I'm also having an issue regarding this and Kerbalism, and possibly Beyond Home. Solar panels do not calculate or register properly with the MultiStarSolarPanels.cfg within KcalbelohSystem/OtherFeatures, as after a few hours of removing mods to find the culprit and then looking for any potential culprits, removing that single file fixed it. Having that file result in satellites running out of power when unloaded, the VAB Kerbalism calculator not detecting solar power at all, and for solar power to be listed as "Other" in the calculator in flight. I'm pretty sure Kerbalism handles the multi star solar issues on their side, so there may need to be a disclaimer to remove that if using Kerbalism. I'm not sure if using Beyond Home/homeswitching is part of the issue, I do not have any issues with science transmission so it's likely unrelated to the other Kerbalism issue above. I can provide a modlist however it is just the essentials required for Kerbalism, Beyond Home, and Kcalbeloh System when I was testing it.
TLDR: Kerbalism doesn't seem to like the MultiStarSolarPanels.cfg packaged with this, reducing Kerbalism compatibility