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Everything posted by ThatHomelessGuy

  2. Once had a kerbal driven rover on the Mun exploring some craters when Pop went the kerbal. Forgot to give him enough life support to go for a drive on the rover and well now there is a non robotic rover in a crater somewhere waiting for a kerbal to find it. Well that was until I updated. Other than that I've lost track of the amount of satellites I've lost to botched transfers and such. I remember also having a command capsule with a piece of truss and a material bay stuck to it with jeb in it wooshing though the solar system from a kraken attack on the very first launch on one save. I put the ship on the launch pad and it just went bananas and ripped itself to bits before crashing the game. I reloaded the game and couldn't find the debris or Jeb and since I play with kerbals die on I figured he had died. That is until I eventually went to the tracking station and found him on an escape trajectory out of kerbin and then out of kerbol about 20million meters away from kerbin. Since I wasn't using life support I figured I'd just leave him to his fate and kept playing dropping in every so often to see how small kebol was getting. I wonder what he was thinking when it happened. "What did bob put in that SRB? Can we use that energy to rescue me?". I never would have been able to catch up with him with the kerbal tech of the day though. Though it would be awesome if there was a reliable way to harness the kraken to launch an entire colony ship that way without reducing it to large space faring shrapnel.
  3. I agree If I'd have seen this when I was getting ready for my first full IVA mission I'd have come here and then and said prepping my first plane for an IVA only mission near KSC. Then I would have still posted what was essentially a mission log of the flight with pics and all on the other thread. To stay on topic I'm prepping my first wave of Kerbin range comsats in 1.2 right now. So many mods to shrink the satellite and make it cool I can't decide which engine and tank combination would be best. I'm thinking of going for the small solar sat design with the 1650DV tank and engine setup with full tank 8.xTWR for the sat itself. Can't remember the name of the parts but the tank is a fenram 1200 something tank or something I'm waiting for the game to boot since it crashed again but its super small and compact folded and comes with a telemetry unit as well as 8 relay dishes and 16 solar panels and 800 EC. Did I mention I intend these to be almost all purpose for any local planetary system and be designed to be shipped out in bundles of 8-16 to a rocket so I can populate a planetary body with only one or two payloads and have a fully functioning local relay station when the colony ships arrive. Oh I shall call them swarm sats. Pro tip when transferring to duna if you haven't sent your comsats the last cycle make sure your comsats are sent to duna at the closest time to the transfer window time itself than the rest of the fleet. This should ensure they show up first even if they are the last to make the transfer and give you a few days to put the payloads where they need to be before the fleet shows up. Ok game loaded I'm going to document it and prep for the the upcoming transfer windows. Is that really you? Love your content I was watching a 1.2 prerelease vid you did earlier today. I'm gonna be honest there isn't enough 1.2 content out there right now and I just finished the last one in your prerelease. Looking forward to more. Keep it up. I subbed to you a long time ago.
  4. I flew my first entirely IVA mission today accept for when I had to run the instruments sins I haven't got action groups in the SPH yet. The Little Bird 1 on it's maiden flight. Flew first time off the runway. She flies really well at near mach speeds too. I couldn't help myself I just had to. I also got a whiff of the new GLOC effect too. Or at least Valentina did anyway. But she held herself all the way through the loop. And so did the plane. The cams and displays really make it happen for me. Valentina Is on the ball crossing the mountains on the way home. Running low on Boomsauce and the KSP is in sight. Could be coming in for an emergency stop. Valentina is on the radio asking Bill if he fitted those emergency chutes she asked him to fit. "Damnit Bill you forgot to fill the main tank and fit the chutes? I swear if I make it Back in one lump you won't make it home in one lump. And you are coming with me on the all the rest of my flights after this." Bill just laughs it off and quietly hopes that this maiden flight goes like most of them do first time in the air. [Pilot] : "Valentina to the tower, engines minimal for final approach ready to cut thrust. Concentration mode engaged, putting down my Kandroid until I hit the run way no time to think about pictures now" [KSC1 Tower] : "Roger that, Bill says if you think you wont make it try and break the field next to the Runway strip. They only just laid the the new Runway" [Pilot] : "No promises Bill, Out!" Landing pics in the spoiler. Sorry I was too busy concentrating on not exploding or stalling to take pics all the way down but I got some pics of the umm well see for yourself. That whole thing has me buzzing and Valentina got her 5% fuel or less badge and her 11g for 3 seconds badge. I love this game.
  5. No problem Thanks guys appreciate it. I'm going to bed now I think heheh
  6. Doesn't the game already balance fuel in plane tanks now as it uses it? It is doing it for me anyway without the mod. Yup it's a feature in 1.2. Just checked.
