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Everything posted by AmpCat

  1. Uhm. Have you looked into Far Future Tech yet? It takes around 50 of the most powerful radiators in Heat Control to run some of the engines in FFT. My point was that FFT could be made more easily viable by simply adding much large scale radiators to Heat Control. Edit: See my post on the previous page about such a ship:
  2. @Nertea, I know one of the issues with working on this mod is the stock thermal system is kinda FUBAR, but in my experience with some trial and error space flights (I like to call them 'simulations'), I can generally add a VERY large number of radiators and avoid any problems whatsoever on all of these engines, at least in any stock time warp settings. The main problem is the part count can get out of control. Is it possible an easy solution would be some specialized radiators for these parts. Something just very large and bulky, but with similar efficiencies to the graphene parts to just reduce the part count to manageable levels? Yes, it's not the right way to solve the problem, but at least in my experience, it seems to side-step it. I've posted a few shots of vessels I've made with these engines, and they have no issues with thermal detonations. I really like the mod. I know you've got some more pressing mods, like the stock part revamps, but I think there's some workarounds to make this one work.
  3. Well, yes, Shuttle is also over 40? 50? years old. Actuator tech has come a long way. We tend towards simpler designs because reliability is key for us, but we also don't have the torque or speed requirements of something like a grid fin (motor pistons are not fast). Motors (and power) are also probably pretty heavy for something like a grid fin actuator, despite being a lot simpler. So I can see where that makes sense.
  4. Another bug with losing power. I went to test the power loss issue, and see if I could 'lock' each actuator to avoid slipping when out of power. I used Hyperedit to dump all the power, and it seems to have killed the actuators entirely. They won't move at all now, regardless of what commands I give or how much power is available.
  5. Though the real question is, why the heck would you use hydraulics on a spacecraft? We use all motors and screw drives for pistons here. Hydraulics are too complicated and too prone to failure. Look at real space missions. Modern ones likewise use screws and motors. Extensions on engine bells are a good example. Maybe older craft used hydraulics, but I'd be a bit surprised if any new ones do. But, to the original point, yeah, even a motorized screw piston is next to impossible to back-drive, without breaking it. Power fails, it just doesn't move. I sure used the word 'sure' a lot. For sure.
  6. No worries, just letting you know what I see. I try to give you enough info to be useful. Okay, thanks. I'll try it out in a while. Does Engineer level/exp matter, or just the number of engineers? Or just the presence of one at all?
  7. I understand. I realized later my wording was maaaybe a bit harsh, despite being accurate. My point was more than sometimes people blame instability on new KSP versions and Squad, when the real reason may be incorrectly installed or corrupted mods, or even just poorly written mods. Remember, believe it or not, it's actually a lot more likely a mod is poorly written than the root game. The main difference is a mod will get feedback and fixed within days, rather than months. So just because a new patch comes out, don't fear the patch. Just play it and help hunt bugs, rather than accusing Squad of bad programming. Or, if you rather not deal with it, then sure, just wait it out. But it might be a month or two. But sure, paying money for a new patch that could be more buggy now, than in a month? If you're tight on funds, sure, wait. If not? Live a little!
  8. @Angel-125, I've noticed some bugs with Soil Recyclers (at least; I've not tested the other parts) on time warp settings. I have a station set up with more recycling capability than Kerbals at the moment. At most time accelerations, everything's fine. Snacks are recycled from soil faster than they are consumed. However, when I am at max stock acceleration (100,000x I think), then recycling quickly slows down (or consumption goes up) such that the recyclers can no longer keep up. In fact, it almost seems as if recycling stops entirely, but it's difficult to tell in just watching the volumes of each material. Also, when back at the KSC, if I have a ship in orbit with recyclers running, during time warp there, I will often get messages that the recyclers ran out of resources and can't recycle until it's restored. Going back to the vessel, things are fine, but recycling has apparently halted while I was not piloting the ship. I don't know if it realized it was in a shadow or something and stopped it. However, the recyclers still show as 'On', but there's a huge buildup of soil. There is enough recycling capacity that as long as there's room for snacks, there should never be any soil. Well, the snacks were far from full. Also, when looking at the Snacks toolbar button, where it says 'Snack Supply', this doesn't seem to take into account recyclers, as it bumps up and down under time acceleration according to snack consumption and recycling. I removed random snack eating for these tests, as well, to make sure things were consistent. I also have recycler efficiency set at 80%. Also, a general question: If I have a ship with a Hitchhiker can on it, is there anything that effects the amount of soil recycled per day, other than the recycler efficiency setting in the options menu? I thought i read somewhere that several things play into how much soil they can recycle, but I've never seen it change.
  9. Eh, don't believe that everyone else's experiences apply to you. I have over a hundred mods installed, and have had no issues at all. But I'm also a bit more patient and less accusatory than some, too.
  10. Okay, now the real question: How do I get them to change uniforms in flight? I know they packed spare clothes. They've been in space for a week.
