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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. You have the time to do that the next day at least, i hope so.
  2. This deserves way more appreciation in y opinion.
  3. A good first post mate! Great to see people like you!
  4. + Okay, @DeltaDizzy, you are in, just like your Rhea. I thought it will be just disrespectful to not let you in, so much effort!
  5. That's the fun part! In case of HD 189733b, it is the fun of showing it in the most original form possible. The Kepler-37e, is a different story, here i want to see what's on your mind, it up to you to think what it looks like. Also, are you in?
  6. Hi @Glitchgamer12! Welcome to the forum, if you have a question, ask,i bet there will be someone who will answer it! If you have a talent-share it!
  7. Okay, yeah, i am bored. So have an astronaut that will take part in one of my projects:
  8. So are the moons of Uranus. They are really dark and unfeaturous.
  9. Lol screw description i am just going to paste the link 

    When it took an hour to make an image like this and you realise that it is really small when you paste it:


    1. DeltaDizzy


      When you want to kill a meme by finishing a drawing but you forgot the.kra(with layers) at your house and your on vacation:


      Just Imagine when I go to do Hygeia!


    2. V7 Aerospace

      V7 Aerospace

      When you spend an hour precisely cutting out a photo for a transparent PNG.

      Then you accidentally save it as a JPEG.. ;.;


  10. Uranian system and stuFF. Miranda Ariel Umbriel Titania Oberon Me after doing this
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