  7. We are assuming like any self respecting kerbonaut that they haven't gone to Duna just to study Kerbin science data and that they will actually be doing Duna science there as their primary objective. Since science data (sorry but I have to break the fourth wall for a sec) and any extra credit we get for it in the lab is is expended when we return it to the KSC it makes sense for gameplay reasons that it would be required to send it to duna before actually claiming the science or simply loose the "extra credit" we would get for comparing Duna science to documented studies already published on Kerbin. Hey that's a cool idea for a mod that increases how much science you get from each planet based on how many other bodies you have claimed that science from already. Like if you have done all or part of the biome temp studies on Kerbin then you get more science for biome temp studies on Duna when you do them and then even more once you have Kerbin and duna when you take biome temp studies on Eve. Sorry for the delay in approving the post - The moderation team. <- feel free to delete the sentence in all caps directed at you.
  8. I always just scrap the old and do a fresh install and cycle new games a few times until all the main mods are updated to a stable enough state. I usually check the last few pages before making any sort of inquiry like that and only to check IF it will likely be updated at all or if I should just go ahead and start a full career instead of waiting for a mod that is abandoned for this version. But every single time I am met with someone who goes "Don't be harassing the dev. Check back a few pages before asking" which I have done and haven't gone back 12 pages instead of 10 so I didn't see the ONE person asking on that thread. I'm not sure who's worse sometimes the people who actually make demands of mod makers to update causing them to pull or delay their mods or the "knights" like that who are super aggressive to anyone who mentions the latest update. I don't even ask "WHEN" I ask "IF". Those guys are kamazing persons and need to learn the difference between harassing and inquiring in the perceived absence of information. Also KSP modders are super squishy about people wanting to enjoy their mods on the latest update and need to grow some skin. I don't publicly mod for ksp but for the games I do mod for I revel in being "harassed" about updates it tells me I'm doing a good job. Those who get nasty just get ignored or I set the mods on them. Edit : Very clever post bot I definitely didn't call them kamazing persons but that had me scratching my head after I posted it thinking "I wouldn't have ever said that, what must I have been trying to say?" I like it.
  9. I simply cannot launch anything that has now got a RT omni range antenna. They all snap on launch even when shrouded. :'( It says they were ripped off which sucks super hard because all my probe cores from compatible mods are just being ripped off in less than 1k up from the pad. I got one thing into orbit remotely but only after realising the particular probe core I was using was using neither the vanilla system nor the RT system and was just straight up cheating the flight and I had complete control everywhere even if there was no ground station in range. Uninstalling for now. Also many of the vanilla antennas have no part module and I found that when I tried to make a patch for them they all worked as RT antennas but adopted the fragility issue too. Is this a bug or am I expected to fly every mission with an engineer and a KIS pocket full of replacements for every time I have to enter and leave an atmosphere? I haven't used this mod for a couple of versions but it has never behaved like this before. I'm using the 1.2 version. Edit : I also would like to point out I was launching with a TWR of 1.35 so I know I wasn't ripping it too hard off the pad. The thumpers weren't even half empty and I was moving at way under 200 m/s at the 1k mark.
  10. One might say you are sending a control sample from Kerbin to compare to the samples you observe around Duna. I mean the little dudes are taking allot of time doing work in that lab some times. Thank you that's pretty much what I was looking for. Saves me doing the science on it myself since If it didn't work I'd have to either send the data home again or collect it all again and well that would be a pain in the the kass.
  11. I'm sorry but I already said I understand how the lab works and that it doesn't produce any science of actual value on Kerbin. My question pretty much said I understand everything you said, I was just looking for clarification as to whether it will work. I wish people would actually read before replying. I guess I should have summarised it as "Is it the lab or the science itself that is nerfed on kerbin?" Or a least presented it as another question beside my main one of "Will it work?" I guess it will I'll just have to try.
  12. I installed all of the mods and started a new 1.2 career
  13. It seems that considering how the lab works, once you have reached the point of getting into space you can stop collecting science on Kerbin early. You could later go around the KSC and the rest of kerbin collecting data and just have a lander can near the launch pad where you can deposit it until you have gathered all the kerbin surface science. Am I correct in assuming that if you have say Jeb collect the data and climb a ladder to a rocket on it's way to say duna or even just kerbins orbit and stick the science into a station with a lab you can actually improve the ammount of science you get from it. I know that the lab won't give extra science on Kerbin but I kinda want to try it out later in my career mode game and was wondering if it would actually work. I think it will work based on what I have read about the lab but haven't found any examples of anyone actually trying it. Thanks in advance. @Moderators Why does everything I post or reply to have to be approved by a moderator? And how do I make it stop?
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