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Everything posted by eagle92lightning

  1. okay thanks. I want to get done with my K.S.S. Aurora and I think these could work to get crew home.
  2. could give me kind of a run by of how you built them I am about to play KSP and I would like to try these for my self
  3. I would make the spacecraft a drone with room for 1 kerbal because 5 for 1 is just do a cost/benefit analysis on that.
  4. hey do you have any tips on interplanetary starships?

  5. well you can't land on jool and you can't even colonize it. So I say go for less travel time
  6. I mean on my mid flight launch abort system. And that is on my reentry tester mission okay.
  7. I have a system set up where when I click abort it automatically decouples every thing.
  8. space station aurora is currently in a sub-orbital trajectory. Today at 6:30 a.m. I will begin the orbital maneuver.

    1. eagle92lightning


      aurora was a fail decoupler I used to attach it wouldn't let me get into orbit.

  9. thanks I am getting familiar with all the new engines (I love kerbodyne) i know what eve is tomorrow i will get my aurora space station in orbit and then i am sending a probe to eve
  10. sat 1 is a success!

    1. NSEP


      Good, well done. I never seen someone make that much progress in their first KSP hours!

  11. oh I thought it was an exact replica. And I plan on playing around with reentry.
  12. plan in launching SAT test 1 in sandbox(yeah already have the rocket built hasn't made it past ten thousand meters but hey my mid flight abort system works so I got they going for me).

  13. okay. I plan on testing the mark1-2 command pod in a little while.
  14. LOL! and I think I know what I am talking about and plus the gravity is wrong. Eve is the same size if not smaller than kerbin.
  15. that's interesting. How did you launch it from the rocket. Payload style or shuttle style?
  16. I got it KSP!!!!!!!!:cool:

    1. NSEP


      Nice! Have fun playing KSP!

    2. eagle92lightning


      oh I am. I kinda almost killed Jeb already

  17. my plan was a sls Orion rocket block 1. Highly modified of course. I think I might be able to get a Lander big enough on it.
  18. oh I forget something. I want my kerbals back so how should I go about getting the Lander back into orbit?
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