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Argyle MHF

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Everything posted by Argyle MHF

  1. Some anecdotal commentary: The latest dev version is working great! the sticky docking ports are gone, and things that would shake themselves to bits in the past are not twitching even slightly. I can post a pick of the monstrosity I have built in Kerbin orbit when I get home form work, but I put everything that would induce wobbliness on it and it is rock solid. There has always been a point in past stations where at a certain size, wobbly. This one is well past that. I intend to add more bits until I get tired or it wobbles. I did notice what I would call "flex" during one of the launches, but considering it was a stack of 4 {docking port+pod+tank+terrier+decoupler} Kerbin return drop ships on top of a stack of 2x 3.75m fuel tanks, on top of a 3 stage booster, I actually expected a lot worse. Flex is ok. Good job, ferram4! I think you got this one licked. Thank you!!
  2. My first thought is you are trying to move the log file, not just copy it. Another is: I have had this issue, but when trying to save an edited .cfg file. It seems Windows "SmartScreen" is latching on to certain files for some reason I can't fathom, so, security related, I guess. My work around is to open aforementioned file, do my edit, open Task Manager, kill the Smart screen process, then save the file. I haven't found out how to kill smart screen for good. I'm sure there is a way, but, well, let's face it, I'm kinda lazy on the weekends. Maybe this is why you haven't been able to move a log. But I don't see why you couldn't copy a log, though. EDIT: THIS link will explain how to turn Smart Screen off.
  3. > but when i speed up time it slowly floats off away from the station yay > the kicker is that when i return to normal time the tank zooms back to its position at the docking port and destroys my station with what i > assume is the impact http://imgur.com/a/PYmp1 With this station, I get everything rooster is getting, except for the wobbly bit, the station is rock solid. If I undock & then time warp, I get destruction. It happens with the standard Clamp-o-tron, the Sr(both the stock one & the new one from Near Future Construction), and the CBM from the CX Areospace station parts pack. I find if I undock, go back to the space centre, then go back to the station, all is fine. What should be undocked is floating by itself, and nothing is destroyed. Edit: I forgot to mention I have no autostruts or rigid attachments at all. Just KJR
  4. For a additional datapoint: With a fresh install of build 1576, I first added Module manager alone and CommNet works. Leaving MM installed, I then proceeded to add one at a time, then remove after running KSP: (in order) KER, Part Overhauls, Planetshine & Konstruction and CommNet worked each time. With Kerbalism, CommNet did not work. I like the cat.
  5. I continued my drive from(Using the Scansat Big Window for reference) the western-most anomaly to the nearest southerly anomaly, in a Buffalo rover. No reason, just a relaxing navigation exercise, I am about 1/3 the way there. Edit: On the Mun.
  6. SAS - Spacecraft Assisted Suicide
  7. I am not confident there will be another 1.x version. I think 2.x is the road they are about to go down. with small updates/fixes & DLC as bait for us to follow them. My big fear is that road will be paved courtesy of Ubisoft. Or worse: EA. Now. if Microsoft were to pick up Squad, that's a different story.
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