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Everything posted by ThatHomelessGuy

  1. Aww but I like them being able to escape I was disappointed with the vanilla feature. Always figured tourists should have some spacewalk/munwalk type missions or a resort mission where they want to visit a facility on a planet or in orbit with x amount of spaces for kerbals and at least y/x amount of kerbals there to hang out with. You know like the club resort experience or something. Yeah I downloaded and installed that yesterday. It's that version that did the recovery from space thing. Like I said I haven't tested tourist escapes in this version.
  2. I know it was one of the buttons on the right hand side of the screens maybe one of the bottom 2 I was literally just running the mouse around the frame of the screen in the middle in the mk1 mod and clicking like I had just mixed acid with speed, I haven't tried it again but I can test it to see. Maybe it was the red or green buttons on the right of the screen I'm not sure it's kinda dark in space heheh. I was shocked myself, (and a tiny bit annoyed I was going for a splashdown over 100km from KSC and why I always play with quicksaves even if I'm not recovering crashed ships phew) when suddenly I got the black loading screen and it just recovered jeb and his rocket and all of his science, as if he had been sitting on the surface. It left me just looking at the recovery screen at the KSC going "Wh.. whai... wait what?". I went to the tracking station and checked it to see if there was some weird loading error and nope the only thing there was the launch stage at the top of the suborbital arc. Is it possible stage recovery is interfering with it? That can recover vessels on a sub orbital trajectory and I was in IVA focus not normal focus and the clicking may have been a coincidence. Though I imagine it would take a long ass time for stage recovery to pick it up and it hasn't happened since nor did it pick up the stage I released or give me a stage recovered message, and I haven't been clicking like nut just in case. I have no problem testing though. Maybe I'm just guessing out of my kass now. As for the tourists I have just reinstalled the mod after borking my game and having to delete and reinstall KSP so I might have been using a slightly older version before I broke ksp, but it was definitely a 1.2 version when the tourists could escape. I haven't actually tested it on this install as I haven't gotten to the touristy bit. I don't feel it's worth it til you have the orbit missions so I will test tourist escapes soon. I love this mod by the way I did my first IVA plane flight the other week and it was such a rush. Thanks for the mod. Now I want to mix this with a headset and a flight stick for maximum fun. Is the "stop pressing buttons [Insert tourists name here]" message a stock thing or a raster prop thing? Here's some pics for the helping of the clicks.
  3. Valentina and Bill just experienced the most terrifying ride of their life. A bit of an Icarus moment really. Their triple engined jet just climbed too high and flamed out at supersonic speeds and went into an uncontrollable flatspin. I was forced to kill the outside engine to force enough air into the inside engine to counter the spin and then once rotation stopped I killed the other engine. I then fought the plane into a steep dive using the central engine to unstall the wings and then pull up before I hit the ground. This thing is a supersonic deathtrap.
  4. Turn this picture upside down and that's how he's gonna land
  5. Ok so I was doing the press all the buttons thing inside the mk1 pod while on a sub orbital trajectory at about 90km+ and I hit one of the buttons on the right hand side of the displays and I accidentally recovered the vessel as if I was landed. I got the mission complete and everything all the science and the kerbal was recovered. That's kind broken methinks. Also I can click on the door handle to IVA tourists. Not that I'm complaining about that I kinda like the fact that tourists can "escape" the command pod. I imagine I would do the same if I had a pressure suit of my own
  6. There was legend of a planet in a distant galaxy far far away where little green men crawled out of the water and well decided land just wasn't enough. There was the sky. And beyond that? Well nobody really knew what came after the sky. These creatures were called Kerbals and other species on other planets would probably liken them to little green rednecks. This is Lukes Awesome Space Agency or LASA for comedic effect. Who is luke? He is the one they call the architect, the grand designer, the ultimate noob...... BIIILLLL GET AWAY FROM MY COMPUTER!!!!! There are a few rules to go by. 1) Unless there is a remote command all crewed missions will require a Pilot or at least a one star Kolonist. 2) Have fun with it. 3) Add more rules as you remember/think of them. It begins
  7. Never mind I accidentalied the squad folder out of existence during the install of my mods. *Hangs head in utter shame*
  8. The game hangs when loading the part WBI_AuxEN. I broke my game so I reinstalled a fresh game and re downloaded most of my mods and on first load it frozen there. Is it a compatibility issue? Edit: I removed it and the problem moved to a Mole part.
  9. I broke my game New install with a full reinstall of mods it is then.
  10. Yes thanks I do but there are no containers or way of configuring parts for material kits.
  11. I'm having an issue where when I deconstruct parts with a wrench with KIS I am given material kits but I have no way of storing them and no way of configuring anything to store them either. I'm pretty sure I don't even have any mods that use material kits either but I could be wrong. Is there a way to configure them to break down into rocket parts or something more useful? Or even just a way to store them would be great and then I can use a resource converter to convert them into something usable thanks in advance.
  12. Yesterday I played with making a new rover and let my terrestrial rover complete a few missions on Kerbin with the help of the Bon Voyage mod. It's a big ladder frame chassis and loads of ugly bits strapped onto it but it gets the job done. I've also been building a rover for deployment on other planets. Still don't know ho I'm gong to get it onto other planets but I put a docking port on it. Here's the Prototype. It's a tad unstable if you really push it so far as pushing it with those wheels goes but deals with most things in it's stride. Those solar panels and antenna seem to showing unkerbal like structural integrity preventing it from flipping every time. Bill can't remember where he left the test prototype but that doesn't stop us making another Prototype 2 is much better and has all it's gear set up and ready to launch. I honestly don't know if the RCS is strong enough for the Mun but I have confidence it will be adequate for Minimus. Took it for a spin Round the KSC and tested it the only way I know how.... By ramping the crawlerway at full throttle.
