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  1. Hey I'm having a bit of a bug when I recover to VAB/SPH. I keep getting refunded for vehicles when I recover vehicles to the SPH or VAB making it a free money glitch I don't really want. Makes sense for normal recovery but not for recovering the vehicle for reuse.
  2. The fact that this is supposed to be a raster prop Monitor IVA and KOS only playthrough removing interiors is not really an option. I managed to shrink the mod list down to stop it crashing by removing some large file sized redundant parts from some mods and I took most of the Galaxies unbound systems out. It's a shame KSP doesn't use pagefile. If it did out of memory crashes would be replaced by data streaming crashes instead. Can't wait for ksp2
  3. I removed 4GB of mods and still found KSP using up all of my ram. even with an install of 8GB total I'm looking at 12GB+ ram usage. Thanks for the mod advice. 1.12 lets you launch from other launchpads.
  4. The CoL indicator doesn't work and Ferram profiling shows nothing. I get all 0's for any stats shown and lift profiles etc don't exist. I'm in 1.12 using a manual install in the same manner I installed all other mods. I should add it appears to be working as fuselages and boosters do generate lift on their own in atmosphere however the profiling tools for lift and aerodynamics don't exist in the VAB or SPH. Well the tools exist but they are non functional more or less.
  5. Basically I just want the parts and their functionality. The DLC are the size of some of the larger mods and once I installed Galaxies Unbound and a couple interplanetary travel mods my memory usage is insane. I have 16GB ram and the game takes up 90%+ of my ram. Even when task manager tells me ksp is only using 6GB of ram the memory usage is over 90%. When I close the game it's back down to like 4% memory usage. I used to be able to play with more parts and planets and only use 10GB but since I came back to KSP recently it's up at 14GB+ on the main menu even when task manager says it's only using 6GB. I'm really just trying to shave off a bit of unnecessary bloat in the DLC so it won't crash every time I try go to the launchpad with a small sounding rocket.
  6. So I downloaded this mod and I feel like I got someones mod folder. It even has tweakscale and kerbal engineer in there. I don't feel safe adding this on top of my existing mods. This has to be a mistake by the modder right?
  7. Ok so I just decided to scan the log myself for "scale" and I found Scale_Redist.dll in both the ferram plugins and magicsmokeindustries plugins so I deleted them and the error is gone. I assume this was the correct course of action since the error is now gone, and I assume it probably won't break ferram or infernal robotics "Next". I'm just checking in to see if you agree that I made the correct call or not. I also appreciate the fast response you gave. Very impressed.
  8. Ok let me reinstall the watchdog and restart KSP and dump it into google docs. Might take a while though my launch is about 20 minutes. Oddly enough with the watchdog removed it loads fine and tweakscale appears to work just fine. That said I have played enough modded ksp to know that a single launch isn't enough to confirm that something is actually working.
  9. Hi I have been trying to install tweakscale and I'm getting the error "more than one 999_Scale_Redist.dll In ksp install, Delete all but one" However I have searched and searched and can only find one copy that is in my GameData folder. I am pulling my hair out over this honestly. Any ideas?
  10. Lol no, just working out what I need to change and where is enough effort for me. I can't imagine trying to remember what I changed and where to compile a config pack for other people. I do eventually want to actually play the game heheh. It's my first time trying 1.12, haven't played since like 1.8 or 1.9. I already have a Project Zomboid mod that badly needs updating anyway.
  11. That's awesome thank you. I'm building a private mod pack and have so many damn tweaks and adjustments to make I think it vould be new year before I get to play. This will save me some time.
  12. Raster Prop Monitor is great but the camera position is too high to look down at some screens in IVA. When you zoom in on a display to read it more clearly or adjust the display settings it cuts off most of the bottom of lower screens if not the entire screen itself. I'm trying to change the cameras vertical view angle range to be able to look down more but can't find anything in the parts files for those cockpits that relates to max view angle. I know I did it in the past for older versions of KSP but its either been so long I've forgotten or how those settings are handled has been removed, moved or changed in the part cfg. Does anyone know of how to do this? And if so could you tell me what to add/change and where. I have a feeling it's just a case of adding a vertical view angle variable somewhere. Thanks in advance.
  13. Is there a configuration for galaxies unbound? Or will I just have to go through every single planet and moon and write my own? I don't mind doing it but I would like to not have to.
  14. For modded command pods that have the same shape but vanilla interiors. Can I just edit their part files .cfg to change the interior property to give them RPM interiors that I do have?
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