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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. I'm going to start my plane now! but first the modlist...see if I have everything okay! here's my plane! the GDS-1 Birdie! https://kerbalx.com/Stupidandy/GDS-1-Birdie I'm so going to die
  2. looks interesting, I'll have to try sometime, the submissions so far look great!
  3. I vote Boaty McBoaterface! but I'm going to finish something! I think I will put my missile on a plane! it will be an abomination! but REALLY cool!
  4. whenever I go to the beach, I never go into the water, I just build a sandcastle that will obviously be destroyed by the waves and name it stupidopolis (free cookie to whoever can figure out where I got the name!) for the past week, I was camping, I spent all my time fishing (SO! MUCH! FUN!) and caught about 30 fish in 4 days, I caught some bluegill, a few smallmouth bass, one perch! (c'mon Andy! you can do better!) and absolutely a TON of sunfish! I caught one that was less then a meter out of the dock, and it was about a foot long! and it was HUUUUUGE!!! I didn't get to keep it because we had a fish fry the day before (FIIIIIISH!!!!) from all my bounty. also a friend of mine almost caught a northern pike! he got it on his hook, but it went underneath the dock, and he almost lost the pole, the pike then escaped the hook, and went into a cloud of green goop, I think it was some from eggs, and we tried for the rest of the day to try and get it, it was so close! less then a meter! also there was so many fish! you could drop your worm into the lake, and about five fish would immediately come out and try an get it! on the last day, I tried to measure how far down the weight made the hook go, and the fish wouldn't even let me get a measurement! and a bass! the bass! I caught an estimated 15 inch bass, legally keep able, but it had a hole in its mouth, and the second I got it on the dock, it flopped so that the hook fell out of his mouth and he fell down on the dock, and flopped out into the lake! ahh, I love fishing
  5. no way! me too! but a strange fact...hmm...I think the library of congress has confirmation on this but before I saw a kerbal video there was an ad by some dog food company, after a lost battle in the revolutionary war, one of George Washington's men found a dog, the dog belonged to general Howe. some people wanted to have it in the front of the battle lines so the brits wouldn't shoot at them during a battle. some wanted to kill it, some wanted to keep it, but George Washington gave the dog back with a letter to the general, I think the letter is in the library of congress, so that's the confirmation not 100% sure, but it's a...theory..? sure why not
  6. if we're talking stories: I'll leave this here I promise I'll get back to it! I'm just bad at schedules!
  7. I've been eyeing that for a few months it might be incomplete, but worth a buy?
  8. so what are we doing again? well...a fourth of july launch WOULD be pretty cool...
  9. aww glorious gooshnag! why are they aborting!?!?!?
  10. I almost was going to miss this one! luckily I'm reviewing over everything that had happened while I was gone!
  11. I looked at that thing, and Israel seems to REALLY like Kerbal
  12. "we have submitted to the flat earthers, and we have admitted that the Moon landings were faked, and the earth is actually flat" "todays Press conference is about the shape of the earth, neither us or the flat earthers are right, turns out the earth is a dodecahedron"
  13. I remember him saying something somewhere that something is taking time so he can't do the thing yet
  14. I always liked kerbalism its just that I'm terrible at it good luck!
  15. well at least you can solve it...I never solved a cube in my life
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