Shaddy/Patches/ShaddyTU.cfg.

    Textures Unlimited config documentation can be found at Textures Unlimited wiki page. Shaddy's stock config (found under GameData/Shaddy/Patches/) can also be used as a reference.

    In this case, Shaddy, Textures Unlimited, and Module Manager will need to be added to your mod's dependency, Shabby will not be a required dependency as Textures Unlimited uses its own shader loader.

    Notes on HDR color properties when configuring Textures Unlimited:

    Some color property has their range marked as *HDR*, which means it supports Unity HDR color that can have a value greater than (255, 255, 255). To find what number you need to use in Textures Unlimited config, multiply each of the R, G, and B channels of your desired color value by the intensity, and round to the nearest integer.

    For example: if a color in the Unity editor has an RGB value of (102, 204, 255) and intensity of 4.2, in Textures Unlimited config, write:

        name = _SomePropertyName
        color = 428, 857, 1071
        // rgb (102, 204, 255) intensity 4.2
        // 102 * 4.2 = 428.4, rounded to 428
        // 204 * 4.2 = 856.8, rounded to 857
        // 255 * 4.2 = 1071

    Modeling Notes:

    All Shaddy/Translucent shaders are double-sided (No back face or front face culling). This means if you are making a parachute or a leaf model that has the same texture on both sides, you don't have to duplicate the mesh and then flip the faces, one-sided mesh will work just as fine as a double-sided one.

    If you are replacing shaders on an old part, consider using Shaddy/BackCull/Translucent shaders (With back face culling).



    Module Manager



    Textures Unlimited for enabling translucent effect on Stock and ReStock solar panels, parachutes, and antennae.



    If you installed the Shabby v0.2.0 "unofficial build" and Textures Unlimited at the same time, there will be a conflict, resulting in failed shader replacement from Textures Unlimited (Pink parts). This has been solved by the newest change in Shabby (>= v0.3.0). It is available on CKAN, or you can get it here: http://taniwha.org/~bill/Shabby_v0.3.0.zip



    For players: SpaceDock, also available on CKAN.

    For modders: SDK.

    Note that not all versions of the mod will have a corresponding version of SDK since shaders might not change between mod releases. Download the latest SDK available if no SDK matches the latest mod version. E.g.: If the latest mod version is v2.4, but the latest SDK version is v2.3, use SDK v2.3.



    For players: Delete everything previously installed under GameData/Shaddy/ before extracting the zip file. Or use CKAN.

    For modders: Delete all previously installed Shaddy shader under Assets/Shaders/, then install `Shaddy_vx.x.unitypackage` to your Unity project.



    Visit GitHub Repository to see the most up-to-date demo and their explanations.



    Shaddy/Translucent shader compared with KSP/Diffuse shader on a stock parachute, enabled if Textures Unlimited is installed.


    Parachute LOD effect



    Shaddy/Translucent Cutoff (Mapped) (Bumped) shader comparing with KSP/Alpha/Cutoff (Bumped) on a leaf




    Shaddy/Translucent Specular shader compared with KSP/Specular on the stock large solar panel, enabled if Textures Unlimited is installed.


    Shaddy/Translucent Specular (Spec Mapped) (Bumped) shader on Restock solar panels, now with transmission texture by @Rodger, enabled if Textures Unlimited and ReStock are installed.


    Shaddy/Translucent shader vs stock diffuse shader on stock Communotron 88-88 antenna, enabled if Textures Unlimited is installed.


    Near Future Technologies configs by @Rodger.


    Available Shaders:

    Visit GitHub Repository to see the list of shaders available.






    Shaders are made by @Icecovery using Shader Forge.

    Textures Unlimited config by @JonnyOThan.

    Restock and Near Future Technologies configs by @Rodger.



    This mod is released under the MIT License.



    You are free to bundle this mod in your mod releases. You are also free or include the shaders in your own asset bundle, but be sure to change their namespace to avoid naming collision.

  3. On 3/17/2021 at 12:23 PM, Al2Me6 said:

    This is wonderful! Is there any chance for a triple parachute model?

    I made this mod mainly to replicate Perseverance's parachute, and I have no plan of making a triple canopy version of the chute currently. You can still attach three chutes to your vessel, with the benefit they can be set to different patterns individually.

  4. Banner_Thin.png

    Custom Parachute Message is a Kerbal Space Program mod that adds a perseverance style customizable parachutes, with a cool shader!




    Review by @Kottabos



    Encode message to your parachute just like perseverance

    Customize parachute color palette

    Customize each and every individual section on the parachute (There are 320 sections!)

