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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. the RTG would run out eventually, and we can get moar science this way
  2. wait, just to be sure, you think I want to crash it into Enceladus? I was telling the reason why it IS crashing into Saturn, I agree with the reason, I DONT want it to crash into Enceladus or Titan
  3. I got 15, 5 per 2 months oh wait in 10 years...oh yeah, your right
  4. its so it doesn't contaminate the moons that might have life on them with the RTG and spare germs on the probe if it crashes into them and science, cant forget the science
  5. that narrows it down to 5 continents!
  6. I might be, I might not be...you will never know!
  7. I don't need a lock picker in an unlocked thread
  8. I'm somewhere in this picture:
  9. just watched Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail We Are Knights who say NI!
  10. wondering if I should get it on the one hand, free game on the other hand, its THAT game
  11. so now that its summer-ish and coming for everyone in school probably will this be going a bit faster? its a bit annoying where we have massive amounts of activity in one day and for the next few its nothing you are FORCED to play Kerbal! no exceptions! oh and a question...since we are about to roll out Mk2s, can I jump in the LP business and make a Mk2?
  13. I don't know when I get back into it one of my goals in summer is to forget the date
  14. hmmm...this looks interesting...not really a plane person but interesting... might have to try this sometime...and with summer here I can do MUCH MUCH longer
  15. I am writing this 15 minutes into summer break ha ha ha, I always spell everything right, no matter what, misspell this, stop my idea train and spell it right also fixed it
  16. you are ROCKING that flute whatever that means
  17. hello-o-o-o-o-o? anyone here? anything is appreciated
  18. I have the same question... also probably kerbal network
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