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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. Done, done and done! And the last one is Alaska! I initially wanted to troll you with the Russian flag, but thought it will be too political. So i did this: Changed Big Dipper to a purple aurora. The color of aurora can differ depending on which city you live in!
  2. I acknowledged your request long ago. The only problem is that this is not a country, it is something bigger, something to be not addressed here. But if you want a flag for that, PM me. Sounds good! And also, what is CSA?
  3. Banned for not puting the Elcano challenge in your signature. Banned for ninja'ing me.
  4. This night i cried 4 hours straight. Just because of one thing. All my classmates, have a girlfriend or/and lots of friends. I got nothing. I am somehow strongly antisocial. Even my best friend, who is actually a nerd, has a lot of friends that are happen to be girls. I am pretty tall for my age, and for your knowledge, being the tallest dude of 23 other people feels bad. It hurts my bones, heart and brain. I neither very strong and sporty, nor very clever. The only thing i am best at is English language, but i don't think that this will last long. Hurts.
  5. Mrw When the customer says:

    "Let your imagination run wild"


    Read more  
    1. Clonos


      W H Y   I S   Y O U R   L O C A T I O N   B L O O D B A T H 


      and ye thats me too when a customre says ''let your imagination run wild'' lmao

    2. cratercracker


      F I N D T H E A N S W E R Y O U R S E LF

  6. When you completed the puzzle in 3 years, while the box said that 5+.
  7. 60 Years ago, the "Sputnik" satellite has been launched into low earth orbit. Little probe was lifted by a rocket, with an edenticall name- Sputnik. This achievement blast-waved though the world, starting the new era.. The era of space exploration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Help me add more images to this by PM-ing me.
  8. I'll be an embaressment to myself i won't draw something to this theme.
  9. Not as cool as y'all stuff but here is my two armored vehicles: Both look not so cool but are very durable. For example the tank presented above can destroy VAB without shooting, nor damadging itself. Also here is a little commercial i made for them:
  10. Come on request are easy to make and take just a few minutes to be completed!
  11. True that. And also 10/10, gotta love those fonts and smoothness!
  12. That's the best tutorial i've ever read!
  14. Nah, i tried. Looked not really nice.
  15. Links and stuff. Usuall, eh.. 8.5/10
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