    Over 30 pattern presets

    Share  custom patterns with your friend

    Preview parachute pattern in VAB/SPH

    Cool looking and more realistic translucent parachute shader

    Just visual change, all original RealChute functionality untouched (i.e.. you can still pick different material, set different size to the parachute via RealChute  config)


    Customization Interface:


    Static image in case GIFs not loading correctly:




    Shader Comparison:

    Say goodbye to leather-made parachute!


    Left: My Shader    Right: Stock Diffuse Shader


     More Screenshots:




    How to Use:



    • Enter action group editing mode.
    • Open the RealChute's parachutes config menu on a parachute.
    • Select "Encoded" as the chute model in the RealChute config menu.
    • If "Encoded" is not an option under "Chute Model", then this parachute is not supported.
    • After selecting the "Encoded" chute model, exit action group editing mode, right-click on the parachute part, press the "Toggle Customization Window" button.
    • A "Customize Parachute" window should pop up, a preview model will also appear on the north wall of the VAB. Noted that this parachute does not reflect the actual size of the parachute, change that in the RealChute config menu. The "Flat Preview Model" toggle will let you choose whether use the flat preview model instead of the 3D preview model.
    • Customize the parachute as you wish, any change will be automatically saved if the "Auto Update" toggle is On. If you encounter any performance issue (unlikely to happen unless you are running on a potato) when editing the parachute, turn off "Auto Update", and remember to click the "Update" button to save the change.

    UI features: 

    • Color selection: Click on a color selection button will reveal or switch to the color parameters for the corresponding color, click on the same button again will hide the color parameters.
    • You can copy and paste the hexadecimal color value (must start with '#') to the Hex text field under RGB slider, or you can paste the full name of a color in English to that text field, which will translate the name to a hexadecimal color value.
    • Editing modes: There are two editing modes, Standard and Bitwise.
    • Standard mode: encode your message using the same method to encode the message on perseverance's parachute.
    • If you switch Off the "Ring 4 is coordinate" toggle, the coordinate will become the fourth word, encoded the same way as Ring 1 - 3. You should only use the regular Latin alphabet in the Words text field, no space is allowed in each word.
    • Each word must not exceed 8 characters long.
    • There are also some presets for you to choose from under the preset section.
    • Bitwise mode: set value for each individual section(bit) on the parachute.
    • There are 4 rings, each ring with 80 strips, therefore there are in total 320 bits on the parachute.
    • You can copy the code for the current pattern under the Pattern code section, you can also paste the code in the text field that has "Load" and "Clear" buttons beside it, and click the "Load" button to load the pattern from the code. You can share your parachute design with your friend or clone patterns between parachutes using these features. There is no global memory for custom patterns, save the pattern code on external storage media (e.g. "MyCoolChutePatterns.txt").
    • There some presets for this mode as well, located under the presets section.
    • Under the "Set bit individually" section you can toggle each of the 320 bits however you wish.

    Select "Encoded" Chute Model!


    Bitwise Mode:

    The bottom three arrows should be in reverse order, but you get the idea, right?





           Custom Parachute Message
    A Kerbals Space Program MOD by Icecovery


        v1.0.1 - 2021/07/15
        * For KSP 1.12.x
        * Recompile asset bundle for Unity 2019.4.18f1
        * Fixed a bug where NullReferenceException might be thrown after closing the customize windows 
        v1.0.0 - 2021/03/03
        * For KSP 1.11.x
        * Initial release



    RealChute Parachute System (To change parachute model, it's much better than the stock parachute system)

    Module Manager (Not Included)




    Also available via CKAN

    2651 2651 2651 2651



    Custom Parachute Message was released under MIT License



    Source Code:


  5. 2 hours ago, NafixWang said:

    https://spacedock.info/mod/1522/Icecovery's Chinese Spacecraft Pack

    I'm sorry to disturb you in other posts 

    But we miss the mod you did very much.  At present, no mod can surpass your work  

    So, is there any trouble with this mod update? Can we see this mod update in the near future?

    If this mod can support 1.11, it will be a big news in CN-KSP  ,As far as I know, some people even stay in the older version of KSP because of this mod.  

    Hope you can reply. On behalf of Chinese players, thank you for your development.

    That mod does not meet my current artistic standard, a rework is required, which will take a tremendously long time to complete. Currently, I don't have that much spare time that will allow me to do such work, therefore I have no plan to update that mod for the time being. 

  6. On 11/7/2020 at 10:01 AM, flart said:

    Why are AN/VLQ-12 in the antenna category, while they don't have antenna module?

    They are jammers. It is meant to use with BDArmory and should be categorized under BDA's category by BDA itself, after applying the patch at KSPSecondaryMotion\Patches\BDA.cfg. I think it is easier to locate it by putting it under the antenna category because people usually misthinking it is an antenna.

