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Everything posted by eagle92lightning

  1. cool. But you can get them back. Try a Lander with a pretty powerful engine after you decouple
  2. well I hope you eventually get the time! I plan on doing a Lander really with a docking port up top.
  3. I love the Orion missions so I will definitely be downloading this mod tomorrow. And I thank you for adding eft-1 aka Dawn. and also the sls/orion rocket should include a Lander could you please add a duna Lander in?
  4. entry one... The public relations chair just told us we need to plan a mission to Eve. Challenge accepted!... Hey I plan on doing a little project to Eve with Shadowworks, Kerbodyne plus, Cacteye telescopes, MechJeb, Probes plus, and more!
  5. yeah. I agree. But I mean why is SpaceX trying to still NASA's Orion's glory?
  6. hey I am Orionthusiast (an Orion enthusiat). And I am going to do a lot of missions using the Orion capsule from EFT-1 Dawn to EM-2 Freedom. I want to see y'all's replicas. So lets do this I don't care if it a crew retrival rocket I want to see it!
  7. Hey lets talk Eve mission ideas! I plan on putting Jeb Val Bill and Bob on Eve. And I want to hear your missions to Eve.
  8. first off. Why does the stinking soviet shuttle look more futuristic than NASA's? NASA is at the top of the space agency tower NASA rules! And secondly thanks for the clarification. I was just getting confused I know a bit about rockets but I obviously don't know as much as you.
  9. okay thanks. I plan on using it tomorrow for my eft-1 Orion Dawn delta IV heavy launch
  10. you didn't understand me. Is the data it provides on say the orbital data window is that accurate?
  11. Does mechjeb work? I am thinking about downloading it for the data it provides.
  12. I was planing on jettisoning them before I got to space though but for interplanetary space travel with small KSPI warp drive craft it could work really well I think you mean space shuttle when you say that.
  13. looking forward to tomorrow! I get to install KSP and the mods I want!

  14. Well that makes sense. Jet engines. I have an idea for a certain type of liquid booster. What if I put jet engines and intakes on a rocket for lrb's
  15. well what about space shuttles. If i built a shuttle and gravity turned it on launch to where the shuttle is on top would that make the launch easier?
  16. does mechjeb really work I built a soviet style rocket (you know the ones where there is no center line engine all three engines are on little bulges) on the demo and I was able to control it on the gravity turn. Until it started to go wobbly and I jettisoned every thing.
  17. Awsome! I plan using kerbodyne plus and shadowworks for this mission and thanks for the help! As soon as I get KSP downloaded I will post pictures of the Lander tests.
  18. The J-20 (no offense) is just a poor man's F-22
  19. beautiful! I love the ISS it is just amazing. And well that is awesome!
  20. hey I don't even have KSP installed yet but I want to be ready. So lets talk spaceplanes. Is there any advantage over rockets? Do you have to land on a runway? Can I put chutes in the cargo bay and just splash down?
  21. I plan on building a very large carrier/battleship starship using mods. any tips?
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