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Everything posted by Alexology

  1. I installed the 1.2 version (https://github.com/magico13/StageRecovery/releases) but it does not seem to be working. The button is appearing in the SPH and it does all of the calculations there but I am not getting a message in flight when the debris leaves render range. Can I send you anything to help? I understand of course we are pre-1.2 here and it was unlikely to work fully but if my save file is useful I am more than happy to send it to you.
  2. Thanks for the replies guys, I'll give that a bash tomorrow and report back. You may have just saved my weekend!
  3. It seems that some of you are using KER in 1.2, what version should I DL for that? Also but off topic: Will a career on pre-release work after the update?
  4. Interesting, I'd best live without for now then. Thanks for that. I have also been informed that it is easiest to just remove the empty nodes, it goes against every fiber of my hoarding of mods mentality but it would save us all alot of time rather than having to come here asking for where the missing mods are. Thanks for the info though.
  5. God knows how many times people have asked this and yet here I am again. I shudder to think how this is going to go down.... Well I decided to take the plunge and installed the CTT. I did install it before on my first round of a career save but was just so overwhelmed with all of the new techs that I promptly uninstalled it. After a disaster in my last career I decided to start again and was browsing through CKAN when I spotted it again and thought 'hell, now's my chance!'. So I installed it and found as many of the mods to fill the missing nodes as I could but I still have something like 18 empty or single module nodes. So I am absolutely missing more than a few mods. So the question, and again I beg your forgiveness in advance; is there a comprehensive list of what mods apply to the nodes? I have been looking but can't seem to find one anywhere. Now I could list what I am missing but like I say, it's about 18 nodes and I am still searching while I wait for a reply and I don't want to waste anyone's time (other than perhaps this message doing so). Secondly, the stockalike stations mod mentioned on the front page does not seem to be on CKAN, I understand that CKAN is not to everyone's taste but I just want to confirm that I am not missing it before I install it manually. Thanks for your time and bravo on the excellent expansion of KSP. I have only made it as far as landing on Minmus, this is going to add greatly to my experience!
  6. Further details to my above post, I do have one tank that I can change the contents of: 'The Interstellar Gas Tank PB-X50R'. All other tanks seem to only have stock fuel.
  7. I installed this today but am not getting a context menu when I right click on tanks or any indication that it is installed. I downloaded using CKAN and already had tweakscale. The version in Ckan is 2.1.4 and I installed both the Switch and the Core. Is there a possible conflict in the following mods?: [X{ Science! CapCom- Mission control Community Resource Pack Contract Configurator Contract Parser Contract Reward Modifier Contracts Window + Field Exp Kerbal Alarm KAS KER KIS Landing Height Display Module Manager Navball UP Progress Parser Smart Stage Station Science Stock Bug Fix Transfer Window Planner Trigger AU Flags TweakScale Waypoint Manager.
  8. I got it working thanks! It is marvelous! Really makes so much sense and is a life saver in career mode. Thanks for the work mod maker and thanks for the help mod helpers. You really helped me enjoy the game all the more.
  9. OK that's it. I'm stumped.... on the first mission..... Now bear in mind I am still very new and have not yet managed to land on the Mun when I run this by you. Mission one: build a glider The problem is this: Not have any engines after launch. So I can't get my head around planes in general but I finally managed to get something to fly and not break up on the runway. So I decided to try this mission, I build a basic plane with a couple of empty fuselage sections, wings with enough lift and a jet engine strapped on top with a de-coupler. I took off, flew to 300, turned around and decoupled the engine and fuel. Mission failed... Am I supposed to use a booster only? It does mention a booster in the mission briefing but every time I fail this I lose 4k in career mode. On a side note I am not getting any world first achievements and I guess it is because all of my missions are some sort of GAP or other mod mission now. I was just working towards my first orbit of the Mun but I am not getting the world achievement mission and I want to wait for that to drag as much science and money out of that as I can. Any and all help appreciated.
  10. Opps, I went into the editor in game and set one of the tabs as a HUD, now I can't seem to get it back. Any advice?
  11. I installed with CKAN, but where are the rotors etc? Do I have to unlock a tech or should they already have appeared? Opps, sorry I found them. It's a new career and they have to be unlocked. Thanks for the great work and apologies for my idiocy....
  12. Shame, it would make it an awful lot easier. I'll keep going with my current career and give this a bash next career. Thanks for your help.
  13. I have my eyes on this mod but I don't see it on CKAN. Is it working with 1.1.3?
  14. Ok I'll look into that, but in effect the packs will need to be found separately? There is no compendium?
  15. I really want to sink my teeth into this as career seems to stagnate after the first few available missions. But in a little lost, when I installed the pack I had no way to compete the missions. Do I have to hunt up the packs for the missions and install them in order to compete the missions? It am I missing something. The first mission was essentially to fire a v2, do I need to find a pack that has a v2? I think it had a different name but that was basically the rocket.
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