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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. Sanbox game must not have any story mod, it tends to end badly. Take a look at Minecraft:story mode (i honestly forgot how is it called)
  2. @Cpt Kerbalkrunch ----------------------------- "80 foot of overhanging ice'' ---------------------------------------------------- Enjoy~
  3. I am also a fan of mk1-2! Should i make a patch for your future exploration?
  4. @GreenWolf -------------------- "A man, soldier, a president, there an equal justice for all" 150-200 ------------------------------------- Your welcome!
  5. Why are they missing? Maybe because they are way too old? Or maybe because old and not up-to-date vehicles get scapped!?
  6. I can enhance it, if you want! "Whats with the gun?" it is a quote from Hotline Miami 2, i just add random quotes to the presented patches/art, don't pay attention. Okay! But you can always use mine for your future missions!
  7. @lajoswinkler ----------------------- "Whats with the gun?" ----------------------------------------------------- A flag for your ingame missions! - Your welcome!
  8. @The_Cat_In_Space -------------------------------- "Tony Kurtz mumbled his last words: "U..Unfinished" ------------------------------------------------ This is a patch/flag i made for you!' Enjoy~
  9. @Snark (don't know if that is a repost, i just forget wether posted here or not) ------------- "This is what we live for" 200-150 ------------ Your welcome!
  10. @SpaceplaneAddict ------------------------------ "I was very ambitious and athletic" 150-200-100 --------------------------------- This is a second patch for everyone who wants it, painted in green-neonica style. Just to alter the old one, not to replace it of course
  11. Wow, today i got 19 notifications.

    And the most surprising thing is that it is not the status updates.

    1. NSEP


      Whaaa? Most at the time its only status update gunk! Cool!

    2. cratercracker
  12. По cути, да. Дело в том что Охотское, Японское море и Тихий океан не всегда спокойны. Более того штормы в этих районах очень сильны. Это грозит несколькими опасностями- 1. Ступень может быть унесена течением в Китай или Японию. 2. Ступень может быть повреждена сильными ударами волн.
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