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Posts posted by StupidAndy

  1. everyone realizes that Alexander the Great has terrible weapons compared to today so nobody takes him seriously

    democratic hill

    oh and if ATG attacks us we have the combined armies of the US, Russia, China, and Disney to defend us

  2. granted, but you can only draw things nobody knows/cares about

    i wish i discovered KSP earlier then sometime in may this year

    1 hour ago, Kosmonaut said:

    Granted. However, you get addicted to roblox

    me for 5 years, oh the time that was wasted, half the games are copies of other games on steam, so it can be counted as a piracy site :0.0:


  3. how would the mechanism of bloaking work, i mean, nothing can really not be detected by radar, and the ones that can use the structure of the plane/anything else that can stealth to bounce the radar signal away from the radar tracking station, so they don't get not detected (DOUBLE NEGATIVES!) they just bounce the signal away so it cant be recovered, so it doesn't get tracked, another way would to deploy chaff, which is some sort of pieces of tinfoil like stuff, that big bombers deploy so the bomber doesn't get detected until its too late, so how would the boaking work?

    it might be the first option, but that would make it extremely expensive to design and build, but chaff would make it have lots of space junk, basically giving them away.

    or did you just think it up

    i think the third option :rolleyes:

    cant wait for chapter 16!

  4. i Am the one person in the world who likes both the SLS and the Orion capsule. but i know that all that SLS and Orion is is just a Saturn V with  SRBs strapped to the side, and Orion is just a bigger Apollo capsule

    but NASA going completely commercial, only relying on SpaceX and Boeing for transport, no, this is the program that got us to the moon just over two decades after WWII ended, not only will NASA not allow it, and it will be much more expensive due to the small fees (look out! there multiplying!), but they just want to have complete control over their manned spaceflight, kind of like the worlds worst space travel mechanism, the STS.

    oh and also the US government is kind of stuck-up, saying they would rather have their astronaut die then have it happen like The Martian, so they don't want to lose their space program PR, so they will step in and force them to make a manned capsule rather then just dumping all the work on some commercial companies.

  5. 1293578190238750189-2375409182309571-20375817235908162437089561298037589102739810tgy80734ry1980237y918203yr8923y81723yr h81723r7812h378rh12 387hr1 2873 rh8172 hf87erh8f 172378rt128731f8723hfd8712 f781r239rf 81729 f18274 fg871243f8712487yr18923f87192g34f87192g3cv297386vf1792b3r 18273r


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