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Everything posted by StupidAndy

  1. the one I originally wanted to post is found!
  2. when I saw the title I thought that Lego was going to make a Lego Saturn V and launch it like a Saturn V... this is still cool though...
  3. HORRAH! MY FIRST SATELLITES HAVE BEEN DEPLOYED! okay @Skylon, here's the info for the Corrmes CMES (I want to do this as fast as possible so I don't miss any juicy CMEs to study!) Orbit- 700x700km 0* ...that's pretty much it get in space as fast as possible! LINK https://kerbalx.com/Stupidandy/Corrmes-CMES
  4. I don't care about the base part, but the texture on the procedural part is just ugly according to me
  5. I barely ever do launches, I just build and build and build every second of every kerbal day, I build for so long I wonder why time doesn't pass in any building besides the tracking station
  6. "we got the plans for the Redstone, Atlas, Titan, Saturn V, and SLS from a pandimensional being known as Bill Cipher, we didn't get the idea from him for the space shuttle, because it was a bad idea"
  7. futurama stuff happens my hill.
  8. okay! nobody asked me, but my specialty is butting in on conversations with topics I like! also for other people like me who like a topic but know nothing about it! BEHOLD! THE SCIENCE ABOUT THE REASON THEY HAVE THOSE ELECTRIC CARTS! the reason they have those electric carts is because of if there was all of the gasoline powered cars underground, it would make tons (and I mean TONS) of carbon dioxide. now cars run on gasoline combining with air and exploding, that's what an internal combustion engine is, now if they have all of the cars expelling the CO2 all the time, that's a lot of CO2, so if there would eventually have no more O2 for engines, so they would have the engines die, now current tunnels like one in England that I forgot the name of have these towers that have the CO2 rise into the atmosphere away from the tunnel. now we cant do that in the middle of a city, because the towers will have to take out a few buildings, that would be expensive, and we all know that Elon Musk the great and powerful doesn't like large expensive things (why spacex does those cool landings (they're not just for show!)) so that wouldn't be the Elon way, and we cant put them like subway grates or there would be some weird things going on at street level with drowsy people with CO2 poisoning, so that's a ton of lawsuits, and that's expensive, so no. with those electric cars, we don't need that! they don't have internal combustion engines so they don't expel CO2, so no CO2 towers that cost a ton of money! please don't tell me I'm wrong
  9. no! nobody ever chooses me @CatastrophicFailure
  10. they can never lock it! MUAHAHHAHA!
  11. well what did you expect? our title is "nothin' but pool noodles" now eat your noodle a' la soup! waiter! what's a tiny bender doing in my soup?
  12. I love this series! hope you continue it for however long the average KSP save lasts and more!
  13. 10/10 your that crazy dres guy!
  14. its not locked! I am a bringer of truth! TRUUUUUUUUTH!!!
  15. its always awesome when one of googles doodles is of a space thing
  16. banned for having EXACTLY 427 rep! how dare you!
  18. 4/10 the only thing it taught me is what Kerbal already taught me, "moar explosions" The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (Come on, somebody had to do it!) like the books, but it actually tells you how to hitchhike your way across the galaxy for under "30 Altaritian Dollars a day!"
  19. he usually does...oh wait! this isn't the KSP reddit! good for him!
  20. so science is a problem? most contracts in early career give one science per contract. I imagine that rises significantly the further you go
  21. sorry, but due to the rules, spaceplanes are ruled "unrealistic" a helpful thing to do would be to look over the rules a few times before starting, it really helps later
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