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    Space Tiger
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    Rockets, Spaceships, Orbital Parameters

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  1. I wanted to say THANK YOU (and congratulations!) to KSP2's musical and sound design team. I now get to feel like I am IN this fantastic Apollo 17 documentary that I saw years ago. I very much like to believe this geat "re-documentary" by Todd Douglas Miller was the inspiration for the soundtrack that starts playing when getting close to the Mun on a descent trajectory. (the pertinent part starts at 7:00 minutes, there's also a section at 1:00 minutes)
  2. Yes,and I think there should be hotkeys for the buildings. It's very hard to go through the escape menu all the time.
  3. Oook, can't wait. The videos look good, I hope it's reasonably stable.
  4. Weird. I think there may be a conflict between this mod and the old 6-Crew Science Lab mod; and the conflict really messes up CKAN's idea of which mods are really installed. Cleaning the directory up a little helped, but chances are perhaps there is a collision of some ID or GUID. Mod works for me now but it took me half an hour to get CKAN to consider the right mod as removed and your mod as properly installed.
  5. When I play this, I ONLY get the MPL-LG-2, and not the original and smaller labs. Is there a dependency I am not satisfying?
  6. Classic problem that many of these old "ALL" mods have: Grindy Science no longer works as of KSP 1.11.
  7. I exclusively play career. It's the best game mode, though only with mods is the contract choice pleasant enough to entertain.
  8. No, it's a great suggestion and it comes close. I'll try it in my next career save.
  9. I finished my Duna Program today (even though 6 Kerbals are still orbiting, I will need to run a crew rotation) This is the first time I landed Kerbals on Duna after... many hours of KSP. Super happy, because this was connected and made possible by the large station I built around Ike (and moved to Duna) earlier this week. Over 60 mods active, in particular USI Life Support, which made this mission challenging because of Habitation, Homesickness, and Supplies. Full Album with lots of Gifs: https://imgur.com/a/7Vc5bNh No other game gives me the sense of accomplishment that KSP gives me, and man that new terrain shader sure makes Duna's vistas beautiful.
  10. Yeah grouchy Kerbals glitch out for me, too, I use KML or Sublime edit to fix them if that happens. I'll provide some logs if I get the issue again.
  11. Cool! So that's an intentional feature. However, the NPE gets thrown only in that case. So at least I spotted a little bug (can't narrow it down much, the code is a bit wild down there :))
  12. [EXC 21:42:38.096] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor_Editor.OnGUI () (at <293124646a844ce6b8853ebbceabb423>:0) [EXC 21:42:38.096] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor_Editor.OnGUI () (at <293124646a844ce6b8853ebbceabb423>:0) Yep. (interestingly, Nancy was badS, but not a vet, and Isaus was just a plain Kerbal)
  13. And also I have a bug where I don't even understand what's going on internally, because "indefinite" should only show if there is no effect for that Kerbal; but some habitat modules seem to make it go indefinite for Nancy Kerman, a normal Pilot, but not her Engineer, Isaus Kerman. Quick video of this: https://imgur.com/NlEyoui EDIT: Ah, according to the code, that's the "default" value for the Hab string, so probably there is either an execution path that falls through, or execution is diverted (Exception thrown)
  14. Well but the values are very, very wrong. This makes planning super difficult and this display is basically useless. Also I can never know WHEN my Kerbals go MIA or Grouchy on me... I think it's somewhere around this code from the mod... but I think it's maybe the time conversion afterwards, but this code can miss a lot of connected resources, as flowState I guess really isn't the way to go anymore. private double GetResourceInVessel(Vessel vessel, string resName) { if (vessel == null) return 0d; var amount = 0d; var count = vessel.parts.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var p = vessel.parts[i]; if (!p.Resources.Contains(resName)) continue; var res = p.Resources[resName]; if(res.flowState) amount += res.amount; } return amount; } ... and I think it should rather work like this (though I'm not so sure if that catches things that are set to "no flow"): private double GetResourceInVessel(Vessel vessel, string resName) { if (vessel == null) return 0d; int id = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(resName).id; vessel.GetConnectedResourceTotals(id, out var amount, out var max); return amount; }
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