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Everything posted by aeTIos

  1. I tried opening the textures with Gimp, but it shows them like only 10% opaque. Did you also have that problem? If so, how did you fix it?
  2. Helldiver, I tip my hat to you. Even when you don't like a certain thing, you still create it to please us? Wow. And that adapter *does* actually look very cool
  3. Aww yeah, that looks like a mun hab!
  4. Looks interesting. I didn't know you could mount stuff on canards.
  5. Just wanted to let you know that I have a video featuring this mod in the works (incidentally, also my first cinematic). Regarding the texture swapping, I took a look at the texture and I saw that you had the whole shuttle in 1 file. Now I wondered, can't you have the cockpit in a separate texture and have the names next to it? Like this: (amazing Gimp skills incoming) Not sure if this is possible, as the textures are probably baked.
  6. Fixed that for ya. aeTIos. It's not a good idea to have typos in your punchline.
  7. It's a buran-style OMS? Cool, would add some variety. Anyways I think you should reconsider the cockpit, unless you are making it unmanned (in which case: gogogo, this looks awesome!). If you keep it like this, you're gonna have a bad time trying to add windows and let it look well.
  8. Helldiver, what's the font you used for the shuttle names? Might be handy to know this when custom naming the shuttles.
  9. I'd like to see how this turns out. I can really use another shuttle, just for variety
  10. A few remarks/yells: -This shuttle is amazing. -RCS is off-center, you might want to fix this in an upcoming update. -Could you add a camera view that focuses on the MFDs? They're in sort of an odd angle when you look down on them. -Someone accidentally left an RTG lying in the cargo bay. The KHC is concerned over the safety of the kerbals in the cockpit and asks if this was intentional. -I second the proposal/suggestion to split up the main tank in 3 parts. This would make an awesome way to launch medium payloads. -I haven't been able to land this properly yet. Good job on making that sorta hard. (Do splashdowns also count as landings?) -Amazing work. -Amazing work. Wait, I think I said that already.
  11. Okay, I've ran into a problem already, and I'm not sure what caused it. When I drop the ship on the launchpad, RPM throws an error for JSIActionGroupSwitch (if I recall correctly), and it says I must check my configuration. Could it be that my RPM is outdated?
  13. You could work together with Frizzank if you're doing the American stuff. IIRC, Frizzank is not making a Saturn Ib rocket. You could do that!
  14. Those landing legs... on decouplers. *walks away mumbling something about landing on fins, a long time ago* That lander looks cool, and I'm gonna steal its design.
  15. That's just great! I wonder though, are you going to keep those in black? Because then they would not fit in with the existing parts very well :\
  16. I would love a half-length crew module. Also, could you change the crew capacity of the Kupola to 1? That's much more realistic. edit: Also, I forgot. Could you make the IACBM's less wobbly? They almost killed my Constellation-style mun mission. (Whole craft snapped in half, lucky I had a quicksave)
  17. That's a really nice Jaguar you have there!
  18. Dat snow-actually-not-so-snowman. Or is it a scarecrow? Anyway, downloaded teh update! These are so much gonna be the escape pods for my space station
  19. I know that asking for ETA is a no-no, but I'm too lazy to read all 15 pages of this thread. Is there a dl link for this already? I love how it looks! Also, I agree with Dragon01 that you should probably use LF/OX on your tanks so that it doesn't conflict. You can still use different ratios if you want.
  20. A ship. Also, could you somehow make the shroud toggleable? I want to put a docking port on top, and a mk1 pod underneath it. Also, for a next model, could you make a soyuz like pod? You deliver high quality
  21. Doesn't sound quite right. I think that ice should continue falling for (for example) 20 seconds after launch. After all, it's the vibrations in the rocket that make the ice get loose.
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