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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. A picture of me proposing quicksands for one of the Ominoul's moons:


    (We've got progress, thanks you so much to @mivanit)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WinkAllKerb''
    3. Cabbink


      Make the liquid so un-dense(is that a word) that craft sink in it at 4 m/s or something super high, and they have to fire engines very powerful to lift off.

    4. mivanit


      yeah, the plan so far is a retexture and super high density for the liquid :) good luck not drowning!

  2. defusing the stop cact watre water ctta
  3. Всё новое это хорошо забытое старое ''Vsyo novoye - eto horosho zabыtoye staroye.
  4. So i took out my Iphone with a special constanstellation map programm. I got Wi-Fi connected. Got my geo-location aligned. All the stuff to be sure for maximum. And the thing is that it doesn't belong to any constranstellation, it is not even visible, i have perseus to the right from it. None of the constanstellations even look like that. Wot.
  5. Here is a prewiew for KSP wiki i plan to make.




    (Fun Fact: this won't be in the official KSP Wiki because absolutelt none of the KSP wiki developers are interested in this kind of crap)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WinkAllKerb''
    3. Clonos


      nice, where is kerbin tho and since when is duna the 3rd planet

    4. xendelaar


      love the artwork and also love the disclaimer. I bet that took quite some time to make. Looks sweet brah

  6. Well, i am living not in the centre of Moscow. I am in 0dinstsovo town, so the clow thickness is not that much like at Moscow and some of the stars are visible pretty good in the late evening and night.
  7. T5L3 L1KE T15T

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GDJ


      I'm guessing that it translates to "Talk like this".


    3. Urses


      That it would be more like?

      74lk l1k3 7h15 ..?

      45 y0u 5ee 17 15 p0551bl3

    4. The Raging Sandwich
  8. Cool Things To DO (CTTD) ------------------------------ @cubinator Galaxy, a collab with Adstriduum. Note: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2017/hubble-sees-nearby-asteroids-photobombing-distant-galaxies @ProtoJeb21 YY Brown Dwarf Note: Auroras, Auroras everywhere @Cabbink Jupiter's Hemispheres. Note: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/chandra/images/the-dynamic-duo-jupiters-independently-pulsating-x-ray-auroras.html @Pine I know you really don't care. Storm clouds of Earth/Venus Note: try to do them in close-up @Adstriduum Collab with cubinator. Note: Let cubinator color the outskirts, you do the central part. @RoadRunnerAerospace Haumea with rings. Note: Use dark filtres. @ModerndayLink Saturnian Dawn. Note: Use SE for reference, or any Cassini picture. esinohio Fomalgaut B Note: use your imagination @DeltaDizzy Any exoplanet you would like to draw. Note: if not sure, ask ProtoJeb. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Hello guys! I made a signature picture pack, especially for you!


    That means you can get a patch, that nobody had before!


    Now you might ask "how do i get one?"

    It is simple! PM me and i will make it!

    Just choose the type of signature patch you want and i will make it!

    Tell me the text and i will do that!

    Tell me the colors and i will recolor!







  10. I figured out which stars are those! Those are partially Gemini stars and Orion! (With most being Gemini) (Fun fact: I am gemini)
  11. Not really. No. I noticed them staring into the night sky.
  12. It's definitely not the Ursa Minor, it is way way way tinier.
  13. I don't know the American time system or however it is called. But let's say at 17:30 (day) sun sets at 7:20 sun rises. I saw the stars at 22:30.
  14. Not really. It was late evening, or just night.
  15. No. Yes. A bit (not sure).Well, they don't fade all together, like a Christmas lights. They disappeared at 5:35 AM.
  16. The intersting part is that the stars were much dimmer than ALL the surrouning ones. But that's probably Delphinus or Pleades. Slightly smaller.
  17. Yeah, i've been walking my dog, and saw something looking like Ursa Major or something, but it was very small and was fading periodically. I couldn't normally picture that. So i drew a sketch! To me it looked like that Some of the "lights" were blinking with a perioud from 1-3 seconds. What kind of canstanstellation am i looking at. (Russia, Moscow)
  18. When you friend finds himself a loser whilest you are a complete untalented unapreciated loser

    And you sit there like:


    1. NSEP


      You are the least loser person i know, pal.

      I know a kid who spent €600 on Roblox, you can probably buy a smartphone with that money. Now thats what i call loser.

      You can draw cool things and have smart project ideas but my all my friend can do is play Roblox right?

    2. cratercracker


      Well, at least he has 600€...

      Jeez i just found a typo.

      "When your friend finds a girlfriend"

      Goddamit cratercracker, thats like highest spike of your stupidity.

    3. NSEP


      Intelligence > Grammar


      Intelligence = Grammar


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