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Everything posted by AmpCat

  1. And now it's broken again. I went to change it to 'Start' instead of 'Update', and it didn't work, so I changed it back.. now it doesn't work either.
  2. I'll check in the main menu again. Oh, there it is now. Huh. I wonder which of the million changes fixed it. I thought it would only show up on the flight menu or something, so for a while I wasn't checking on the main menu. Course, doesn't explain why the part module doesn't work.
  3. Okay, I think it's fixed. I moved the .cs down a folder and updated it's path in the project. Seems to build fine for me.
  4. Yeah, once again I borked the repo. Trying to figure out how to wipe it and start over.
  5. I'm trying to publish it the VS project on github (not sure if that's really the best way to do it), but in the meantime: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bkDjVVgZh7I3Qcs24KXr4kOSCgQ9fa7C?usp=sharing That's the DLL. Here's the github link, if it's helpful: https://github.com/AmpCat/KSP-Hello-World
  6. // --- internal setup --- CrewCapacity = 1 tags = #autoLOC_500321 //#autoLOC_500321 = capsule cmg control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot react rocket space stab steer torque INTERNAL { name = mk1pod_IVA } MODULE { name = HelloKerbinMod } MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 1 defaultControlPointDisplayName = #autoLOC_6011003 //#autoLOC_6011003 = Default CONTROLPOINT { name = reverse displayName = #autoLOC_6011004 //#autoLOC_6011004 = Reversed orientation = 0,0,180 } } I stuck it into the default mk1 crew capsule here. I just copied the bit of that code and around it. It seemed a little sparse, but that's how I understood it from the tutorial.
  7. Oh, I only just commented that out to see if it would change anything. It didn't. Same behavior either way.
  8. I'm trying to start learning to mod, and I've gotten kind of stuck on a simple 'Hello World'. The examples I've been following are old, so it may have something to do with that, but I've downloaded the latest unity, and am building with the .NET 4.7.2 framework. The KSP.log says it's loaded and reports no errors, but the mods do nothing. I added a second mod which adds a partmodule, and later on when it tries to load that into a part I modified, it tells me it can't find that module. So it's almost like KSP is loading the DLL, but then can't find anything in it. Here's the code: using System; using System.Diagnostics; using UnityEngine; namespace HelloWorld { //[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, false)] public class Hello : MonoBehaviour { public void Update() { Debug.Log("Hello world! " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup); } } } namespace HelloWorld2 { /// <summary> /// My first part! /// </summary> public class HelloKerbinMod : PartModule { /// <summary> /// Called when the part is started by Unity. /// </summary> public override void OnStart(StartState state) { // Add stuff to the log print("Hello, Kerbin!"); } } } It's real simple at this point, so I'm assuming there's something simple I'm doing wrong.
  9. I'm also trying to start from scratch here. I normally use C, or many years ago, Java (back when it was newish to the world). I'm stumbling a bit on the basics of getting a VS project set up. Anyone have a more in depth tutorial on setting up and creating a project for KSP mods in visual studio? For example, what kind of project do I make? Obviously a new clean application isn't right. :p I seem to be kind of stuck. I copied the example, complied with (I hope?) the proper references for KSP 1.8, got no compile errors, the KSP.log shows the module loading.. but no hello world anywhere, on launch or on startup. I tried a different tutorial to the same effect. There's no warnings, it just doesn't seem to do anything.
  10. I'm starting from scratch trying to learn to make a new mod (just a 'hello world' to start), and I was looking for a step by step of creating a new projection in Visual Studio (or Unity?), what type to make, etc. Do I make an 'Empty Project (.NET Framework)', or maybe a Class Library? etc. Something broken down into very discrete steps. Looking at the 'Getting Started' thread seems to have skipped over a lot of this. Any other threads out there that explain all this?
  11. Thanks! I appreciate the help. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it after a little practice. Just have to do the steps properly. And for some reason, the order isn't necessarily obvious.
  12. Yeah, still getting comfortable with github. @linuxgurugamer was patient with me and stepped me through the first couple attempts to do a pull request to update one of the mods he maintains. I've played with unity before many years ago, and as I mentioned, KSP 1.8 performance is a lot better now, so hopefully it's not as painful. I'll see if I can give this a try after work.
