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obney kerman

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Everything posted by obney kerman

  1. Perfect! Just give the legs a docking port on the top and good to go!
  2. Temporary base? Staging ground? Research lab? I am so confused!
  3. Oh. Well... I have never written anything on this forum.
  4. I might want to help you out with this project. I would need some details to write a story however. After skimming the demo I see some great potential in this for a good story. I will likely attempt to contribute to the best of my ability.
  5. Oh, so it's Nimzo not Clauselle. Yay! I mean... aww. EDIT: It looks like Kenlie has become genre savvy.
  6. "Get out and push". A time-honored spaceflight method when fuel has run low.
  7. DUN DUN DUUUUNN!!!! Sounds like either a glitch, or, you're... lying? Hey! Hey what are you... MMMPH! MMMFFFF!
  8. Well... bullets from sidearms are heavier than ones from machine guns! some of the time...
  9. I have been trying to use BDarmory in 1.3.1, and All my craft that I built in 1.2 are compatible, but the BDarmory parts menu has disappeared, and my weapons still won't fire! Has anyone else had this problem?
  10. EMP device? We need to create shielding for our fighters! Probably not. The EMP may reach the ground as well, and they may have dedicated bomber craft.
  11. I agree. We need to know about the Laytheans so we can exploit their technology get more Science!
  12. "Upon rolling out our new spacecraft, the launchpad collapsed. We determined that the problem was not enough boosters."
  13. Remember this? What could this have to do with The Species... *Tinfoil hat on*
  14. Granted. He notices how evil you are and goes on a quest to kill you. I wish for a drone.
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