1.Reason to go to Venus
When we say "colonisation" we always think of cities on Mars, but what about Venus? Can we prove that humanity can adapt, improvise, overcome the dangers of planetary inhospitity? And what if Mars colonization will fail? What if horribe riots will accure?
Both rockets will be launched from "Vostochniy" Kosmodrome, randezvous in LEO and dock, beginning their trip to Venus.
The DIVINE ONE will have 4 people on-board.
The crew will consist of:
-Pilor assistant
The DIVINE-ONE will enter Venus's atmosphere, taking scientific readings, for the future floating colonies.
Then, the Vessel will leave the atmosphere, and stabilize its orbit, spending 2 days around Venus, exploring it from aside
Then, it will decouple the Fuel tank and make a its way back to earth, where it will aerobrake and splash down in the Ohotskoe sea, using aerobrake/powered/parachute descent.
This is it! GO ON! KILL ME! ROAST ME!