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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. What if 2012 was actually apocalypse, and now we all are in hell?

    Like, really.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. NSEP


      Oh god my brain.

    3. Urses


      We can look at it as Hohlvein said.

      The World is a Myth. 

      There is somewhere a funny looking Octopus and write a scifi story about "what if our world had greater landmasses", and here we are and think it was some sort of evolition....

    4. cratercracker


      What if 2012 was actually apocalypse, and everything we see now is just pre-death hallucinations?

  2. But.. Butt.. But the cheryumov-gerasimenko is already done? Isn't it?
  3. Don't forget to involve other pееps. I would like to see more art from @DeltaVerb
  5. Thanks for not abandoning this thread guys! I will give out task to both teams. @cubinator -Do moon systems of the gas giant in line. -interesting surface features (optional) @ProtoJeb21 -An attempt at drawing nebulae -Poles of the gas giants (optional)
  6. Wot do u even know about ring particles m8? U wot m9?
  7. Welcome to da Club! I am adding (or already added it) you right now! It happened so that you joined right at the time of my "vacation". You are a part of cubinator's team, he will be the one giving away the task according to your skill and style. Although you can also do something on your own!
  8. I am actually way too young for Melatonin. I got "Zirtek", which is a Russian product. I don't really like it, I am just tripping balls and go dizzly-dazzling after taking those.
  9. I hate my brain. This is 10th night and 9th day I am not sleeping. Like the only time I actually slept was like an hour when I dropped dead on th coach. What The Hell
  10. Hi guys! I will soon leave into forests for 2 weeks or so, I will give cubinator and protojeb a privilege to take on what I am usually doing-giving out tasks and cool things to draw. So I devided da club into 2 "teams" (no you are not competing, don't even try) Dudes Task-dude: @cubinator Theme: solar system His team: @RoadRunnerAerospace @Pine @DeltaVerb (new, cool guy) Dudes too Task-dude: @ProtoJeb21 Theme: exoplanets @Cabbink @ModerndayLink64 @Adstriduum
  11. Don't be confused, he will post it up, soon. It is the whole solar system done in his very own way! It is super cool!
  12. All of the people that participated! You can put ToTM badge into. your signature!
  13. As many as you can Why do takeover the forum with my art?
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