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    Building the same rocket 12 times and flying it once isn't normal...
    But on console it is.

    Console KSP. Not even once.

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  1. And to make a bummer situation worse half the PC players defend squad like they are an an old family friend.
  2. RIGHT???? One of them EXPLICITLY said he tested it! Guess they also said it went through THREE rounds of QA... geez
  3. I have a few concerns, I want to keep playing my current save on PS4 but I am grinding my teeth at the thought of limping this save through the next few weeks to have the PS4 patch wipe out my progress completely. Should I just stop playing until its sorted out? Why am I expected to wait for something that should just work??? I didn't sign up for this!!! PULL UP SQUAD. PULL UP.
  4. Pretty worked up by the thought that the save I limped through the last few weeks will be wiped out by a ps4 patch that will likely add new problems. This has to be the most painful 40 bucks I've ever spent.
  5. So am I wrong.. or did Goliath explicitly say he tested the cloud recovery? It doesn't work. Old saves are lost and the hot mess continues.
  6. I see you have thousands of posts and are on pc. Thanks for seeing it from my point of view, I found a few PC players are sympathic to our cause.
  7. Bet this isn't the Friday Squad and FTE wanted. I really can't empathize. I want what I paid for.
  8. Wonder if they will close this thread. The torches and pitchforks are coming. I second this. You're customers have been through enough, this failed patch is a disgrace.
  9. A part of me doesn't want it fixed... Let's just see how much of a hot mess it can get. <snip>
  10. Knock on wood man. Here's hoping this play through is the real game after our extended beta-trial-prerelease-chairity period.
  11. Do new saves still currupt? A shame your old saves might be inaccessible, but at least you could "enjoy" a new career play through. If the saves still currupt then my faith in Squad and FTE will be finally snuffed out. 40 bucks to wait for months all the while angry and deprived. Nice one. Go team.
  12. Could you explain? Like your old save disappeared when you updated or you started a new game and still had save curruption
  13. Might wanna bump the brakes on the celebrations here SQUAD: @Cheesemass 0Members3 posts Posted 7 hours ago · Downloaded the update for Xbox about 5 hours ago. Said that it needed to convert my saves. I converted them. Played my career for about 5 hours. Quicksave as... files started loading randomly with regard to title, multiple reloads eventually loaded correct save. B button stopped working to select craft parts while in orbit - then restarted KSP and my career was gone. Is this the save game issue that was supposed to be fixed today?
  14. Wow they dropped the ball again eh. What more could we expect from a company like this...
  15. Aaaaah!!!!! I want to play on ps4+ Blast! Vile console port! Victory will be mine!
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