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Everything posted by guesswho2778

  1. ???... no i think? anywho i shall summon thee @Kernel Kraken
  2. Banned for posting after i alt tabbed
  3. ∞/10 do i really have to say anything here
  4. (haha cant belive i forgot to put the floor number down last time) (oh scheisse this was longer than i realized but im not scrapping it now ill just spoiler it.... skip it if you want) Floor 5070 <--- to be continued(by next poster)...
  5. Banned because i am now following you Banned again for not checking this thread as soon as you log in *cough* @GRS *cough* Banned again for not responding to a ping while your online
  6. 1/10 ive seen you once or twice
  7. 10/10 nearly every page in any forum game has at least on of your posts on it
  8. (so we still got reversed gravity huh ok i can work with this) ... *5 years later* you fall up the stairs
  9. well... *light bulb* aha... nope... WAIT!... *sigh* nope not it... *sigh* nope cant think my way out of this one
  10. Banned for not saying "Banned" Banned for being so "popular" with only 321 posts (seriously i see you everywhere)
  11. Banned for having no numbers in your username
  12. Floor 5066 after a grueling battle you make you way up the stairs once more
  13. Floor 5064 : you seem to forget why your here and start going back down the stairs but you trip on the fist step and find yourself on the next floor
  14. that is terrifying EDIT: also @Dark Lion at 0:19 was that a glass vase?
  15. im sorry for your loss i cant say i know what your going through but i know what it feels like to loose a loved one i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
  16. Banned for (probably) Stranding kerbals in space
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