    On 11/7/2020 at 10:01 AM, flart said:

    Second question suppose to be what the numbers mean, but then I google them and find out that all antennas are real and made by the COMROD company  and SRCINC, so maybe it's better to exclude them to the separate comrod & src mod? and leave there only Tubemen and The Plunger Antenna as a showcase of the Secondary Motion ?

    This mod is still WIP, I might do that in the future after adding more parts, once I got time.

    On 11/7/2020 at 10:01 AM, flart said:

    if you make localization support, or exclude  parts as I suggested, please let me now.

    I will notify you after the mod is officially released, thanks for your work for the community.

  7. On 8/20/2020 at 12:23 PM, m4ti140 said:

    I wonder if this could be used to add aeroelasticity effects to wings (without having to separate them into tiny segments). Is the effect only visual, or does stuff like collider, nodes etc. move as well?

    The Quadratic Bezier Interpolation Module in this mod (used on the Tube man) could be used on the one-piece wing to provide smooth aeroelasticity. However, the spring physics module is not indented to be used in this case, it could work, but I imaging it will look super strange. The effect is only visual, the mod implements the effect by moving the bones of a skinned mesh.

  8. On 9/6/2020 at 11:35 AM, Stone Blue said:

    @Icecovery getting some errs in the log from this mod


      Hide contents
    200906T103628.545 [ERROR] [ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler.LogFormat] Unable to find theme named:'Tan' in GameDB
    200906T103628.546 [ERROR] [ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler.LogFormat] Unable to find theme named:'Black' in GameDB
    200906T103628.547 [ERROR] [ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler.LogFormat] Unable to find theme named:'Olive' in GameDB
    200906T103630.996 [ERROR] [ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler.LogFormat] Unable to find theme named:'Kerbal' in GameDB
    200906T103630.997 [ERROR] [ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler.LogFormat] Unable to find theme named:'ickleRick' in GameDB
    200906T103729.194 [ERROR] [ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler.LogFormat] Module ModuleHierarchyReconstructor threw during OnLoad: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element
      at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] predicate) [0x00011] in <fbb5ed17eb6e46c680000f8910ebb50c>:0 
      at KSPSecondaryMotion.ModuleHierarchyReconstructor.OnLoad (ConfigNode node) [0x001a4] in <416294fdcd3140efbb7e2db6f1e8e0b9>:0 
      at PartModule.Load (ConfigNode node) [0x001ab] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0 


    full log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hTTXxsH6mRiKItAE7v1c3F3JcFFBBVJu/view?usp=sharing

    Thank you for reporting these issues.

    Issues about theme names have been fixed in Version 0.1.1.

    Unfortunately, I was unable to recreate the second error showed in your log on my machine. It might cause by an unknow incompatibility with another mod who also changed the hierarchy of that exact part (Communotron 16). 

    It would be great if you can find out which mod caused this incompatibility since currently don't have much time in developing this mod due to personal reason. 

    A complete list of mod installed would also help.

    To temporally prevent this error from appearing: 
    In KSPSecondaryMotion\Patches\StockAddon.cfg, disable or delete all the line after line 43 (that is, "@PART[longAntenna]:NEEDS[!ReStock] //Communotron 16" in currently version)
    This will also disable the secondary motion effect on the stock Communotron 16 antenna.

    Your KSPSecondaryMotion\Patches\StockAddon.cfg should look like this after disabling the config: 

