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Everything posted by guesswho2778

  1. ive landed plenty of kerbals like this! just need some EVA propellant (though its monopropellant now isnt it?) and a parachute! before the days of kerbals having their own chutes KIS was what i used for eva chutes
  2. gets a random thing found on the floor inserts a CD
  3. gets your species extinction as the apes rise up and become intelligent inserts a job application form
  4. hmm... just look at humans... we arent technically predator/prey but look at how a lot of "strong" people treat the "weak" people, not necessarily right now but in the past people would enslave others for being different or "weaker" than them... and thats just because they felt like it or believed they weren't doing anything wrong. a predetor/prey species interactions (in my opinion) would be fairly similar, except it wouldn't be greed that drives it but hunger and instinct. you can say that they evolved beyond instinct but... we as humans have not... our instinct to eat overrides our mind when we are too hungry... and we (well... a lot of us) hide or freeze by instinct when we feel fear. but thats just my opinion i look forward to see other opinions emerge as i find this quite interesting and hope that i am incorrect *cough* it aint like pred/prey uhh... stories *cough*
  5. 37 (-) i was running 1.3.1 before steam decided to update it to 1.7 (or whatever we are up to right now) murdering all my saves and making my perfect selection of mods not work. for me at least, it was a good mix of "high" fps and extra parts/features
  6. 48 (-) well i guess im also representing Aussies, cause you know... im also Australian
  7. 2 (+) haha i just realized how hungry i am and now im craving pies dammit
  8. 0 (+) i want pies also i cant sleep... maybe pies will help?
  9. hmmm... tempting... ... ... ...-2... (-) ... (its midnight here so ... night guys)
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