  11. ... I have not, no. However, in looking in the VAB, I don't see anywhere in the screen assignment tab where I can change their suits. Edit: Okay, I found the little coat hangar icon. It's about 3mm tall on my 4k monitor. Wish that were pointed out more in some of the announcements.
  12. Anyone else having issues with the new suits not showing up? I don't know what I'm missing. All the other new stuff is there. I downloaded with Steam, already tried checking integrity of files. Still old space suits. Even did a fresh install, no mods.
  13. Hm. I've not done tons of unity work, but I don't remember physics between models as a standard feature. But the last time I messed with unity was almost 10 years ago. Back when it wasn't free. I don't think it even supported physics back then. What about the rigid attachment checkbox? I've heard Kerbal Joint Reinforcement slows things down, but the other joint reinforcement mod I tried Krakened some of my ships as soon as I put them on the launch pad. It does seem noticeably slower with KJR installed, though. Edit: Hmm, though I suppose if you don't enable physics between two parts, when they're stuck together, they probably won't use physics to interact with another part (like another ship). You'd need the granularity to say 'Don't calculate physics between part 1 and 2, but do calculate between 1 and 3, and 2 and 3'.
  14. Is the autostrut feature supposed to alleviate some of this physics calculation work in KSP now? Is that what the improvement was a few versions ago? Or something else?
  15. My last ship to Duna had 500 parts. Mostly because I'm using life support mods that make me bring the kitchen sink (literally) for long duration missions. Brought my computer down to like, 3fps. If I could get it to 100 parts, I'd be happy. Still, seems like this sort of thing should be a baked in feature. A performance checkbox that says 'Enable joint physics'. Click on and off. In fact, if it were implemented in the core game it'd probably much more straight forward than glueing parts together. Could just disable physics calculations between parts. It's probably a simple if() statement. :p Well, probably not, but I can dream.
  16. Any benchmarks or such on performance improvements using this?
  17. Hm. Are there any mods that simply weld your parts all together, then? I for one don't care about the flexible joint dynamics at all. If getting rid of it would increase performance, I'd love to do that.
  18. Okay, now I see what you mean. Looks pretty straightforward. Though I'll need to look up solar panels to see how the EC generation portion, with it's sun orientation works. Hopefully it's just as easy. The real question is: My main effort with this is to try and glue parts together that I'll use many times in a craft to try and reduce the part count, and thus, the physics simulation burden. In theory, this should help the game performance if it can cut say, 20% of my parts down. Think it's that simple? I've got a pretty fancy computer, but it's still bogged down pretty fast with high part counts.
  19. You have an example syntax in the part.cfg to add one part into another? For example, take a solar panel, with all it's features, textures and modules, and in the part.cfg attach it to a.. crew part or something. I know i'll have to figure out position, rotation, and maybe even scaling manually.
  20. Okay, I talked with @MOARdV, and he pointed out a simple problem in getting AviationLights to work on the SurfaceLights. The second module is case sensitive, needs to be MODULE. But now, the existing light from the original Surface Mounted Light is stuck on. Here's the patch I used: // replace light control module in W485_SurfaceLight,W485_Surface4WayLight,W485_SurfaceOmniLight @PART[W485_*]:NEEDS[AviationLights&SurfaceLights]:FINAL { !MODULE[ModuleColoredLensLight] {} MODULE { name = ModuleNavLight // default configuration is a white navlight Color = 1.00, 0.95, 0.91 Intensity = 0.50 LightOffset = 0.0, 0.0, -0.025 //LightOffset = 0.0, 0.0, -0.05 FlashOn = 0.5 FlashOff = 1.5 Interval = 1.0 //Energy consumption rate EnergyReq = 0.020 SpotAngle = 170 LightRotation = 0, 180, 0 } } // zer0Kerbal It still has a few issues (aside from the default light being stuck on); need to figure out how to make the lens portion of the model adjust according to the light change, and adjust the offset and possibly angle to match the emitting surface. MOARdv suggested this is doable. Maybe we can collect as many light models and assets together and make one UberLight mod. :p
  21. Right. Probably off topic, but I'm always leery of taking someone's work without an okay to do so. Would be nice if you could just use some of those nice models, since it doesn't seem to be maintained anymore. They also had some nice squareish (octagonal?) 2.5m spaceplane parts.
  22. Just have to make sure to turn on the generator BEFORE you try to freeze the Kerbal. I was confused for a bit before I decided to try it that way. I thought it would blow all the EC before you could freeze, but it seemed to work fine.
  23. Got it. Thanks. OPT Reconfig really makes OPT worth using, though. Thanks for putting all the work into it.
  24. Hey, come to think of it, there's a few very nice parts in B9's parts pack. Most are kinda meh, but a few good ones. I don't suppose they could be re-purposed? I'm not up to speed on the full meaning of all these licenses and what's really allowed.
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