    @PART[largeSolarPanel]:NEEDS[!ReStock] //Gigantor XL Solar Array
    		name = ModuleHierarchyReconstructor
    			name = KSPSM_Target
    			reparent = False
    			asChildOf = model
    			asParentOf = _
    			whichIsAChildOf = __ISROOTTRANSFORM__
    			localPosition = -6.39, 0, 0
    			localRotationEuler = 0, 0, 90
    			localScale = 1, 1, 1
    			name = KSPSM_Rotate
    			reparent = True
    			asChildOf = _
    			asParentOf = sunPivot
    			whichIsAChildOf = model
    			localPosition = -0.16, 0, 0
    			localRotationEuler = 0, -90, 90
    			localScale = 1, 1, 1
    		name = ModuleSpringPhysics
    		targetName = KSPSM_Target				//Name of root ideal look at position
    		rootName = KSPSM_Rotate					//Name of the root of rotation
    		tipMass = 0.5							//Mass on the tip
    		applyGravity = True						//Does gravity affect the motion of the tip?
    		damperRatio = 4							//Damper ratio
    		springRatio = 200						//Spring ratio
    		failsafeRange = 2
    // @PART[longAntenna]:NEEDS[!ReStock] //Communotron 16
    // {
    	// MODULE
    	// {
    		// name = ModuleHierarchyReconstructor
    		// {
    			// name = KSPSM_Target
    			// reparent = False
    			// asChildOf = model
    			// asParentOf = _
    			// whichIsAChildOf = __ISROOTTRANSFORM__
    			// localPosition = 0, 1.146, 0
    			// localRotationEuler = 0, 0, 90
    			// localScale = 1, 1, 1
    		// }
    		// {
    			// name = KSPSM_Rotate
    			// reparent = True
    			// asChildOf = _
    			// asParentOf = antenna
    			// whichIsAChildOf = model
    			// localPosition = 0, 0.0089, 0
    			// localRotationEuler = -90, 0, 0
    			// localScale = 1, 1, 1
    		// }
    	// }
    	// MODULE
    	// {
    		// name = ModuleSpringPhysics
    		// targetName = KSPSM_Target				//Name of root ideal look at position
    		// rootName = KSPSM_Rotate					//Name of the root of rotation
    		// tipMass = 0.2							//Mass on the tip
    		// applyGravity = True						//Does gravity affect the motion of the tip?
    		// damperRatio = 1.0						//Damper ratio
    		// springRatio = 300						//Spring ratio
    		// failsafeRange = 5
    	// }
    // }


    I would look more into this once I got more spare time. 

  9. On 7/26/2020 at 12:51 PM, WhirlyBird said:

    The motion of solar panels in a vacuum is a little surprising. Is there anything acting on the tips to create a retrograde moment?

    Quick fix would be to have the size of motion scale with the atmospheric density variable.

    Edit: just realised you could be going for transmission of vibrations from thrust assembly - if so my fix will stifle that too, perhaps even making it less realistic thanks to loss of atmospheric friction damping the movement on a craft travelling at a constant velocity. Maybe splitting animation parameters between jerk m/s3 (always on) and acceleration m/s2 (on +scaling in atmo)?

    There is no animation involved in the spring motions, they are purely physics-based simulations. The method of implementation I used is just a hack compared to if you will simulate it in real life, you can check the source code for details. You can adjust the spring parameters in the part menu(if you enable the advance tweakable option in the game settings) to get the effect you prefer

    On 8/1/2020 at 4:18 AM, lextacy said:

    I think engine nozzle bells should flex. Could you code some of the engines to do that?

    That will be pretty hard to implement on existing engines, that will require to turn the nozzle into a skinned mesh, bind bones and generate the skin weight table. But it is possible to make that happen on new engines that are specially modeled for adding this effect.

  10. logo.png

    KSP Secondary Motion adds secondary physics motion to some stock antennas and solar panels, it also added some brand new parts to the game.

    This mod is still working in progress, the APIs are subject to change.

    Review by @Kottabos

    Stock Modification

    Stock Solar Pannel

    Stock Antenna


    Check high frame rate high-resolution mp4 version here

    New Parts







    Wobbling antennas and solar panels

    Real-world used ground antennas

    CREW Duke Anti-IED system (BDArmory support, works as a jammer)

    TweakScale support

    A plunger

    Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tubemen

    Pickle Rick!


    How to Use:

    Generally, there is no need for the user to adjust settings, but if you don’t like the wiggliness of a certain part, you can adjust the Damper Ratio and the Spring Ratio in the right-click menu of that part. 
    The current version of the mod also has a Failsafe Activate Range slide bar in the right-click menu, if you find that the part behaves abnormally during the flight (such as flashing), you can increase the value to reduce or eliminate the effect. I am currently trying to fix this behavior, it is related to KSP's Floating Origin and Krakensbane, this option will not in the v1.0 release if the problem is addressed. Help and suggestions for fixing this problem are welcome.


    Part List: 


        Gigantor XL Solar Array

        Communotron 16

        (I am having difficulties with adding secondary motion to other stock antennas, solar panels, and radiators. That may change before the 1.0 version.)


        APX-50 HF Mobile Whip Antenna (4 sections, 5m)

        APX-50 HF Mobile Whip Antenna (2 sections, 2.6m)

        APX-50 HF Mobile Whip Antenna (4 sections, 5m, Tied Down)

        AN/VLQ-12 CREW Duke

        AN/VLQ-12 CREW Duke Front Antenna

        CREW Duke Right Angle Adapter

        CREW Duke Structural Beam (1.6m, 1.25m, 0.63m, 0.37m)

        UHF727VM Multi-Band LTE Antenna

        VHF3088T Tunable Low Profile VHF Antenna

        VHF100512SLP VHF/UHF Low Profile Broadband Antenna

        Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tubemen

        The Plunger Antenna


    Any suggestions and ideas about new parts are welcome.


