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Everything posted by idamoofus

  1. I for one haven't been this excited about a game in what feels like years. I can't wait to mess around with part skins. (Also, I'm back.)
  2. I sent up a Mun probe.... and KerbalTek refuses to save the updated ribbon set so I can't show it.
  3. 0/10, don't think I've ever seen you before. Which is strange considering you're a mod.
  4. *beep.... beep.... beep....*
  5. Today I had a surge of inspiration and decided to go back to the game. I started a new save, fully stock except Final Frontier and NavyFish's docking alignment indicator, because every time I want to go back to the game I have to update all my mods and it gets very tiresome. Put a basic Stayputnik sat into orbit, and even wrote a little AAR about it that I may or may not keep up with and post here if the motivation keeps hitting.
  6. I'm skeptical, but as long as the team still has control, it'll probably prove to be a good thing for the game.
  7. Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Directus the Unclicked?
  8. 1969 pieces. Magnificent.
  9. While the community will obviously be going over each new announcement with a fine-toothed comb over the next few weeks, what caught my eye was individual chutes for Kerbals. I assume they'll be one use only, or maybe that will be a difficulty setting so you can make your Kerbals go full Rico Rodriguez and pop thirty parachutes in a row if you want.
  10. When people spell "yeah" as "yea" When people sign forum posts When the only way to contact a website is by directly emailing them ", however" instead of "; however,"
  11. randomly log people out after a client update
  12. Honestly, I've never made it past the "probes on Duna and Eve" phase in a save, so as far as I'm concerned I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
  13. I decided on the Death Star because it was recognizable and, being round, would fit well as a profile picture, so I found an illustration of it I liked on Google. I called myself MrLake because I live next to a lake.
  14. They look pretty and are fun to assemble. And of course, if an unruly Kerbal begins to question your decision to dive a 747-sized spaceplane into Kerbol, you can always send them to a bare tin can orbiting Dres where they can't cause any more... trouble.
  15. I hold my brain cells far too dear to visit 9gag.
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