  13. I did a Whole ton of stuff over the past few days. Allot of it was playing KSP while listening to lectures on fluid dynamics and programming the core data structure for my own game. (I know I have problems) But Multitasking aside I have a few "chapters" in LASA's recent progress. First of all I sent a satellite to deliver a Comsat around the Mun and then It continued on to gather science from both the Mun and into a stationary orbit around Minimus to gather more science and complete a contract. The satellite is due to return from Minimus some day and dump it's science payload into the atmosphere before burning up in the amosphere hopefully getting recovered by stage recovery. Here's some pictures of that happening. I then moved a scanning satellite around Minimus from orbit around Kerbin to join the ore scanning satellite already out there. Then onto servicing the massive backlog of 20+ tourists waiting to do an orbit around Kerbin. My four Kerbal "Space Taxi MK3" can be payed for by a single Kerbal Tourist and comes with a command probe so still nobody needs to pilot them from the cockpit. The marketing team spun it as "Enjoy all the fun of being a pilot without all the actual terror of having others lives in your own hands". A memo has been stuck to the office fridge to remind the interns to unplug the controls before each flight. And Finally I got my station command module into orbit around Kerbin and getting rid of that contract. Unfortunately the orbital insertion engine that is for some reason locked onto the main module which will no doubt cause some future issues. I sent Bill out on a spacewalk to try and remedy the issue but there is only so much he could do with a wrench. I will have to leave it there until the orbital construction yard is ready and fitted so I can recover the materials and simply dismantle it and fit a new docking port that actually works. It's the only docking port that's different on the thing aswel. This thing actually fell back into the atmosphere from 100km to the tune of 50km before finally breaking the atmosphere a second time. A combination of under powered engines in the mid stage and poor tech tree decisions but If jeb can make orbit sitting in a command seat on the side of an SRB he can lift his beast. This spoiler is a tad image heavy. That took a long time to make and to post but I hope yall like it.
  14. Ok so I handed up my logs a few pages back in reply to the short and kinda passive aggressive "No logs no support" reply and well I haven't heard anything since supportwise. I have read all the posts up until now and I see no indication anything has changed beyond some people seem to have it working somewhat and the dev was waiting for something else to update. So any answer to my issue? Am I waiting on a fix? Has it been fixed? Is it a compatibility issue? What's happening? Is there anything I can do to help you give me more support? Or any for that matter?
  15. That's where I started and it worked fine until I tried to make one less than 0.5. Then the floating rovers start to become a thing, well they started at about 0.5 but it's so minor it's ignorable and mostly unnoticeable. My attempts at fixing the floating lead to the bottomed out effect. I still have no Idea how to stop them floating without invisibly bottoming them out.
  16. Agreed Potasium Nitrate is technically the main ingredient in gunpowder. And Home made SRB fuel In some countries is considered bomb making equipment. Probably should have mentioned that before. Fun fact : A 1ft long 1&1/2 Inch pvc pipe correctly filled with the stuff with just the right mix can get upto and beyond 1km altitude all by itself. And that's with an altimeter watch strapped to the top.
  17. From a garden center. It's used in fertilizers. Go into a garden center and tell them you need potassium nitrate or a fertilizer with High Potassium nitrate content. They will take care of you. Garden center = anywhere that sells gardening / farming supplies.
  18. You could make homemade SRB fuel out of potassium nitrate (can be found in garden centers) and sugar (50/50 ish) that makes allot of smoke. Adding something like coloured candles or crayons should make a dye but I'd test the mixture amounts and the whole thing outside first. The wax would also act as a binding agent for the mixture too meaning you could pour it into a tray and cut up pellets for easy use. Just don't knock the SRB mix over and into an open flame. It usually needs a match head or something to ignite but you know how these things can go. Best of luck. Edit : Like this
  19. I did something like this before I found using the air pressure to draw the smoke from a straw downwind from the fan that was connected to a smoke box with a little hole in it and a piece of paper to control the draw pressure at the air input worked really well. I used chips of lightable smoke pellets from a joke shop on a plate inside the box but I'm sure there are other ways too. The cool thing about the smoke pellets is they come in different colours to make it easier to see if you use red or blue smoke.
  20. When it's more work to put a base on wheels IN a rocket.
  21. Maybe attach it normally then rotate it with the rotate tool after?
  22. 1) Needs More struts. 2) Still Needs More struts 3) You need more than that. 4) Still not enough 5) Maybe enough but you can never be too safe. 6) Put the center of lift ever so slightly behind and above the the center of mass. Make sure the markers in the VAB are overlapping. 7) Center of thrust through center of mass as a rule If your engines are off center just tilt them with surface mode on and the rotate tool til they line up. I believe you can get away with putting it between the center of lift and center of mass but that is an unreliable and dangerous craft you don't want to fly either. 8) Better put some more struts on that. 9) All my supersonic planes have stupid amounts of struts linking the wing panels together, you should try that. 10) Did I say more struts yet? 11) ????????????? 12) Struts, I err mean profit.
  23. Right but what if the game considers them still tethered with a limited tether but separate vehicles like a tow rope or grapple and you try and load one what will happen? Time to SCIENCE!!!!!!!
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