    Todo List:

    This mod is still working in progress, check the todo list here



    If you are a mod creator and looking for adding secondary motion effects to your mod, the documentation is coming soon. It will be simple as adding two additional transforms to your part. The mod even allowed you to reconstruct the existing part hierarchy from a Module Manager script without re-exporting the part from unity (That's how I add the effect to stock parts). Note that the mod is still working in progress, the APIs are subject to change.




        v0.1.1 - 2020/09/25
        * For KSP 1.8.x - 1.10.x
        * Fixed improper theme name
        v0.1.0 - 2020/07/15
        * For KSP 1.8.x - 1.10.x
        * Initial release


    Required Mod:

    Module Manager (Not included)




    Also available via CKAN



    KSP Secondary Motion was released under MIT License



    Source Code:



  11. On 6/10/2018 at 10:52 PM, Gordon Dry said:

    Hmm. This is a problem. I cannot know where I will land when coming back while building the vessel. And planning a vessel to land on a specific kind of biome later is also not my intention.
    In other words: for all cases to be prepared; I need all 3 modules (airbag, buoy, retro).

    In a couple of posts ppl suggested you create a heatshield part which has all these functionality integrated (as is rescalable ofc).

    So I also do now.
    Especially when you suggest not to stack the modules.
    Is it mentioned in the OP not to do that?


    I will add two compound modules into this mod soon, which are airbag+retro / buoy + retro. putting airbags and buoys together is not necessary because airbags contain the function of a buoy when landing on water. For now, you can change the size of the nodes in the cfg file to increased strength.

    On 6/12/2018 at 9:52 AM, Daedalus451 said:

    This doesn't seem to work at all on the Mk2 pod - No option to deploy in flight or in the VAB. Works great on the Mk1

    Did you install Ven's Stock Part Revamp? I was not sure about if VSR added remap for new Mk2 Pod(looks like he is not updating?) so I canceled the compatibility for MK2 Pod temporary if VSR is installed. If you want to use it, please delete 


    from the first line of ComfortableLanding\Configs\StockPod.cfg 

  12. On 6/8/2018 at 6:49 AM, Gordon Dry said:

    @Icecovery I suggest that you change the surface texture of the 3 parts (Airbag, Buoy and Retro Rocket) that they look like passable, because:


    I'm not sure if the Universal Landing Skirt Module also should be passable, but there are heat shields out there which are...


    I plan to add more stand-alone parts in the near future, at that time I will also replace the models and textures of these parts.

    Thanks for your suggestion :D

    On 6/9/2018 at 4:47 AM, Gordon Dry said:

    @Icecovery Hmm, no matter if autostruts and KJR are used, these parts are prone to be misaligned ... this happened in orbit for whatever reason, just wanted to mention:


    I don't recommend attaching more than one stand-alone part together, maybe you can try to change the size of the node?

  13. On 2018/3/26 at 10:13 AM, Gordon Dry said:

    I would like to see VAB preview animations to know what I'm doing. :cool:


    It should be easy to do and I will add it in the next version

    On 2018/3/26 at 10:13 AM, Gordon Dry said:

    I just see that using any of the universal modules creates a ghost node that is always present on any part I work with later ...

    Can you provide some screenshots? So that I can try to fix it.

    19 hours ago, R3AP3R said:

    Could you post the github link for the 1.3.1 compatible version of the mod please?

    You can basically download the latest version, and then replace the new DLL with the old one form V1.4.

  14. Log:

    I know its been a long time I didn't work on this mod, but recently I have time to continue making this mod.

    I am working on IVA of Tianhe now.




    I also made a lot of props, they may become a standalone prop package...


    After I finish Tianhe, the new version will be released.

    And I made this short movie to honor the first Chinese space station:



  15. 10 hours ago, Capt. Hunt said:

    Well, considering this is the Making History Discussion board, and the Mk 2 is specified in the title, and that I specifically mentioned Gemini, isn't it kinda implied that I'm talking about the Mk 2? :rolleyes:

    I'm looking at @Icecovery's Comfortable Landing mod, it does appear to have code that changes the buoyancy and CoM when inflated.  I'll take a look at that.


    Edit: ok, judging by his code for the BDB and FASA gemini capsules, his config for the mk 2 isn't set up to actually change anything, so I'll have to play around with it, but it looks like it'll work.


    Yes, I didn't actually set it up, for some reason, it didn't work very well. If you make it work please let me know, so I can add it to the next version of the update. :D

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