  13. I'd love to learn how to mod for KSP here. I do programming as a real job, and this would be fun, but I have no idea where to start to get things set up and working to test this. Any pointers?
  14. Yep. I see your point now. Not to state the obvious, but how does stock KSP display this sort of data? Whatever they're doing obviously works, and as I understand it, all that's open to modders too, right?
  15. Thanks for keeping at this. The 1.8 update is a huge improvement in game performance. Night and day difference. Just a matter of waiting for all the mods to get fixed. Looks like it broke a lot of little things. Going to be hard for everyone to track them all down.
  16. @Lisias, sorry, slightly off topic; but you said you were working on something called KSPe.. what's that, if you don't mind me asking?
  17. No, no robotics parts on this one. It does have a scanning arm from breaking ground, as well as ground science experiments.
  18. Okay, so I did a clean install, deleted everything but my saves and settings.cfg, and I'm still getting the little lurch, so no change from just uninstalling better time warp. The big difference is that while the lurch isn't as big, the problem I had earlier was using something like the Landing Guidance in MechJeb or doing a planet intercept, it doesn't throw my actual trajectory off anymore. With landing it'd throw me off enough to crash into the ground or something, while on intercepts I'd be fine and lined up, then suddenly after a short timewarp I was no longer even getting near the gravity well. I don't think it's conclusive evidence that BetterTimeWarp is really the root cause or not, but it does start pointing some fingers. If it occurs again and/or I decide to install the mod again, I'll update you guys. Edit: For clarification, there was no difference in the clean install vs deleting the mod. Including those changes where it'd lurch bad during a descent. Just deleting the mod seemed to make the difference, but it's not conclusive.
  19. Okay, trying it again in a simple orbit around the Mun at 9k. It does happen any time I go into time warp, (even in orbit) but not when I increase warp, slow it down, or come out. I seem to be jumping about 2 degrees around the orbit each time I go in. Physics warp (and the slow-mo option in Better Time Warp) doesn't cause an issue. Hyper time warp setting causes a large jump, but possibly because the first warp setting is x10, rather than x5. It does seem to jump approximately twice as far, but hard to pin an exact number on it. Here's a link to some logs. Let me know if there's another log file that might be helpful. Going to try removing the mod it and see how it behaves. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bkDjVVgZh7I3Qcs24KXr4kOSCgQ9fa7C?usp=sharing Edit: Uninstalled, didn't seem to help too much, though the jump ahead now seems only about 1 degree, rather than 2 before. Maybe I'm just seeing things. Going to try a clean install next. Anyone know of any other mods that fiddle with the physics in vacuum that might be doing this?
  20. I just noticed it again last night while in the middle of testing something, but sometimes restarting the game seems to fix it. I'll try it again and see. Basically, what seems to happen is I'll do something like set up an intercept to the Mun, and the conics will show me making a good capture, but as soon as I hit any time warp (even just 5), the conic suddenly jumps to me WAY undershooting the Mun. Then coming out of time warp, I have to do another burn to get back on course. Usually the second one works properly. Last night I was noticing it when I tried to use MechJeb's landing guidance tool. It occasionally jumps to x5 time warp, and the whole ship would lurch way off, as if the positional math going into time-warp had the wrong initial conditions. I'll see if it happens again. Last time I had a big problem with this, uninstalling better time warp didn't fix it, but a clean install (and then reinstalling all the same mods) did. I only have seen it again after putting better time warp back in, but not right off. Seems something, somewhere, gets corrupted. Edit: It didn't seem to show up while in an orbit, but if I were trying to intercept and dock to another ship, even if we were both in stable orbits, it would sometimes occur.
  21. I'm having some trouble when my craft go into time warp, where they jump to another location in space as soon as I go into time warp. I've only seen it after I installed this mod. Anyone familiar with this?
  22. Thanks for picking this one up, @linuxgurugamer. Out of all the FTL/warp drive mods, this was my favorite sort. Still keeps a good challenge in ships, but removes the tedium in late game of all the time warps and long flights, and dealing with really high part count ships to make that trip and the huge performance hit those bring.
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