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Posts posted by StupidAndy

  1. there is a pirated/plagerized/every illegal copied thing in history of humanity oh please kraken spaghetify him app for mobile called



    all it is is just like .25 KSP with the word kerbal out of the title

    just go to the app store and search up space program and BAM! copyright infringement


    if it is possible ( i think not really) can you get SQUAD to try and stop this horrifying copyright infringement, because i (and probably everybody else here, and if not, why are you here?) love KSP, and the devs work really hard to give us this, and i am really REALLY mad/sad/ready to kill the guy who made it when i see the app/google search for KSP free

    so please try and stop this person from ruining our beloved KSP

    wow, really deep... i should stop...

    hey! 50 posts! and no messages from the mods to "stop doing that! that is bad!" yay!

  2. cheat codes are

    A) useless, there is already a menu for them

    B) will make KSP like any other game, or even *shudder* like a *shudder even more* a FPS...ughhh

    C) just why will you use cheat codes? it will ruin the game for you! !WARNING! I WILL SOUND LIKE SOME REALLY STUPID GUY YOU ALL PROBABLY HATE, FOR THE NEXT SENTENCE! The journey is half the fun!

  3. this is good idea, i get bored of the normal career every once and a while, so i leave and come back a month later, this could make me not go away and come back later!

    sorry, just came back from this, not advertising!

    but i have one question, if you get rid of science points and so forth, why do you need to use experiments anymore? i mean, you just do the supersonic thing, get more plane parts, do better rocket stuff, you get more rocket parts, why do you need experiments? are they just for money gain? if so there is a mod for it already

    if not, why do you need experiments anymore?

    if this was answered already, just ignore me, i just read the first post and some of the first page so i might have missed some.

  4. -48 +



    why i did this nobody knows

































  5. i really didn't know about kerbalism having comms, i thought that there was only RT and the stock one (and signal delay, but i think that it might only be something for signal delay (hence the title), I'm not really sure if it has a commnet) but the solar flare effecting the comms sounds like a good idea, too bad 3/5ths of the mods i download either don't work or break the game :( 

  6. so i keep seeing thinks like RO-RSS, and other acronyms like that, i keep getting konfused, and i don't want more people to, so i ask you, ESPECIALLY YOU STEVE, the players of KSP, to help me fill up this repository with the acronyms of the add ons so people can understand what the heck the acronyms mean

    all i know is: 

    • RSS- real solar system
    • RO- realism overhaul
    • KAS- kerbal attachment system
    • KIS- kerbal inventory system
    • KCT- kerbal construction time

    so please help me fill this up for the new KSP players, and people like me, who tried googling (wait? is googleing a word?) the things, looking at the reddit to find it, and looking at the forums to find out what it means

    PS can you help me find out what RP-O means?

  7. On 11/24/2016 at 7:49 AM, kerbiloid said:

    They will be affiants for the High Court of Intergalactic Robot Empire and tell that humans intentionally kill robots.

    why do some people think the voyagers have turned sapient? and why does that have to do with anything! there over a trillion miles away and gaining!

    they cant do anything to the human race anymore

    besides make a virus and send it to the mainframe of the human computer core

    other then that nothing!

  8. try using US2

    ill boot it up and send you pictures if i can

    • find out how to take them
    • find out how to post them, i tried to make a KSP meme thing for the forum game, but it didn't have a HTML thingy

    ill send you pics if i can figure out how to do that

    EDIT: i dont need to boot it up, after about 5000*K it either turns to a burning gas giant, or just a blur of blue light

    EDIT 2: they have a sim for it, it just turns to gaseous everything

  9. I dont know why i did this...

    so i was in career mode, yada yada yada, got to orbit, yada yada yada, and then, Jeb died, yada yada yada, then i upgraded the astronaut complex, VAB, tracking station, and mission control

    so i thought "oh hey! i can do EVAs now! lets do a polar orbit to get all the biomes!" which in itself is a great idea, but thats not what went bad.

    so i got all the biomes but the badlands, which i got eventually, but had to wait a day, so that wasn't so bad, thank you [X]science!

    so i had all the biomes, but top of atmosphere, which you all should know the best place is at the very top.

    then i started re-entry

    this is where it goes bad.

    i had Xsci closed, and i thought "hey! lets see what science i can get!" and i saw. at this point I'm at about 54000m, so just above re-entry heating getting visible, so i couldn't see the re entry heating, even though it is there

    so all the science that i could get on this ship (nothing big, just capsules, drogue chutes, parachutes, that container thing i keep forgetting the name for, and some science stuff in the container) was an EVA, so i thought "lets quickly do it"

    but at the exact moment i clicked EVA, the re-entry heating started to show.

    i talked for a long time, so i'll just say, there was cooked green stuff.

    so now, every time i re-enter, i always have to remind myself "dont EVA during re-entry!" which i keep thinking, why did i try that in the first place?

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