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Everything posted by eagle92lightning

  1. I have built a fully stock Atlas V 551 and the best way to do it is to start your roll shortly after liftoff and really as long as you have seratrons on the boosts and sas is on the game handles it fine. Note: when I did my 551 it had a 400 series uper stage not a centaur
  2. Designed and built an Atlas V 400 series looks awsome! And can power slide.

    1. NSEP


      Do you have a picture?

    2. eagle92lightning


      No but trying to. As soon as I do I will be making a thread.

    3. NSEP
  3. just wait you'll see and it will be on an sls
  4. Actually no. it is a central mk3 with a mk2 jet pod on each side with a mk3 engine mouby on the rear of mk3 core with a skipper on the back of it. On the jet pods there is a mk2 to two mk1 adapters on the front and back on the front one there is shock cone intakes on the back one there is j20 panthers. The wings are the exact same design as the dynawing. And the back gear are directly under the center of mass. The problem is that it can't get up to speed on a 2.5km runway.
  5. Completely agree but a specialized landing strip would be nice.
  6. No haven't been on since the main design once I get on again I will take some screenshots and set up an imugr
  7. Yeah. I plan on using the area around he ksp to launch if the RATO doesn't work.
  8. It will carry a lander eventually possible one of my designs (I am very optimistic)
  9. Warfare is a big part for any space agency but it will never be in KSP.
  10. The runway at Kennedy is a lot longer and there is a 4 MILE runway somewhere in the world.
  11. I plan on trying a RATO stage along with the J-20 Panthers on afterburner
  12. It is about the same in length but smaller wing span and the landing gear is right under the center of mass
  13. Unfortunately I can't put up pictures because... a: I don't have any screenshots of it b: I don't how to put up pictures from like the documents or from the memory if you could tell me how I might be able to get up so pics of it.
  14. It a big plane I can't help I like big planes and plus it uses dynawing wings which I think are only meant for gliding... wait that might be the problem
  15. Okay I have a space plane that can't takeoff at the current runway length so how bout a longer, MUCH longer runway?
  16. POSSIBLE NEW KRAKEN! I have encountered this bug several times and my save file is always court because I am in steam edition. Everytime a manned craft crashes the game crashes. I am dubbing the Crash Kraken.
  17. Unfortunately don't have any yet and as soon as I figure out how to upload pics I will have them up and once it is on kerbalx I will have up to. But trust me it is revolutionary.
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