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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. This is how it feels like when you are re-entering and the craft begins over-heating like crazy and spinning:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Urses


      And you try like crazy to hit the right tanks and pump the fuel up the front to regain control. XD?

    3. Cabbink


      Quicksaves man.

    4. Urses


      Quicksaves feel like cheating... they are only there to make us krakenproof:wink:

  2. mrw someone said that Dres doesn't exist.
  3. Yes, you can put it in game, just find the folder "flags" and drop it into.
  4. (note: it can't be SQUAD or SQUAD's employees, because they all are important to us, no matter what) Here is the correct and define question: Who do you think is the closest and most relative user you have on this fourm? ---------------------------------- To me, it is my friend @xendelaar Particularly because it all started with him, my first commision, my first friend and basicly my first supporter. He got hundreds flags and patches from me and i got 100 fair critiques and nice reviews from him. Xendelaar also has an amazing talent of doing hardcore in KSP, which is was always astronishing to me as i barely leave the sandbox mode!
  5. It sure is mate! Call me if you need something! (flag/patch/advertisment/idea)
  6. @Space Kadet ------------------------ "Right, get up and do it again" - 100-150-50 ------------------------ Here is a flag for your future missions! Enjoy~ - *KEK- Kerbal Explosive Kolonisation
  7. (for anyone who reads this: Pain the arm, especiall when you draw,write is something as hellish as going though 10 pages of flat-earth youtube comments.)
  8. @scottadges --------------------- "Cravases have something special about them" 100-70-50 ------------------------ Flag/Patch for your mission to Jool. With a small red dot, to keep your attention :). Enjoy~
  9. I just shouted "Wow!" probably more than i've been supposed to.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cratercracker


      Translation of the post:

      "Does it look similar? Just don't look at the hollow second stage, it is just a sketch, you know :wink:."

    3. NSEP


      He made it in 3D? Thats awesome!



      Dayum! That's a nice model.

  10. Похоже и ещё как! У вас огромный талант к моделированию! (одно лишь отличие это то что синяя полоска должна быть бирюзовая)
  11. This is going to be pretty! And i know it! And i knew it! Good luck!
  12. Banned for me being slightly confused.
  13. When you promised yourself to download just one font, but accidentally  installed 5 more.





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Clonos



      i just misclick stuff for some reason

    3. xendelaar
    4. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      That's my line!

  14. It happens time to time, there aren't so many people that can draw.
  15. I am an artist that uses MSpaint, PROBLEMS HUH? MSPAINT SUCKS HUH? HUH!??!!? I AM AVID HUH!?! ( jk of course) Here are some of my favourites: REMAINED SCHAEFFER They can be foun here: https://www.dafont.com/new.php?page=2
  16. I did the google search first, just posted here to see if community has something interesting or/and something that is difficult to find via googling. Thank you anaway!
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